Yea and I hear one of the mods on 8/pol/ is from Something Awful.
Go ahead, teach all the millions of unique posters here that there is no point in discussion with the left. I hope Trump loses, and they shut this board down, and 8/pol/ gets destroyed by Something Awful marxists.. and then no one has anywhere to vent their frustrations peacefully, and discuss the problems anymore.
See how that goes for you.
See how the "Milo fans" are treated after our corner of the internet where free discussion is allowed is destroyed by a bunch of faggot leftists who couldnt handle people having objective discussion, and not being able to censor the entire internet into a giant faggot hugbox.
Make my day.
What else has the political power instigated and applauded that is likely to precipitate violent resistance?
The Fatherland Party [FLP, Fedrelandspartiet, a nationalist party in Norway between 1990 and 2008] received about 0.5 percent of the vote in 1993, the first time they ran in Parliamentary elections.
[FLP leader] Bjarne Dahl in 1993 tried to legitimize political opposition to immigration. At a market square meeting in Oslo, he had his face smashed with an iron pipe, his jaw broken, and his teeth knocked out in attacks by some Blitz members [antifas belonging to the state-funded group mentioned previously].
Party leader and professor Harald Trefall [1925–2008, experimental physicist, anti-immigration activist, and Fatherland Party founder] was also hit in the face by something that was thrown. The party chairman was bleeding from a wound in the face.
Also, others were beaten and kicked.
When a horrified spectator tipped off Dagbladet [one of the country’s largest newspapers] about these violent attacks, he received the following response from Dagbladet: “Isn’t that good, then?”
This was their attitude. The same attitude shared by most of the press. The mass media made no mention of the violent and dangerous attacks againt the Fatherland Party