One of my best friends is voting for Clinton for god knows why. He loves guns, the Military...

One of my best friends is voting for Clinton for god knows why. He loves guns, the Military, the Police and other shit but for some reason he actually bought into Trump is a racist meme, and says he can't tolerate not letting Muslims into the US. I'm black, and even I can't fucking convince him that she's the fucking devil. How do I proceed with changing his mind? He's educated and will definitely listen to facts and reason. Can people drop some infographics and shit I can show him?

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Your friend is voting for Clinton because he's not fucking retarded. Trump is wholly unprepared to be president by any standard.

Well hes going to love getting drafted to fight Hillarys wars.

Look at it this way. Trump is either completely serious about placing a ban on Muslim immigration or he's pandering to racists by pushing the ban as one of his major campaign platforms. Best case scenario, he's a charlatan. Worst case scenario, he's a racist. He's not a good candidate either way.
>in b4 "how is being racist a bad thing?"

Your friend is an objectively bad person, because he is voting for a criminal. It's a shame, you should probably have made better friends.

Tell him you hate Muslims because they're all racists, he'll have to do quite a few leaps of mental gymnastics to figure out that one.

She and her husband have nothing but a history of shady abuses of power.

Tell him he's a fucking retard if he's honestly ok with this shit continuing



This a thousand times, this. Hillary hates blacks and wants to bring those superpredators to their heels.

Can't wait for WWIII and killing Muslims

Let him fill out one of those political agreement forms.

Try again.

Tell him she voted against Black Rights in the 60's

>Ban on Muslim
If you said bigotry, you would have a case but being muslim isn't a matter of race but rather a matter of religion freedom.

We could discuss if the Ban on muslims is a good or bad idea but being retarded and thinking that radical Islam isn't a problem then it just prove that you are a CTR shill.

my pal is also ex military, pro guns, weapons contractor, but he's voting Hillary, says he doesn't like Trump's hair and that Hillary will provide more entertainment, also doesn't think there is any difference between them and doesn't give a shit who wins

>He's not a good candidate either way.

yeah but the list of people who appeared in the obituary shortly after appearing in the court dockets having filed action against him is much much shorter

Well you need a european as president, why not give merkel a try?

Show him this:

>He loves guns
Just provide any quotes from Hillary on the topic. He's retarded if he thinks her policies on that topic are even remotely compatible with his.

Show him this: