Gamergate was right.
Gamergate was right.
Other urls found in this thread:
I like that cat. Here's a picture of mine.
more of this cat pls
It'll be daijobu user-kun. Just remember to shitpost your heart out praising Hillary as the second coming of Adolf Hitler himself. And don't forget your tripcode.
This was my kitty. My family rescued her as a kitten with a broken leg.
She only grew to 4 pounds. She was itty-bitty-micro-kitty.
I had her for 21 years!!!
Then one day, she howled to be let outside, after being lethargic for a few days. She hopped off the porch (she rarely did) and walked off into the night.
I never saw her again.
Not even hiding the bias and collusion anymore. This is the end one way or another.
I love my cat. He use to go out and fight other cats a lot. Has all sorts of little battle scars like a nicked ear and a little scar over one of his eye and nose.
He even fought off a fox once. My mom said one time another cat came in to the house and my cat some how grabbed it and threw it against the curtains.
And this suprises you? gamergate is our jesus that named the jew.
His name is scuba. His owners whore him out on Reddit.
>tfw I am actually allergic to cats and only found out once I finally moved out and came back to visit them one day
Its horrible. Could not stop sneezing, my uvula got swollen and infected. I guess me staying around them all the time tempered my allergies.
Dude Gamergate was already proven right when the gaming media's group chat was leaked.
It showed that separate news companies colluded with each other to form and control the narrative
When some animals are near death they get an unexplained urge to return to the sight and smells of their earliest memories.
Good, now that we'll be mainstream, we'll be able to end Trump once and for all. Maybe even get rid of niggers.
That cat looks comfy.
bro team made a stream with the chat logs
Here is a extract i.sli.mg
The difference is there is no product at the core of pol to take control of like video games, there's only been attempts of "e-celebs" trying to make themselves leaders, but so far all of them have been shot down, only finding corners on reddit, fbi nazi circles, youtube channels, pleb talking events, to be big fishes in those irrelevant ponds.
>tfw can't rub this turd eater anymore because allergy got worse
>tfw he doesn't understand and keeps trying to jump in my lap
Hug him Ivan, atleast your death will be fluffy.
holy fuck, that's a fluffy kot you've got there, Ivan
would snuggle/10
ilike your cat!
This happens in a lot more sectors that just news/journalism.
ISPs in the US also collude and stay out of each other's territory/trade territory so as to avoid competition.
The rabbit hole goes deep. And there's thousands dotting the ground.
Truth is the breaking up of monopolies has backfired and made it even harder to catch them and do something about it.
I'd rather use a stick to scratch him or something
The worst part is that he is afraid of birds and can't lie still when they fly nearby
Dogs though? Piece of cake
or give the cat a bath and a trim, and vacuum, get an air ionizer.
Is he a maine coon or does russia have different kat breeds?
that's a nice cat. Here's muh pupper
Gametgate was the start of the awakenimg, when normies become colateral damage by liberals attacks, they wake up.
Rate my cate
k, but ima touch the fishe.
Thats a nice kit
Daper as fuck.
No idea m8, I got him from a friend around 8 years ago
Breeding is not exactly a popular hobby in vodkaland
GTFO, Trump Shill.
Stop supporting your Jew loving candidate.
Hillary is and always has been the choice of Sup Forums.
#ImWithHer #HailHillary
what's up you meme loving fuck/10
this кoт could probably impregnate everything in a several mile radius
Did GG really started the fire?
i for one would have a hard time not sticking my face right into his fluffy fat cat belly
Cat thread? Rate mine.
They're lovers
After the speech we initiate procedure Bi/pol/ar (pic related)
Refer to:
for ammunition
People are aware of the media bias. They know that these things are coordinated. They're already polarized and willing to believe what they perceive to be true.
The most effective way to convince people of the truth is to just be even tempered and not get involved in shit flinging.
Play down the fear mongering and just point out that the election isn't the end of the world.
Nice cates. These two hate each other
My other cate is black too but much fluffier
Is it true that all black cats are cunts or at least /mischief/?
R8 my kat
State propaganda is real. We're living in a dystopia.
pic unrelated, it's my cat. He was born in this house and has only left to go to the vet. He pretty much loves me to death, so he's my only real friend.
It should have been obvious since gamergate, a non-issue like GG got shilled that hard, why should it be different with things that actually might matter, but don't worry, we are ready, we have been shitposting for years, let them come, they won't know what hit them.
I just call her Mel for short
This is more than bias, we're witnessing a coordinated campaign of deception.
Probably not much to it. My black cat is the sweetest and loves cuddling. I've never seen her get into any trouble.
Tabby cats are best cats. Goes for all the other tabbies in the thread but I can't be arsed adding (you) to all of you.
If you consider yourself "alt-right" do the rest of us a fucking favor and get off this board with your fedora tipping identity politics.
Apart from I have a black cat too, He's probably the sweetest cat ever. Never bit or clawed me even once since I got him 5 years ago.
please tell me his nickname is sabertooth!?
Is this a caturday thread?
We really are the 2006 Sup Forums
Siamese?? So cute citty
I like your cat. Here's a picture of a cat.
It's been that way for awhile now. Hardly anyone trusts the media anymore and we just choose to believe what ever suits our bias... Which is why we are going to see a lot of regressives say smug, stupid, shit for the rest of our lives.
does this not prove hillary's collusion with the media?
MSM is losing to discussion boards (including reddit) because people don't want to hear a watered down opinion by some fuckable reporter
this is a business move by the MSM to shut down their opponents
Dog here to crash the cat thread.
hes just from my reaction folder, but i would call him that.
Good to know
My kate only mellowed out after losing half her tail in a fight with neighbour's cat
On the other hand she started to appreciate human contact a lot more
delet this
>just got back to school
>already miss my family's pupper
How do I cope?
I had a similar fluffy cat but with an orange/white coat and you can bet that I put my face in that fluffy fat cat belly
>this is literally a recreation of the media barrage during Gamergate
Brave New World indeed
Has she made the speech yet? If not, what time is it happening? I'll come over and help your gentlemen with the prospective invasion.
Also, what if inb4 it's nothing? It could more easily be about Milo, or Brietbart, why are we leaping to the conclusion that we are going to be named?
>one post by this id
List all the identical articles someone
My kitty. Her names Amber. She's excellent at hunting birds and mice.
>orchestrated talking points and scripts across the entire establishment media
This isn't new, Rush Limbaugh highlights this often. He'll take a subject and play a dozen clips from different news outlets where these leftist subhumans use the same exact script to launch orchestrated attacks.
As Limbaugh puts it, "If you miss it on CBS, you'll hear the same script on NBC, if you miss it there, you'll hear it on CNN, if you miss it there, you'll hear it on MSNBC and so on."
The best example of deception was Putin supposedly calling Trump "brilliant".
You see in Russian this translates to 'a brightly colorful personality' and does not infer intelligence. The media knows this too, but chose to go the (((deception))) route of insinuating there's a secret alliance between Herr Trump and the Russians.
Meanwhile there is actual evidence of Clinton Foundation doing shady arms side deals with the Russians in exchange for bribe 'donations' but this is buried underneath the deception carpet.
Of course.
Everyone knows that this is how the media operates. They've been doing it for at least a decade now.
That cat is a krogan
Puppers and cats can get along
Ginger cats smell of piss.
The timing was so on point but let's be honest, the media thinks its viewerbase are fucking dumb. They don't care if they look like they're biased because the liberal public won't care either.
Posting cat
It gets puppeted around the world too, our media simply picks up the talking points that are issued by US media and runs with them without question.
"The secret rascist Frog god of QEK revealed" will be the headlines here later today.
omg my cat did a similar thing.
He wanted to go outside really badly, then he found a place under a nice shady tree and curled up and died. It was so peaceful though
r8 my cat
routinely eats things like giant as fuck rabbits and leaves a blood trail in its wake. was a stray that stuck around.
Dog here, fuck cats.
aww that's so sad and sweet.
Your kitty is in a better place ='-'=
Your mother smells of piss
Looks pretty alpha. Bet he doesn't take much shit from anyone.
Credit purchase for Sup Forums ALL BOARD ACCESS PLATINUM PASS (3-Month)
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Alpha as fuck based Hitler cat
(He's actually big baby but whatev)
Strong kitty
Fluffy had a hard life
>gamergate thread derailed by cat pictures
just as planned
keep pushing against the gators
>tfw no cat
Le classy cate
That does not negate the fact that your cat is made out of urine.
I will have to bear this feel for 3 months
when it showed up it had a huge gash on its leg and like a million ticks
i could tell it was nearly starving so i gave it some tuna
it ignore the tuna when it spotted this chipmunk and spent half 10 mins chasing it around. knew the bastard was worth keeping around, he comes when you call it like a dog.
[spoiler]Actually, she likes cats more than dogs.[/spoiler]
Lions and tigers are ginger too. Better than being black you fucking nigger lover. She smells wonderful, like the fresh, clean linen and pillows which she sleeps on. Go be an arsehole somewhere else.
I miss my little nigger