Why do straight people get so triggered that gays have a parade once a year and some wear speedos? Have you never been to a beach?
Pride Parades
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We're just trying to warn you what it's going to be like when you can't look anywhere without seeing how gross straights are.
read the history of the march. They're projecting force which bigoted CIS males can't do anything about
Huh I am gay and cis and a male, I just am not attracted to females. I wear shorts and a t-shirt to pride. There's lots of families and little kids. If some people want to dress like sluts, that's nothing American women don't do in public places.
Because the beach is a place to walk around in your speedos, im not even anty-gay, but i consider walking around half naked and dry-humping each other to be obseen and something that shold not be done on the streets. If in pride parade you want to show people that you are normal, you have failed
I've been to pride and here at least I don't see a lot of near-nudity. Perhaps more in SF and NYC. But that's again a personal choice and it doesn't hurt kids anymore than them seeing women at the beach. Its one day a year and you breeders just get assblasted over it like it affects you personally.
I'm not triggered by homosexuals, but by an enormous crowd having sex all over the main streets of a city.
Public sex is not legal, and from what I know is not a part of pride parades. They have those Puerto Rican pride parades where women get raped in the streets and nobody ends those. I think its just straight people who don't want gay people public about it and most of the parade is wearing costumes and waving around signs and rainbow flags. Its harmless fun and because of a few cherry-picked pictures of scantily-clad dudes wearing nothing that wouldn't be seen at Olympic Diving you guys are triggered as hell.
Dude, i use to go to pride, im for gay rights, but there are always thouse few faggots who want to show everyone how much they love cock and how they need it up their ass and in their moth 24/7, it's not that there is a lot of it, it's that it is there at all, if you want to show people you are notmal, show them that you are normal, no sane person walks around just in their undies, espiecaially if it's a thong in the city
>wearing underwear at the beach
Well like if they have sex in public or are naked they should be arrested yes, but that doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't enjoy it. Here at least they promote it explicitly as family friendly and the worst thing I saw was a few guys in short-shorts. Most people dressed rather normally, some in costume certainly but not like naked. I think maybe a few big cities have degen stuff and that becomes the public image rather than a place where gay youth and gay families can celebrate the fact that we can openly be this way and we used to have to hide it.
Its not underwear. Are you fucking retarded?
Are you saying there's something under it? Dildos, cock rinks, chastity belts, and other sex toys don't count.
No but there's nothing under any swim trunks except I often see niggers wearing boxers under swim trunks. Many have a built in liner. Are you a female? Never seen competitive swimming? You get that at YMCA they had nude swimming until 50 years ago.
The same reason why Jews were triggered by Nazis marching through the streets.
>not underwear
Swimwear =/= underwear. Do you think board shorts are underwear?
I think that is SF where public nudity is allowed. I don't support that.
No, I'm not female, and I have high regard for the beauty of the male form. But swimwear is underwear regardless of liners and if niggers don't know how to use it.
>why do you care, it doesn't affect you
you can wear silk underwear and it's still underwear. You are just trying to establish slippery slope,faglord
Its swimwear. They are considered different items. I don't wear swimming trunks under my clothes nor do I wear underwear at the pool.
But nothing goes under it. That's literally the definition of underwear. Don't give gays a bad name by giving into Jewish Marxist Relativism.
Do you wear any layer beneath your (((swim gear)))?
>it doesn't hurt kids anymore than them seeing women at the beach
Citation fucking needed.
Do women on the beach walk around with dildos and banana hammocks? Do they gesticulate and grind up on each other? Do they sloppily and aggressively make out with one another in the most spotlight seeking way imaginable? Stop exposing young children to sexual behavior. Yes, the human body is the human body, but there's a difference between teaching a kid what a penis is, and them seeing a grown man windmilling his dick in public.
Seriously you don't think they are separate items? So the thing Sup Forums is offended most by is guys who wear swimwear at parades?
I'm not offended by swimwear. If you're there to swim, then swimwear is appropriate and expected. If you're there to parade down the street then you're abusing swimwear.
I'm not even offended by nude beaches. I just avoid them because I have better things to look at.
There's a difference between being offended and thinking something is retarded. Take your post, for example. I think it's retarded. But I'm not offended by it.
Stop pretending we're concern trolling when we take issue with strange adults exposing themselves to children in the name of "tolerance." That's cause for legitimate concern.
But just the parades I have been to most people dress normally. Typically in big cities, from the pictures I see, there's a few guys dressed in skimpy stuff on the parade floats but that's not the crowd. I mean there's all sorts of parades with women in bikinis.
But you're still parading. I don't need a parade just because I'd rather put my penis into a vagina. Neither do you.
And unless I were in Japan at a national penis parade for the lulz or something, I wouldn't even consider taking my time out of the day to go associate myself with people parading sex of any sort in the street.
Because pride parades are often used as an excuse not to celebrate gay 'culture' but to simply laud things that should be kept out of the public. I don't care what you are, if you think its acceptable to walk down the street in broad daylight dressed up in fetish gear then you're disgusting.
Ok so don't come to the parade and certainly don't send your kids if you think its so unwholesome.
Also, avoid beaches, and competitive swim matches and watching the Olympics in summer. Have you considered Islam?
Islam is backward. Stop changing the subject.
If you have a legitimate purpose for wearing skimpy clothing I don't care. People who have to do actual labor in hot places do it all the time. Even autistic Finns go to saunas together because that's nice. People shower and go to the bathroom together. But when you make it about your sexuality then that's gross.
I don't wear skimpy clothing to parades or support that I just don't think it means the whole parade should be shut down or somehow I should be held responsible. Are you the guy who posted the story about the "run and tug" game in the locker rooms the other week?
Is this woman logic or gay logic because I fail to see any connection
No, I've never heard of "run and tug." And personally I don't even care about homoerotic behavior among straight guys because it turns out that's pretty normal, just like how some guys are gay.
The point is you're supposed to be having common decency and you're supposed to take personal responsibility for your behavior. Nothing more, nothing less. Straights and gays don't have a hard time getting along when they don't cause problems for each other.
I don't care to know what my friend's sexual fetishes are, and I don't care to know what yours is. I would be every bit as embarrassed if I saw somebody I knew seriously marching down the street for some other fetish, or in the name of a "run and tug" or whatever else.
Well can you show hard evidence that somehow pride parades are hurting kids when they can turn on the internet and see hardcore porn 24/7?
I'm gay and I think pride is absolutely disgusting. We should've stayed deep in the closet.
Once again, you are changing the subject, just as with the Islamic remark, by trying to draw false associations. This is the very nature of Jewish Marxist Relativism.
If you want to say that we shouldn't have so much hardcore porn all over the internet, then go raise a ruckus in a nofap thread or something instead of trying to defend gay parades. Personally, I think kids would be better off having more common sense than to plaster naked pictures and videos of themselves all over the internet, or to think that this is what normal people do. But there will always be porn just like there will always be gays and prostitutes. It's a matter of balance.
I'm not changing the subject I don't think its harming kids. I don't think its most kids at pride and I don't think they are somehow scarred for life seeing a guy in a pink speedo.
>some wear speedos
Pic related happens at your average "pride parade".
That's not even pride thats a BDSM festival in SF for adults. Nobody is bringing their kids to that and I never, as a gay male, would allow mine.
I'll tell you what I don't want to see my dad in a speedo and he's never even worn a pink one. But if that's what he likes to wear to the beach or in the pool then whatever. Other men I don't really want to look that hard at do it, too.
Aggrandizing this is the problem, and especially in front of kids. What's even worse is that in this entire thread you've not pointed out how this leads to anybody of any age thinking it's normal to have transsexualism plastered everywhere and normalized. If anything, you should take a more sane view of yourself so that you can continue to be happily gay on your own instead of victimized as a group.
I'm gay. I'm not a tranny. I don't approve of them but I cannot somehow stop them from doing what they do.
Gays shouldn't have kids at all. You must be very psychologically damaged to not understand this.
Even worse. Bye-bye!
That is a photograph from pride parade in Prague from two years ago.
folsom st fair?
shit makes pride look like a school fair
Well I'm not sure why your country allows public nudity...
>straight people
Latent homosexuals aren't "straight".
Real straight people don't give a shit.
Gay here, I fucking hate pride parades because it's exactly what we campaigned against. Gays are normal, we don't need some camp muscled up retards gyrating on each other to prove our own self-worth as a community. More often than not it's an excuse for these boneheads to show off their abs