Anyone else a Sup Forumsack who never considered themselves alt right so you don't give a shit about the happening other than watching everything burn?

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I have an Alt and Right key on my Keyboard.

Alt right is a literal strawman made up to be knocked down.

"Alt right" is a blanket term for the hundreds of bad-goy ideologies.

Alt right just means anti-establishment conservative that shitposts online, literally any memelord from fascists to monarchists can be called alt-right.

Alt-right is literally a reddit meme. yeah, maybe it has some ideas that some Sup Forumsacks agree with, but most posters are either ambivalent to it, lukewarm or outright hostile (case-in-point Milo)

The only reason we're seeing so many alt-right posts as of these few days is because of ironic shitposting.

It seems to be purely an American thing.

Over here our political spectrum starts at centre and goes only to right.
And instead of being a gradient of Left to Right,
our parties are either Nationalist focus, Europe focus or Russian focused.

Then why do people on here call themselves "alt right"? If it's just a MSM and plebbit term people should stop identifying as it.

Remember the good old days when Sup Forums was Sup Forums lite plus politics? Remember the can't corner the Dorner and Zimmer threads? I wonder if newfags know who Dorner is and it wasn't even that long aho.

>acting like Dorner was long ago
I want non-/new/ members OUT

Becuase they're morons who took the bait.

They wanted to be "different" as badly as the MSM wanted a broadcast label for all the people who don't turn asshole up whenever master claps.

pretty much
not being alt right (nationalist) here is a fast trip to the gallows

Whats dumb about it is that "alt-right" is an oversimplification of a very large group of people. Its a label thats used in order to unfairly categorize and associate folks with extremism.

And also for all the folks here on Sup Forums for the first time today: Kill yourselves.

>why do people on here call themselves "alt right"?
I thought it was just that milo fag and his (((followers))).
The whole thing is over-produced.
December cant come fast enough.

I just told you this has been a recent development. and yes, since Sup Forums is (funny enough) a board of very diverse opinions, there ARE some Alt-right people. After Milo became stale, we just started shitting on the alt-right, as Sup Forums always does with any ideology (remember Ron Paul 2012? This place is not very libertarian anymore, is it?).

do you see Alt-Right generals in this board? No. now tell me how many subreddits are there.




I'm still a internet terrorist, from that fox news report

Alt-right is just black lives matter for white people.
>our race is under attack by the system
>we must be proud of our heritage
>the establishment is evil
>let's call people online names and insult them
>let's make outrageous claims to show our point
>get out of our safe space shills!!
>conceived in internet echo-chambers


Really makes me think shitmonkey.


Nobody called themselves this I believe. The media gave Sup Forums users this name. This whole ideology is from Sup Forums.

I ain't even a Sup Forumsack, I'm just here to witness the shitposting to come


I did this

Not limited to a select few bad goy ideologies, but anything and anyone which does not align with le current year dogma. It's the new 'racist', since they've burned that one out

Absolutely, I got pretty white bread political views. I just come here because you people are insane and this message board is a beautiful trainwreck.

Most people who sincerely call themselves alt right either visit TheRightStuff or the Daily Stormer.

I just come here to shitpost when I'm bored.

the leader of the alt-right, Milo is very cute.

sounds pretty gay. Just makes me think of milo and all those other conservative "celebrities."

Who gives a shit about some terrible label.