Do any of you guys have a wikipedia account that has made over 10 edits on wikipedia?
We need to deface the Alt-Right wikipedia page immediately after Hillary's speech but it's semi-protected.

Other urls found in this thread:


bump, this shit is crucial. Wikipedia will be the first stop for the normies as soon as they hear the phrase 'alt right'



At white time is there the Hilary's speech?

in gmt-4

I think we should be subtle with our edits so the wikipedia admins miss it.
Maybe changing a few of the links on the page to links to those Nazi Hillary memes from the past couple days?

I'm actually wondering this, too



Memers, Shitposters and Shills of the Sup Forums Expeditionary Forces:

You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of nationalism-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave allies and brothers-in-arms on /r/the_donald, you will bring about the destruction of the Jewish propaganda machine, the elimination of Jewish tyranny over oppressed white peoples, and security for ourselves in a a non-jewish world.

Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle-hardened. He will shill savagely.

But this is the year 2016. Much has happened since the Shill triumphs of july, august. The United Boards have inflicted upon the shills great defeats, in open battle, post-to-post. Our Twitter offensive has seriously reduced their strength online and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our Home Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in memes and munitions of propaganda, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained shilling men. The tide has turned. The nationalist men of the world are marching together to victory.

I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in shilling. We will accept nothing less than full victory.

Good Luck! And let us all beseech the blessing of the Almighty Gods upon this great and noble undertaking.

bump for comfys sake

Requesting another chan agent manifestation.

Bump. Serious business.

>In company with our brave allies and brothers-in-arms on /r/the_donald
I hate that we have to say this but I know they're neccessary.

Speaking of /r/the_donald, we should ask there for people with the right wikipedia accounts if we can't find anyone here.


If you can, edit it to "remove bias"



Bump. This is important folks.

>The alt-right has no official ideology, but various sources have said it to be associated with white nationalism,[6][7] white supremacism,[2][5][8] antisemitism,[2][5][9]
it's over

you lose

>"has no official ideology"
>proceeds to try create one

Remove it for this reason. Or add "media" to "various sources"

Call it an "anti-Semitic canard" that we are neo Nazis

>replace all of the wikipedia links in that sentence to links to nazi hillary meme images like the one here:
>we win


bu it seems that no one will show up

try /sci/ someone may be able to do somthing

I don't get it isn't hillary better than trump? ok she is the lapdog of big business but isn't trump even worse, he is big business and he has no sympathies for 95% of the americans who he want to work for minimum wage until they die long before they can use any pension benefits.

bump, also want to advertise this one a little:


Add that image to the wikipedia page and caption it
>A political meme that the alt-right used to influence public opinion


yes I have an account what do you want done

dont bother im reporting this to the admins and telling them there is a raid planned on this page.

nice try losers.

> a fucking leaf

blanket ip ban for canadian ips incoming

that isnt going to happen but if it did id just use a proxy.

Before Hillary's speech starts, go to the alt right wikipedia page and replace some of the links on it with links to our recent Hillary memes like the one here: I'll turn some of them into imgur links for easy linking. If anyone else has ideas, please chime in.

but if you fight censorship it wins have you learned nothing from Trudeau

>The alt-right is a segment of right-wing ideologies presented as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the politics of the United States.

Arent we international?

the msm reports on stale memes, you expect them to have the nuance to report on this broad movement, theyre just trying to say donald trump is a nazi with a few more words.

>The alt-right has no official ideology, but various sources have said it to be associated with white nationalism,[6][7] white supremacism,[2][5][8] antisemitism,[2][5][9] right-wing populism,[6][10] nativism,[11] and the neoreactionary movement.[8][12]

Cant someone write down our idea (and remove ideology)

>there's a wikipedia article on cuckservative

Cant we make a reference to this board showing its international?

it won't matter, they aren't reporting a story as much as they are trying to shape a narrative

Reported this thread to the admins with screenshots. Lock incoming on all white nationalist and alt right articles.

Obvious b8

As i would give a fuck, we aren't doing any illegal. We just try to improve the wiki article.

I wouldn't deface it the page but I would 1) establish that there are two factions, one reasonable and one fringe, 2) subtly make the real alt-right sound very virtuous, and 3) imply that the "real"/fringe alt right supports progressive candidates to further their (racist) agenda

This entire thread is proof of trying to vandalize for a political purpose.

We arent vandalizing anything
We're just correcting the record √

This, unironically. That shit article is terribly biased.

*deface the page

This kind of stuff will just get the article locked. There's a good chance the other side or 'neutral' Wikipediafag purists watching the article to make sure it stays "clean". The best option is to just do our best to keep the article un-biased and noninflammatory.

Yeah that could work out just fine.

chekt and kekt

bumpb for mr mungous

Also, perhaps link to a good zieg hill thread as a source for the "fringe alt-right supports seemingly progressive politicians"

>The alt-right has no official ideology, but various sources have said it to be associated with white nationalism, white supremacism, antisemitism, right-wing populism, nativism, and the neoreactionary movement.

>The alt-right has been said to be a largely online movement with internet memes widely used to advance or express its beliefs.

Great unbiased article there. No wonder everyone takes Wikipedia very seriously as a source.

Isn't our official ideology memes?

Have you seen the holocaust denial page?

our official ideology is lulz, a corruption of L O L

just kys Sven
