Here We Go


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Sup Forums doesnt allow FB links. Hillarys FB page has begun the assault.

>companies leaving
>debt at 20T
>crime rising in Americas cities
>.... now lets talk about plebbit memes and twitter harassment

When does this alt-right speech take place? Anyone know?

They didn't name us yet, just "fringe" websites

No idea. No source on the actual time that it starts. It seems like this is the day when they start the attack all together. By the end of this election 'the alt right" is going to be a staple name.

This country is fucking pathetic lol

Fucking pussy ass news.

They can't even name the goy.

They're beginning to fear us, lads. We must be doing something right.

Would you rather prefer they called it "Sup Forums hivemind" ?


Should be next bong.

uwu Rawr x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you you're so warm o3o notices you have a bulge o: someone's happy ;) nuzzles your necky wecky~ murr~ hehehe rubbies your bulgy wolgy you're so big :oooo rubbies more on your bulgy wolgy it doesn't stop growing ·///· kisses you and lickies your necky daddy likies (; nuzzles wuzzles I hope daddy really likes $: wiggles butt and squirms I want to see your big daddy meat~ wiggles butt I have a little itch o3o wags tail can you please get my itch~ puts paws on your chest nyea~ its a seven inch itch rubs your chest can you help me pwease squirms pwetty pwease sad face I need to be punished runs paws down your chest and bites lip like I need to be punished really good~ paws on your bulge as I lick my lips I'm getting thirsty. I can go for some milk unbuttons your pants as my eyes glow you smell so musky :v licks shaft mmmm~ so musky drools all over your cock your daddy meat I like fondles Mr. Fuzzy Balls hehe puts snout on balls and inhales deeply oh god im so hard~ licks balls punish me daddy~ nyea~ squirms more and wiggles butt I love your musky goodness bites lip please punish me licks lips nyea~ suckles on your tip so good licks pre of your cock salty goodness~ eyes role back and goes balls deep mmmm~ moans and suckles

Who the fuck is this neckbearded turkshit?

Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect
and all sorts of other "ists."

I'm shitting myself in anticipation


Don't worry $hillary will give a press conference soon discussing many of these issues. And, No, 260+ days from giving a full press conference has not been to long or allowed to many scandals, leaks, and controversies to build up. $he could easily address all these issues and more in a 6 or 7 hour press conference.

Of course we are, and that's why we must support Hillary Clinton for president.

She supports and pushes Planned Parenthood into black neighborhoods. P.P. is the only thing keeping the noggers pupulation in check. Clinton's support of welfare and single black welfare queens keeps the coon family broken and in tatters.

Support Hillary: support darkies never getting their lives together.

The only "ist" this board is, is Hillaryist.

Hi Hillary!


“For the KKK, Clinton is our choice,” said Will Quigg, California Grand Dragon for the Loyal White Knights, Vocativ reported.
Mr. Quigg, the leader of the Klan’s California chapter, announced last month that he had abandoned supporting Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump in lieu of backing his likely Democratic opponent. The Klansman claims that members have raised more than $20,000 for Mrs. Clinton and have donated it anonymously to her campaign.
“She is friends with the Klan,” Mr. Quigg told Vocativ. “A lot of people don’t realize that.”

Bitch is starting a war she can't finish

We are with Hillary even if she has to pretend she isn't right wing.

Lol stupid berniefags going to be forced to vote for our Hitlery and they are too pussy to consider Trump Hahahaha

A Youtuber, he immigrated to sweden from Serbia? I think? Can't remember his channel, though. I remember it was pretty good stuff.

If the alt right is racist then how come I'm mixed race?

Yes. Then everyone would realize how ridiculous they are when they try to invent scapegoats out of nothing.

Don't forget the scariest "ist" of them all to lefties:


All sorts of other ists lmao

Alt right is nothing more than a fucking boogeyman.

Lets get this trending on Twitter!

I stand with Hillary because she's alright, she's alt-right!



>Sup Forums is now a deciding force in the 2016 US presidential elections

what kind of fucking universe are we in lads


Shut the fuck up

mfw people finally start to look at the names of the (((people))) who run their media

Yep, she's altright with me

Remember, the only response to 'you're racist' is 'what's wrong with being racist?'.

meme magic son.
>feels good

>these monsters are racist!
>entire panel is white
really jangled my shekels

Hitlery is the true way for the KKK

3:00pm ET

its weird cause we are all races... we just have lots of bantz.

I wish i could vote.

praise Kek

The Berenstain universe. Trump switched with his Bernstein doppelganger to save us all.

Oh shit. She knows about our secret currency. SHUT IT DOWN!

A strange, yet comforting one.

This. The Jews have ruined this country. If Trump doesn't get elected because mah raycissizm we deserve everything we get.

You're not alt-right, back to re-ddit with you.

Alt-right is white Nationalism against (((globalism))) ( against Jews, race mixing, gays and are pretty much KKK).

Guys like Milo Fagonapolis have made reddtiors think they're are the alt-right, alt-right is against Himosexuals and non-whites.

Civic Nationalism (non-white nationalism) is liberal. So you are a liberal.

It's okay. All you have to do is cross the border. The democrat party will enroll you in welfare and make sure you get to vote, legally or otherwise.

I blame the frog.

I ask myself this everyday.

John Titor was right.


checked for meme magic

Your ID read aloud backwards sounds pretty cool desu.

and... Haill Eris, saucy minx of the formless realm of Kek.

>A Youtuber, he immigrated to sweden from Serbia?

I think he's called The Angry Foreigner.

This is the Berenstain universe, user. If it seems strange to you, it's because you are likely native to the Berenstein universe. Think back to your childhood. Was there a time when you nearly died, but narrowly survived? That's when you crossed over. In actuality you died in the other universe, and so you are a transplant into this one.

and there is a reason why terrorists support Hillary

John Derbyshire was right.

Bens been workin overtime, I swear I see a new everday

I just go with "realist."

Because they

>if trump doesnt win

CNN please look at this image, it contains important information.

It's backfiring. Her Twitter is blowing up the opposite.

>muh 600 KKK members

getting desperate

DUDE!!! don't show them that.. That is the ammo they are looking for against him.

But you are racist. I thought you fucking homos were *proud* to be racist!

Delete this


pls remove, very offense

Is John Oliver the worst thing to ever happen to western civilization?

Stop posting this, fucking faggot

Fuck you, youll ruin everything

hail eris, hail kek

You fucking sellout. How's it feel to play the traitor? I bet you even did it for free you piece of shit.

the klan treats the nigger better than BLM people treat whites on the street


The most glorious one, leafbro!

White people are racist, bro.
We know they cant help it, they were born that way.


>for the alt-right, which is racist and all sorts of other "ists."

>The state of the modern main stream media





I wish I got paid to sit around all day and just insult people I don't like and then have the world call it journalism.

Raped anyone yet today?

wtf i hate racists now

>this exposure won't help our cause
lel keep trying shill anything found on pol only furthers pol's objective.

No please... they must know. I can't lie to myself anymore.

CNN please save Hillary!

Any stream for non-burgers?


never mind:

This whole thing is fucking stupid. "Alt-right" isn't even a proper movement, not even Sup Forums can really define what the fuck "alt-right" is supposed to be. Why do they take some vague group of people half of which are trolls and pretend they're some kind of serious threat? Considering most of Trump's votes don't come from millennials (which "alt-righters" overwhelmingly are), """we""" don't even seem to have that much influence on the election, so why give this place publicity in the first place?

Man this website has been home to the lowest humanity has to offer but you giving away all our hard work this election is probably the lowest.

Just so you know, I'm informing the Mods. Hopefully they'll deal with your leaks before they do any damage.

>giving them that link
Fuck you.

1 minute until speech

But that's what you do on pol. You just don't get paid.

Clinton will also let millions of Muslim migrants into the US who will further the end of destroying the white race and kill many people in Jihad.

She will also ban guns, which somehow, the nogs will keep. Then BLM will start to really fuck up the newly disarmed, law-abiding white communities.

Don't support Hillary. The one, very indirect reason you support her is outweighed by all the problems she will directly cause for everyone.

Darkies will never get their shit together. Without Hillary's policies, whites will at least have a chance.

They need a new boogeyman, calling people racists, antisemite and nazis is not effective enough anymore.



is giving her views a good thing? or does it not matter?

He looks like the guy from the Free Helicopter Rides company.