Hypothetically if another holocaust were to happen and you only had enough room in your attic to stash and save two Jews until it's over, which two Jews would you save?
I would save Larry David and Jason Alexander.
Hypothetically if another holocaust were to happen and you only had enough room in your attic to stash and save two Jews until it's over, which two Jews would you save?
I would save Larry David and Jason Alexander.
Miss Israel and Miss Israel runner up.
They shall be my sex slaves or i'll turn them in.
Donald and Ivanka Trump
Can't have a sequel without an original.
I'd save shlomo shekelberg and that's it; I've grown too attached to him.
>implying I'd harbor any of (((them)))
Anne hathaway-mouth slave
Kat dennings- body slave
Dave Burd and Lil Dicky
Wher is Ann Frank buried?
In an ash tray in some old broken Volkswagen.
That's not funny.
Yeah. Broken old Volkswagens are no laughing matter.
No the Jewish joke.
>the Jewish joke
What, Hillary Clinton?
The banks?
The Lolocaust?
You'll need a gold plated attic mate.
Donald Trump is not Jewish.
>implying there are any good jews
Ivanka Trump.
Not jew by blood, does not count. Even jews agree.
Also going to add more with her Jewish husband and the children that she had with said husband.
Pretty sure the wife has to be Jewish, by blood, to have Jewish babies.
FPBP and BTFO the op even. What a dumb OP.
You wouldn't ask China or North Korea this same question about hiding an American spy or some shit.
You came to the wrong place
Dont you mean turn in for reward?
She converted. Jews and even the Torah accepts the proselytized as Jews. Even her family considers her to be Jewish. It certainly doesn't help that she even studies said Torah and even has a Rabbi.
David Cole, Stanley Kubrick (if he was still alive), Milo Yianoppoulos (yes I know he's a degenerate, but he has spoken against jewish interests time and again).
I'm going to further add that even Mose's wife, Tzipora, converted. Heck even, Ruth was a convert. All of such are considered 100% Jewish if converted in accordance with Jewish law. (Ivanka apparently did an orthodox Jewish conversion.) There exists two ways in becoming 100% Jewish: mother is Jewish or conversion. She did the latter.
And if you want to understand it from a bloodline angle. Her children and the entire Trump line from her all will have the dna of a male jew as her body was touched by as well.
Stanley Kubrick was Jewish?
Who is the most famous homosexual Jewish person?
Natalie Portman and Michelle Trachtenburg. Of course I'd keep them in the basement, not attic...
the two Bens. Shapiro and Netanyahu
Adam Lambert or Zac Efron, aren't they both jewish?
are there any hot jews in hollywood?
if there is, two of those, then sexualy abuse them.
You think like that of the particular afro men.
My gf and one of her family members :(
What's in the box?
Trumps daughter and whomever she picks,
Gotta preserve the royal bloodline
Great show. Eichorst 8s the best character by far.
Hitler and anne frank
The Coen Brothers
Two lolis.
None, I need that space for old clothes.
Happy merchant and Shut It Down guy
FP Boner Post
Why not save two sexy girl jews and Procreate them to further their Jewdom?
Two of my exes.