/ma/ meme armory

This thread is devoted to providing weaponized memes for anons to arm themselves with for the coming battle today against the endless tide of shills

Hillary Clinton is about to turn the spotlight on us

Get ready

Other urls found in this thread:






Has autism gone too far?








only picture you need



spam this image to freak out alt left.



that is bush


Anyone have an idea for a better header for this?

was also thinking "Days since last Hillary Lie" or something






fug, 10/10

When is she giving this speech? Every article i read does not mention an actual time when she is giving it.



Applicable to many shills

this is a world-wide memetic assault


CTR loves me



you sorry fucking Sup Forumstard losers, too worthless and useless to have any real impact, so you all delude yourself into thinking your tryhard image macros matter even 1 iota -- and you're newfag enough to call them "memes," kys faggot


Now that hillary is bringing the spot light to pol you have to use all hillary nazi shit. Behave like a pro hillary pro white nazi.

Find out her dirty deeds like youtube.com/watch?v=Da5Q2NY4au0

the other quote where she quoted hitler, meme that.

Meme the girl with the hillary her arrow point tattoo whilst wearing a nazi arm band.

etc. use it agaisnt her. Hillary will flood this board with normies so the alt right needs to embrace hillary while being as nazi and pro white as possible.

They'll freak out and suicide.

Hillary is now your temporary pol goddess for the mean time that hillary brings pol to the mainstream and the mainstream to pol.

4d chess



lol drumpf supporters trying this hard
it will be all the more funny when he loses :^)


/r/'ing a meme warfare badge dump
Anyone got the 'we are the new jews' one?

Chill shill

Trump wont win. I have accepted this as fact. I hate the idea of Hillary Clinton as President, and I think Trump might be a plant. But him being a plant worked. He shamed Jeb! and Rubio into defeat, and neutralized the only Republican who would wipe the floor with Hillary (Kasich).

Trump might be a plant, but it was Republican Primary voters who put him where he is.


Totally, bro!!! I can't wait until that nigger-lover loses in a land slide!


For the mean time that the public are viewing pol the alt right racists are in support of hillary. No more trump atm.

Just pro white, pro nazi, pro hillary racist inflammatory shit.

Her weapon will be used against her.

Hillary is the new goddess of pol.




We need ammo over here

my meme folder was deleted




How do you like these sheep eyes?


someone make something with this picture of Hillary looking like a triangle




fuck off you sorry faggot, i literally have 3 diff websites set up for the sole fucking purpose of taking money from hill shills and dropping it right in my fucking paypal; but why don't you and your 3 fucking friends tell me how much success you've had with your cringe-as-fuck image macros and Photoshop CS2??

Hilldog is the new saviour and god queen of pol.

Get everything from her racist past and bring it to light in these trying times that she has brought to mainstream to pol.

Let the mainstream see how much the alt right wants hillary as our president and scare the alt left away from her.


>fuck off you sorry faggot
> tell me how much success you've had with your cringe-as-fuck image macros
>and Photoshop CS2

Hahahaha triggered. Take some more pics.

please you did this for sam hyde. Every shooting theres a meme of him tied to the klan.

Hillary must be our new alt right white pride queen of pol to save pol from destruction.

If only temporary to bring in the mainstream that will be here very soon.

Defeat her by embracing her, this is one of the darkest places on the net that will provide endless triggering and suicide to the left.

Embrace your queen faggots.












created few days ago

Wasn't there some mild scandal about the Clintons leaving the Whitehouse with loads of furniture and having to return it?

Wtf I love Hillary now

My killary subfolder has 180 pics. CTR must be thrilled.


>implying they will come to Sup Forums at all

It's not like she's going to name the board lmao. Actually I bet she will blame Reddit


aka some worthless eurotrash from a country that doesn't matter full of people who don't matter, trying as hard as he can to fit in with Americans on the internet -- you're a loser for sure; your only saving grace is that you're Finn "durr we r not euro-peein'" garbage, hence there was no option for you to be part of the political process, hence you don't really have a role that you're failing to play

but for all the American Sup Forumstard trash, who sit and spend hours on shitty image macros instead of running proper fucking disinformation campaigns?? fucking pathetic, total fucking disgrace to the spirit of this board, stranded on fucking newfag island without 1 iota of 1 clue, as bad as kids who came to /i/ to find myspace passwords so they could brag about being teh 137 h4>Xtl;dr rent a gun, buy a bullet

please leave ahmed


can someone upload these on a single zip?

Hahahaha u mad bro.

Posts like yours motivate me to post more.

>when that breakdown hits

This is what I want to feel from metal

Kek blessed you




Lets use our meme magic to make her POTUS



You're doing Kek's work OP, thank you.