What if it was your child in their shoes?
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I don't have children nor would I bring one into the world in a shithole like syria
>kid gets bombed
>liberals want to take his shoes
Obviously I would abandon my country and my family and go to Europe.
saging and testing trips
Someone pls post baby from Nice.
I would defend mine and his homeland.
My child wouldn't have the opportunity to be in near contact with terrorists using him as a meat shield to prevent drone strikes. Shill argument is invalid
I'm not concerned about the kid, more his dad raping women in the open, his older brother blowing up schools and the police covering it up.
Where was Syria during the US civil war? Did Syria send aid to the US?
It's all drumpf's fault anyway with his rhetoric of hatred toward the ME. The honorable Hillary would never be involved in anything like this.
That would not be my kid because I'd move to an area with no militants in it. Like how many Arab countries set up refugee centers and yet these fucks skip over to go to germoney
Pic related will never get old
So what you're asking is...
What if I'm the Muslim parent of this Muslim child who was killed due to US "intervention" in my home country?
pic related
>Inside Job
That's hilarious
>liberals bomb kid
>use as excuse to import rapists
That kid doesn't even shoes retard
Too bad for children and women that all those young men filled up the refugee quota of Europe.
Well. Swedes wouldnt rape or murder the one Who help them escape war.
We helped half Europe after ww2 and noone behaved like theese savages.
When will you leftists realise this?
The middle eastern niggers have themself to blame for not beeing welcome anymore.
my kid dont live in a place that gets bombed 24/7 and if i lived there then why the fuck would i have a kid to begin with?
>muh chillun
What a fucking tired "argument"
Leftards need to be hanged from trees
I'd fight for my country instead of running of and ruining another.
This. The right wing muslims who believe in standing up for their own country are the ones who stay and fight. We get all the pussy muslims
i would kill all muslims
Women project their mothering instincts on anything its the reason women appear to have morals at all.
If post the dead French kid
"What if it was YOUR child?"
If he was my child he will be sent to a safer nation and i will stay to fight not the opposite. After the war I expect him to return in his homeland even if i'm dead