Sup Forums is NOT a white nationalist board

Sup Forums IS a board of peace

We support a multiethnic but MONO CULTURAL AMERICA where immigrants LOVE US AND OUR VALUES.

We do not turn a blind eye to white genocide, but NO U.S.A. POSTER ON THIS BOARD OF PEACE IS A WHITE NATIONALIST.

~In God Emperor We Trust~

I though Sup Forums was just a bunch of asians from socal roleplaying as whites. This is an asian anime forum after all

No we don't. We support a white nation you fucking cuck. Get outta here no shitskins.

ship all niggers back to africa, problem solved. profit!

of course

>We support a multiethnic but MONO CULTURAL AMERICA where immigrants LOVE US AND OUR VALUES.
This. I'm fine with black people and decent latinos who share our values. I just don't want to deal with thug niggers and spics who try to "Make America Mexico again"

Is that what you are?

Im with shota
I'm with her

>trump posters

They're ruining this board.

Too much Liberalism in Trump.

It's weird how when I see a white women with an Asian male I'm not upset but then it's a white women with a black male I am upset

fuck off cuck

trump is a sellout

Lol despite your best efforts Op the media will always refer to this board as a neo Nazi white nationalist message board

Which is exactly what it is

bored of piece

Same here. I mean I don't like it but it's not repulsive like coalburning sluts are.

Lol, get a load of this fucking stormweenie and his autistic "skin colors must match" philosophy.

Inb4 i get called a shitskin even though my skin matches "white" people's skin.

civic mationalism not ethnic nationalism

Nope, im half mexican half anglo american roleplaying as an asian spamming this pic over and over to get people to blame asian masculinity. Im already seeing results (check the archives)

There are now asians using this pic ironically (same of the post arent even me, so im guessing its a canadian chang posting it now after seeing my daily spams)

seems like trump has found the final solution to fix the african-american community

I don't even get angry at these posts but it triggers me to see the same pictures and threads posted multiples times a day.

>Niggers are evil.
>jews are part of the shadow government.
>Muslims are trying to kill you.
>Mexicans need to go home
>Nonwhites need to die.

this board literally has nazi general discussion threads

who the fuck are you kidding familia

Islam IS a religion of peace.


> Sup Forums IS a board of peace

Isn't that proof, though, if the nazis are so unpopular they need their own perpetual containment thread to not get BTFO?

That's the entire point of a general.


>the british are so unpopular they need their own containment thread

You are a retard.

Gb2 Reddit, lad

I'm all for shitskins being left alone in their own regions but I don't want any of the cunts shitting up white land

Try it in some other European country you stormcuck, America will NEVER be a white nationalist country.

You 1% storm cucks will get BTFO in any armed revolution because the noble Trump People's Army will defend in the name of the Constitution all Americans who believe in American values, regardless of skin color.

Now go re-measure your little dick and jerk off to anime before posting about the extinction of the white race you ginormous faggot

"Sup Forums is a board of peace!" really is a multi-tiered redpill of a meme.

Because if we ARE a board of peace where everyone is just judged by the weight of their argument rather than their reputation, then we're the Platonic ideal of the marketplace of ideas normies SAY they want, so they're morally obligated to listen to us.

Whereas if we're NOT a board of peace, but we say we are, then it forces them to consider that perhaps some other people, who claim to be an X of peace, might be practicing taqiyya too.

Genuinely caused me to cogitate.


Oh, well then. Since you promised...

God I wish I was head of the Trump PR team.

"Listen, Clinton and the establishment have stolen from you. Are killing you. I don't have to do anything. I'll just not end their crimes against you. You're already rich. I just won't let people steal it from you."

Who's the broad?

The word "promise" triggers a slight internal kek which is great persuasion you gigantic leafcuck

And seeing white male black female makes me happy or maybe a little jealous
>tfw no black gf

It's not that you're upset when you see a white woman with a black man... There's no inherent problem with that as long as they are together for the right reasons.

The problem is that media and pop-culture has been engineered to promote this type of union explicitly!

For example: blacks represent 12% of US population and Latinos represent 16% yet there are very few depictions of Latino Male / White Female relationships portrayed ... Yet I would estimate that 90% of interracial partnerships depicted in media are Black male, white female.

Also rarely depicted in media: Black female / white male relationships.

This overrepresentation of a face-value harmless combination leads to an engineered and unnatural demographic shift.

I was at an IKEA the other day with my wife and son shopping for home wares (San Diego, Commiefornia). I encountered something very strange:

There were many father / mother / child families browsing the store... But I can say conservatively that 60% were interracial couples and 90% were Black Male/ White female with a mixed child.

It was to the point that I became enraged... I mean I'm not a racist. Even though I married within my own race, I previously date women of different races who I at some point could have seen myself starting families with ... Including an African American gf.

Race mixing isn't the issue... It's the prevalence of one particular type of race mixing that has been socially engineered that enrages me.

Hence, social engineering itself is the true root of my anger and not these innocent couples who have started a family and happen to be Black male/White female ....

The BMWF representation in society is a social construct established through media subversion...for better or worse