Sup Forums is the final nail in the Trump coffin

>Sup Forums is the final nail in the Trump coffin


Once the mainstream learns what the alt-right is, they'll be repulsed and flock to Clinton, as polls have already shown time and time again.

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How widely has this thing been choreographed?

just wait and see


Those Faggots who didn't go after digra in G G have to blame themselves for this.

good! we want Hillary! she'll bring those niggers to heel!

fuck trump, he wants to treat niggers equally! But Hillary knows whats up!


I guarantee we'll see a pre-approved article from every major MSM site within minutes of the speech's completion, all with the same phrasing and buzzwords.

#ReichBehindHer Hillary will bring those super-predators to heel

All we gotta do see what words are repeated over the next few days and then we'll know

Trump is finished

Says the increasingly nervous man for the 100th time

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This is a grand tactical error on Hillary's part, since Breitbart et al is filled with people who are not us and will be "radicalized" across the internet to battle Hillary from this point forward.

She's actually making an insanely huge mistake, if you have deep knowledge of GamerGate. I figured at the time they were learning from the response, and I guess maybe they figured out that focusing on gender was a losing issue. But race has already been played to death during this cycle. She is only going to enflame her opposition and galvanize them against her.

Hillary and CNN are not able to contain or control the public sentiment during this cycle.

If the word "Sup Forums" exits Hillarys mouth I can 100% guarantee Trump will win the election.

>draw attention to the alt-right
>make it edgy and dangerous
>Surely THIS will torpedo Trump

The Democrats, everybody.

Other than Sup Forums, what are other purported bastions of this "alt-right"? I've heard people say Reddit, but I always thought that Reddit was basically an SJW board. Has Sup Forums really become so visible and influential that Clinton feels the need to speak on it?

Storm front

Wrong. Shillarys and cruz missles have saturated this board to such an extent that it ceased being a one sided echo chamber months ago. From the casual observers perspective, this sitest just looks like a bunch of retards arguing about polotics.

gun sites
sports sites
gaming sites

Nah, it's a good thing. SJWs already know about us and can't be converted, now we will just get an influx of normies to redpill.

Yeah and after her speech I'm sure CTR is going to be on here like crazy. Oh well, we just need to keep posting facts and calling out CTR retards when they pop up.

Attacking the alt right and trying to link in to Trump is the final nail in the coffin of Hillarys campaign and the beginning of the end for the current MSM liberal monopoly.

this. those that even remotely care about the 'alt right" already know about it and places like Sup Forums. I dont really understand how they can get the average person to care about it that much

I get it. They are trying to make a meme now that Sup Forums itself is le the end of the campaign. Come on man you can't turn people who know the truth into sheep.
You can try though.

CTR is going to be on all of the articles about the alt-right. CTR's true power is brigading comment sections, they do not do anything here but disrupt.

Heil Hill

alt-right is a made up term so libs can have another attempt at shame tactics and calling people racist for not bending to their will. didnt work the first 900 times, won't work now.

Yeah. I think this whole speech is really the dumbest thing Democrats can do, as I said in another comment, she's just preaching to people who already agree, tons of people on the fence though are going to say "holy shit Democrats really are out of touch pussies who cry racism over everything." I applaud her stupidity, this is such a dumb political move.

>David Weigel
What do you think?

This is going to fucking backfire. When normies find out they have places they can gather and vent about the nigger who scratched their car and shit in the shower at the gym, we'll have huge infusions of fresh blood.

It's just too hectic for the average person on this board. It's absolute chaos. After it the next CTR flood it's to look even worse. All the tranny, anime, gore, nazi and pro-muslim stuff will keep them from even considering this site as anything short of confusing and nauseating.

Goddammit! Small phone, fat hands.

>a primer

God how far up your own ass do you have to be to label your clickbait like its an informative text?

>whats the WaPo?
>total garbage

well we know the DNC talks to all major media and they listen largely

This is how/why I came here.

I think I'm in love. Fuck you user.