Forssa Brawl thread.

Today at 18:00 EEST will be protest against the refuge reception centre right next to the school.

>Police have new suspects of the earlier brawl. – Teenage girl assaulted, youth want revenge.

>People are tired from the noise and disturbances around the centre.

>postman scared to do his job.

>Earlier 15-yo boy has been assaulted.

>Brawl between refugees and the finns.

>More assaults and property damage.

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Postaan eeppiseen

First for anime.

Oh look, the toynazis have arrived.

Estaan Pooppiseen

Remember Sup Forums finland's the place where it starts.

joko on aika rotusodan?

>every article in finnish

Oh look the faggot who keeps on complaining in the other thread. Fuck off you got nothing good to say anyway :D

Damn, I have to move to Forssa so I can have 16yo whitetrashredneckpussy.

Got english articles then? Please share.

is the white dot on her hat supposed to be a bullseye? is this the standard in europes military?

finland looks SUPER depressing.

In other towns, rapes and such done by the refugees, hopefully not there in Forssa.

Not only looks, it is.


Oh shit the memes are real

Rainy days are depressing, baka!

>Finns reportedly attacked the migrants first


Well that's a small town that looks like pripyat. Tell me does this look depressing?

hyvä että suomessa on sen verran rauhallista että joku rautaputken heiluttelukin lasketaan jo häpeningiksi.

I envy you for standing up for your own country which my fellow svens arent doing.

Good for you, hope it works.

that's because it is nigger

Yeah no one here speaks your Pagan language. Translate whats going on faggot

Odotellaan parikymmentä vuotta niin Ruotsin lailla kranaatit räjähtelevät kadulla ja kalashnikov laulaa yössä.

google translate, nigger

Common roundel thing in East Europe.

Eesti has it too.

I can't wait to move to Rovaniemi next year. Herding reindeer with my serkku.

No, translate it

Herding reindeer?

bitch you will get tired of it in 2 weeks and want to go back to yankland

People move from finland into the U.S, not vice versa.

at least in finnish military, dunno about bullseye

this, fuck these small town rednecks are sad

Ayyy thats pretty noice

Good money. I can handle the cold.

Eventually want to buy a hotel or bar in Pärnu.

Welcome to Rovaniemi mr. America.

Based Forssa

based bönde

bunch of school kids and neets

Comfy AF.

If I close my eyes, why it's sound like arabic?

>50-60 asylum seekers attacked 15yo boys with bats, sticks etc
>sandniggers damaged some cars for no reason
>these kids, their friends and people of Forssa are mad

It IS comfy here. Some Helsinkian pöndes think that this is filled with polar bears and penguins. But they don't have any education so I can understand their feelings.

Can one of you 5 Fins tell us what he is shouting for like an arab. OP screenshot has some bats but stream has 15 year olds standing getting yelled at

Pekka approves this thread

Is that scruffy cunt wearing Carbrini?

>all these young girls protesting
that's really great, the first ones were mostly men.

I shall track you down and buy you a Karhu and a shot of kossu.

Ok seems cool, but, why do you finns wear so many nig clothes?

2 busy drinking beer


finns are snowniggers.

also what's Soldiers of Odin?

>6+ people on camera
>in Finland

not polar bears but certainly neets with hoodies that say N.W.A, ugly fat girls and old people

we forgive you tho

Do you mean this

lol, is that 12 year old kid with the NWA jacket smoking?

They patrol the streets in the evenings and nights just in case. Pretty loose anti-immigrant organization.

speaker on head

Can anyone give me a run-down on this? The media is just saying that raciss white people attacked poor refugees for no reason besides raciss. I'm pretty sure the sand niggers did something to rile people up, but I don't feel like sinking into Hommaforum to find out.

Street patrol group.

SS style extermination patrol.

>niggers beat up 15-year old white kid
>gypsies storm the refugee center
>shitskins pour out with pipes and baseball bats
>finnies gypsies and whites fight against niggers in a massive fight
the rest we'll see soon.

would probably shag

is this the beginning of hyperwar 2.0?

Heh, nice

>finns chanting
>dis gonna be gud
>some bitch comes and starts barely reading some shit
hype killed

Finland cannot into Axis, only co-belligerent.

15 year old kid gets attacked by mudslime refugees, youngster go for revenge, welfare tourists attack them with clubs and planks.

This is just sad


Some immigrant should come out and start shouting things to them and you would see what happens.

lol underrated

he gave an interview, he's 16

>mankkajäbä :D

>mfw gypsies fighting alongside us

Fuck yes, Manne Defence Force. Also the past year has made me appreciate living in this shithole called Riihimäki, because the only refugee center we have around here is pic related. I like to take a train down to Helsinki every once in a while to see how things could be far worse than simply living in one of the ugliest towns in the country.

Mankkajäbä bless

We should really bring back the age old tradition of independence day nigger hunt.

Not the gypsies stormed the refugee center, just locals. Gypsies hate the refugees, however, and were fighting against them.

Didn't expect there to be so many people.

Vitun forssalaiset :DDDDD

What are they chanting btw?

>Jihadists get outs from heres!!!

jihadists get out

>Estonia for Estonians and Finns on holiday!

Jihadistit ulos!
Jihadists fuck off!

I wanna come over and play!!

Does Finland improve in appearance when it snows?

I guess it's small town thing, so fucking lame. In bigger cities people wear normal clothes. Whitetrash teens are hot tho

then woman comes
>"You cant say that"

Bring weapons and heavy ordnance from Usaland.

Finland is at its best at summer and winter. Between those its rainy and wet and depressing.

I'm proud of you Winland

Alot of seem to be the Finnish chavs. The regular folk watch the stream and will come out when this shit gets too intolerable.

But even our summer nature is the most beautiful in the world.

I swear I won't forget the hamburgers either.

shit load of people. im impressed.


>Manne Defence Force