Explain why multiracialism is bad.
Pro-tip: You can't.
Explain why multiracialism is bad
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if you breed with a lower tier animal, you get lower tier child. example, breed with jews. theyll mostlikely have bad nose, they are short and not muscular at all
then take a black person, tall, muscular.. dumb as a brick and ugly as shit.
why would you want to ruin your intelligence by breeding with someone lower than you. but then again. you are part french and you guys invented cuckolding.
Nice picture, cucknada.
>0 content post
>prove me wrong
And why does someone of a different race have to have low IQ, and be ugly?
Are there not any intelligent blacks?
Whites in general are the most well rounded race. IQ on average isn't more than a handful of points lower than East Asians, however we don't sacrifice height, muscle mass, and other genetic "abnormalities" to such an extreme.
No idea if creativity is unique in whites compared to Asians or if that is a meme or truly just culture based.
did she die?
But theoretically, if we just immigrated people around the world with an IQ of 100 or above, and with western values, would there be any difference?
You people need to look outside the box for once
some people like it and some don't
who gives a shit?
why is this something to talk about when we have actual problems?
Just a few. Too big a risk to breed.
You do realize that flag is upside down, right? Then again
People who are different don't like each other normally and usually have conflicting interests.
there are most are mixbreed and some are just born genuises but its rare. you could argue its cause they are poor but look for australia and you see what happened after poor rapist murderous white criminals were given a land, it rose. africa is where it has alwaysbeen with its low tier shit people, and even tho they go to america and the best only chosen and breed with the strongest ones. they still remain dumb as fuck. you see a will smiths son? dumb as a fucking brick, and he had all the supreme advantage that even low tier white people cant get.
they dont have to have. its just how it is. we evolve, people evolve, and guess what, africans are way behind of evolution. sure you mixbreed them with someone white and they can become decent people. but not smart. and still they let their jungle blood control their rage, their violent behavior.
Just most.
Not all whites are smart either, as you seem determined to prove (assuming ofc.).
I work in the service industry and 95% of our customer base is middle-eastern/african. Besides the constant shit I have to deal with at work regarding niggers and arabs, i was spat on on the way home and the nigger bus driver refused to let me on the bus. Non-whites are the absolute scum of the earth and should be wiped out.
>uses australia as an example of white success
Newfag spotted
it isn't in fact, the problem is EXTREME multiculturalism
current climate is like France letting in a million literal nazi sleeper cells in 1939
Yes, they're called mulattos
it decreases genetic diversity in the human population which decreases resistance to diseases as a whole
>Are there not any intelligent blacks?
12% of blacks in the US have IQs over 100.
Have fun raising nigger babies you kike lover.
We can't have multiracialism if we breed different races together into one homogeneous race now, can we?
>decreases genetic diversity
Can't tell if trolling or just stupid
is it really only 12%?
wtf, my iq is over 130
Corrected That Record™ for you
Except that's not how it works. Let's say there's blacks, whites and asians.
Not only are these living together, but there are also black-white mixes, asian - white mixes and black-asian mixes.
compared to africa it is.
Mine is 134. You guys wanna meet n' fuck?
>Explain why multiracialism is bad.
Increase of single moms.
The Black race has 75-80 average IQ, mixed race has 89 average IQ, whites have 102 average IQ. It destroys your future kids IQ just by race mixing, and it brings in blacks instead of whites. Why would you want your kids to not look like you? Especially if you raise black kids and you are white, do you think they will accept your heritage as their own? Mother nature didn't put thousands of years of evolution/work into each race just so you could breed with a beast of lesser. Stay White, it's the best investment you'll ever make!
Multiculturalism destroys cultural diversity.
like blacks like to say, the top 20% blacks are smarter than 50% of whities
having an high iq does not tell about creativity.
you could see a dumb redneck with iq of 90 and he would create from simplest things amaizing things. the ablitity to invent is truly amaizing.
also china has invented shit ton and japan.
Culture is a set of ideals, morals and principles that are agreed upon.
When two or more cultures live side by side, there is no agreement of how people should act and behave in society.
Multiculturalism breeds racism. How can you hate another race if you've never met one?
more like the 2 precent of smartest black people are smarter than the avarage white person.
I get some dogs. I get an Doberman for guard duty, a Jack Russell for rats, a border collie for sheep.
Being a smart arse I think if I breed them all together I get a super dog that can do all things.
What I get is a dog that's useless for anything.
It destroys diversity!
It creates needless conflict. When you try to combine two different belief systems with opposing viewpoints you necessarily get some friction. There is really no benefit to this.
multiculturalism is a poormans choice when he cant afford to travel.
you know that american IQ measurement and european one are different?
>ask thread about the theoretical absolute that minorities exist with 100+ IQ, are hard working, and share western values, and we should migrate them
>get heaps of generalizations which are already assumed in the question
Thanks for the input Sup Forums
false equivalency also DNA disproves your theory that race is more than a social construct.
you can either have populations of the species that evolve further away from each other by in-breeding which tends towards speciation or populations inter-breeding which will lead towards a more genetically homogeneous species as a whole
Humans got to where they are because of racial homogeneity
It only benefits greedy employers with an expendable work force.
im not even white and im offended.
nice circular logic. how do you dress yourself if your clothes would get in the way of clothes? you cant wear clothes if you wear clothes cant... wear... the... ERROR ERROR ERROR Mum please dress me and follow the prime directive to feed me tendies.
Justin isn't it time for your nap?
what if you had unions to protect workers?
Look for what exactly? What is outside the box that I need or want that I should desire it and seek it out?
Doesnt even matter because its legit impossible to breed blacks out of existence now that there are one billion of them in Africa.
American niggers have higher reasoning skills than their pure nigger counterparts and they use that higher reasoning to do more complex things with their savagery, so racemixing simply creates SMARTER MORE DANGEROUS NIGGERS.
>mfw half white, half black
>mfw 130 iq
>mfw no heath defects or problems
>mfw 6'1 with good build
I doubt Sup Forums will believe me, but the multi-culti meme has been good for me. That being said, I definitely know I'm an outlier.
Lík börn leika bezt.
Líkir bræðr skulu líkt kál súpa.
>accuses someone of circular logic
>argues on the assumption that multiculturalism works
If you seriously consider having nigger babies as a woman, just fucking kill yourself. The only reason you're with them is having low standards and not having any self respect. 90% of all women that end up with niggers get left by them when they're pregnant or get beaten to death by them.
Hillary clinton hates multiculturalism and hates the negro. Thats why I stand with hillary.
Yes even intelligent blacks can chimp out. Also Canadacuck why do you like diversity so much?
i think most consider americans blacks dumber than their african counterparts
i know a guy from cameroon that's smart as fugg
that was never even called into question why are republikids so fucking stupid at life?
Well I stand with Trump because he supports tolerance and equal rights for all. The legal immigrants see him as a savior now.
Stop encouraging belief systems in general.
different cultures have different values, for instance jamal loves fried chicken and shooting and raping. but that is illegal in a glorious white society.
so jamal goes to prison
Achmud Muhachmetdalmatmaturmahachmad likes raping and murdering but that is illegal in glorious western societies.
Achmud doesn't go to prison because "it's just part of his culture" and we can't be racists because glorious multiculturalism will save the world.
>I know a guy
>a guy
Yes a genetic outlier is what you know the African Cameroon nigger adult IQ is in the low 60s while American niggers are in the low 80s African niggers have astronomical stupidity compared to the american ones.
Fuck niggers. Low IQ shit skins belong in the jungle starving, not leeching off white civilization.
>american iq
> you are still a nigger.
> nigger
get the fuck out.
Do you want to build your house out of bricks that are generally same shape, color and size or do you want to play mix and match and hope you get the pieces you need?
Yeah but you're a gross brown color so get out
Well if it weren't for immigrants we would have less BBC and white women would be less happy because they would be having less orgasms. So less immigration is not good.
No, it really was called into question. Gas yourself.
The total population of Africa is one billion. Africans are about less than 80% of that. China is moving in on Jamaica, Haiti, the DR, Bahamas, etc. to swiftly and silently sweep niggers under the rug.
How mad does it make you that your IQ could have been higher if you were pure white?
you watch this and you tell us youtube.com
No user my point here is if you breed all whites and blacks you would end with clones of africans because there is nothing black people to niggerize all white people.
It's not about me liking diversity, it's about Sup Forums disapproving of something, without a reason besides; BIX NOOD NIGGA, WE WUZ KANGZ.
No one's arguing against the averages. What I'm talking about is the minorities at the top of their IQ deviations.
Obviously the american black is a separate issue, since they were imported as stupid, large-built slaves. Immigration as a whole beyond that has helped the states.
Look up median incomes of Indians and East asians. It's up to $40,000 more than the average white.
man, we are just blobs of red under our skin
Explain why? Here's the revised pro-tip. It's easy.
“Our analysis shows that peace does not depend on integrated coexistence, but rather on well defined topographical and political boundaries separating groups, allowing for partial autonomy within a single country. “
or the big daddy of them all.
“His conclusion based on over 40 cases and 30,000 people within the United States is that, other things being equal, more diversity in a community is associated with less trust both between and within ethnic groups.”
So if you think that alienation, increased violence, isolation, destruction of community and loss of intermediary institutions is good along with reduced civic participation and isolation from the aggregate social structure and that humans are fundamentally an individualist rather than communal species then diversity is the best choice.
That's not circular logic. It you take all the tubes of paint and mix them together, you no longer have a diversity of colors to chose from. You are left only with a single shade of grey, which is completely devoid of diversity.
Race mixing destroys nationality and personal identity. How can you have a diversity of cultures to enjoy on Earth if they've all been homogenized? If you want to be in another culture, travel to where that culture exists. That's true diversity, not whatever the hell you sperg'd about.
And pay out a huge chunk of my paycheck to allocate the slow decline of my service or product?
I don't think so.
Unions were necessary back in the industrial revolution when it was common to hear someone losing an arm on the factory floor.
I think it's safe to say that safety is a top priority for most employers and unions should take a hike.
Even if you find an exceptional mate of a different race (intelligent black person, tall asian, etc.) there is a universal pattern in genetics called regression to the mean.
Basically when you have children with an exceptional person of a lower race, your children are more likely to inherit the average qualities of that person's race instead of the exceptional qualities of that individual.
It's part of the reason why second generation African and Mexican immigrants tend to do worse than their parents. The immigrant has exceptional qualities that allows them to immigrate, but their children revert back to the norm of the country they came from.
Indians and East asians
fucking foreigners who come here for a job instead of wanting to be american.
they need to be part of the day of rope as much as the niggers and kikes
I'm getting a STEM degree from a good university, so I'm not really mad at all. I'll most likely get to live a comfortable life after college and military service (ROTC fag) while countless others will be much less fortunate than me.
Are you some britfag on vacation in the Bahamas? Black side of my family is from the Caribbean.
No, first cut off the source of nignogs...Africa, Jamaica...you get the point, Chinese sneak in and start breeding with nignogs, but only Chinese males/African females. Then the rest leave of their own volition to breed themselves out of existence. Same thing is going on in the Middle East except Israel is just skipping the breeding part and doing the killing.
Hopefully some proud American soldiers are breeding those Arab chicks.
Muh white womenZzZ NOOOO!!!!
Humans got to where they are because of white homogeneity.
>Choosing military service
>High IQ
well there's a difference between importing a couple thousand top-tier people from around the world who integrate, pay taxes and abide the laws and letting a million shitskins in while feeding/clothing/housing them using taxpayers money claiming they're all refugees.
African and Mestizo*
Well consider yourself very lucky mulatto it must horrify to know what the average mulatto acts like compared to you.
Chinks are interbreeding with niggers to get their trust, they are gonna kill all the nigger chink hybrids when they start their real agenda.
Nice job getting rid of the websites name op
It seems you shills are learning from your past mistakes