Janamashtmi Celebration Thread

The birthday of based lord Krishna

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ITT: Lonely poo


Can someone hijack this Poo-in-the-loo thread?

Its already hijacked by Krishna








How was Krishna 'born' if he's a God?




He is the reincarnation of God, born to Vasudev and Devki (by reproducing and not by virgin birth)

Presumably the same way Greek gods were born

I respect Indians. Very good people. Very clean people. Never poo outside the loo.

You are trully welcome on this board of peace.

By God do you mean Brahma?

Isn't everyhting an incarnatiion of God?

some reincarnation shit

brahma is born from krishna


Vishnu - Is the nurturer of the Universe, who raise everything in the universe as his own

Brahma - The creator of Universe

Shiva - The destroyer of Universe

The hindu trinity

From Vishnu to be precise

according to hinduism, as far as i've read, krishna is the physical reincarnation of vishnu who in hinduism is the creator of the universe like god in christianity.

Those reincarnations are called avatara.

Brahma is the creator of Universe, Vishnu is the nurturer, one who raises everything in the universe as his own.

oh thats correct, vishnu nurturer, brahma creator.

Is the concept of 'Hinduism' as a single entity a British creation?

Which school of Hinduism do you belong to?

Now i got it, thanks.

You are welcome

Not even the Romans existed when Hinduism came into the existence. Its more a way of life than a religion. I don't belong to any school of Hinduism

>Not even the Romans existed when Hinduism came into the existence. Its more a way of life than a religion. I don't belong to any school of Hinduism
I mean there are many different schools of philosophy but is it the case that only when India was ruled by British were they collectively identified as belonging to the same overarching group

The unification of different sects of Hinduism started in 8th Century by Adi Shankaracharya.

so which school do you belong to?

Happy birthday Lord Krisnha!

None. I am a Kshatriya, we belong warriors class. We don't belong to any school, we just have a main family deity that we must worship in our family ancestry, especially in a time of war/battle

Based Vishnu!

Yes, he is pretty based.

You don't belong to any school? So you don't hold any philosophical position?

Who's your main family deity?

Happy birthday Krishna

The reason why Kshatriyas don't belong to any school is because their main purpose is to either fight for the state or rule the state. You can't do it fairly while belonging to various sects like being a Vegetarian like Vaishnavism.

Also since Hinduism is more a way of life, anyone can follow any philosophy or a combination of philosophies. As it says that you have the equal amount of right on God, as he has on you, you can view him as you like either a friend, foe, father, nurturer etc. etc,

Warrior Goddess Durga/Kali

Pic related my family deity.
She rides a lion/bengal tiger, uses various weapons like Trident, swords, axe, bow and arrow etc. etc.

It's impressive. so you worship your family deity most in times of war.

You think times like those could be approaching, or are they already here?

A real war or a war of the ideas?

>Also since Hinduism is more a way of life, anyone can follow any philosophy or a combination of philosophies. As it says that you have the equal amount of right on God, as he has on you, you can view him as you like either a friend, foe, father, nurturer etc. etc,
that seems vague. what stops a Christian claiming he's also Hindu

>The reason why Kshatriyas don't belong to any school is because their main purpose is to either fight for the state or rule the state. You can't do it fairly while belonging to various sects like being a Vegetarian like Vaishnavism.
I thought the essence of dharma was to give up on worldly concerns and prepare for future lives. Why is politics mixed with religion

>यो यो यां यां तनुं भक्तः श्रद्धयार्चितुमिच्छति।
>तस्य तस्याचलां श्रद्धां तामेव विदधाम्यहम् ॥7.21॥
>yo yo yāṁ yāṁ tanuṁ bhaktaḥ śraddhayārcitumicchati
>tasya tasyācalāṁ śraddhāṁ tāmeva vidadhāmyaham
>who so ever form the devotee worships with his faith
>i certainly make his faith steady

>literally a demon
can't wait until this thread gets pruned too


Hinduism is the oldest religion, we Kshatriyas used to worship our main deities before going to war and using their names as Battlecry.
We all can't go to war now since there is an army for that already.

Nothing. Gita (Told by Krishna himself) says that all religions, all other gods are just a version of God (him) that people want to see him like. Like you see Krishna as Jesus, as a guy who willingly died on a cross for your sins. No one is going to hell for worshiping any god or following any religion since all the gods they worship is just how those people see him.

Its not politics, war is a part of humanity. Peace and war are the two sides of the same coin. You can't have peace without war nor a war without a will to live in peace.


Very Based painting. Why is modern India such a shithole though?

Constant invasions by Arabs, extremist muslim rule, dethroning the muslim rule just in time to be taken over by the Brits and Democracy.

I see, i sure think its interesting.

>Nothing. Gita (Told by Krishna himself) says that all religions, all other gods are just a version of God (him) that people want to see him like. Like you see Krishna as Jesus, as a guy who willingly died on a cross for your sins. No one is going to hell for worshiping any god or following any religion since all the gods they worship is just how those people see him.

I appreciate the sentiment by why then even identify as Hindu, if in essence all religions are the manifestation of some higher thing?

because as a christian you can not be hindu. This is an oxymoron. For a hindu to be christian he must give up hinduism.

> Like you see Krishna as Jesus, as a guy who willingly died on a cross for your sins. No one is going to hell for worshiping any god or following any religion since all the gods they worship is just how those people see him
not so :^)

Why not? give the logical reasoning found in the religions themselves

>tfw you're a jew and the goyim are worshiping demons


Yes it is

Because its a way of life. We don't call ourselves a Hindu only because we worship a specific deity but because we live life based on the ideals of Hinduism.

Yes, and in the same Gita, Arjuna again asks Krishna that what happens when people follow other religion or worship other gods.
To which Krishna replies - Those who are devotees of other gods and who worship them with faith actually worship only Me, O son of Kunti. The supreme goal is to live by the ideals of Dharma.

Hare Krishna!
I stopped by Vrindaven for one day while I was on my trip between Delhi and Agra, it was a wonderful place, mischievous monkeys though!

>The supreme goal is to live by the ideals of Dharma.
he actually says
>yajanty avidhipūrvakam
>(BG 9.23)
worship (in an) incorrect manner

Yup, monkeys are mischievous in the whole country


Those who are devotees of other gods and who worship them with faith actually worship only Me, O son of Kunti, but they do so in a wrong way.


"Persons who are engaged in the worship of demigods are not very intelligent, although such worship is offered to Me indirectly," Krsna says.

For example, when a man pours water on the leaves and branches of a tree without pouring water on the root, he does so without sufficient knowledge or without observing regulative principles. Similarly, the process of rendering service to different parts of the body is to supply food to the stomach. The demigods are, so to speak, different officers and directors in the government of the Supreme Lord. One has to follow the laws made by the government, not by the officers or directors. Similarly, everyone is to offer his worship to the Supreme Lord only. That will automatically satisfy the different officers and directors of the Lord. The officers and directors are engaged as representatives of the government, and to offer some bribe to the officers and directors is illegal. This is stated here as avidhi-purvakam. In other words, Krsna does not approve the unnecessary worship of the demigods.

Such persons are worshiping, but with improper knowledge and with an improper process. Vidhi-purvakam means to follow the actual rules and regulations; avidhi-purvakam means not to follow them, or to follow in a wrong way, against the actual injunctions of the sastra and without the conscious worship of Krsna as the Supreme Lord.

1. Is it true that your Gods created multiple universes? (a multiverse) making them more formidable than the jew/christian God?

2 is it true that all of creation including us is just part of a dream of the main God?

Hijacking this thread for Christ

>kike on a stick

Hinduism is the true aryan religion.


>Is it true that your Gods created multiple universes? (a multiverse) making them more formidable than the jew/christian God?
Yes, there are many universes and each universe goes in a repeating cycle of creation and destruction. Every universe has a fixed timeline, it is destroyed when the time is over and a new one is created.

>is it true that all of creation including us is just part of a dream of the main God?
Yes, you can call it a dream since all of this is created by the God using his powers. Everything we see are the mere supply of entertainment for our souls. All these things are to lure our souls into the circle of life.

Shut up with your gay religion poo

Kek. Don't be mad because our religion is more than twice older than you.


It is a politics related board, here no one is interested in Hinduism. Atheism is unstoppable.

i agree there should be a /rel/ board but the hourly christkike threads are here too

This thread
*surrenders to the Saracens*
will now
*sacks Constantine for the Ottomans*
belong to
*steals exorbitant amounts of wealth to make gold crowns and scepters for the Not-King-totally-not-just-using-everyone-allocating-power-through-rhetoric*
*panders to spics begging for donations*
*bans alcohol*
*kisses nigger feet*