If you were born into a Jewish family what would you want your last name to be? How about a first name?
I think if I were born Jewish I would want my name to be Ezra Weinkopff.
If you were born into a Jewish family what would you want your last name to be? How about a first name?
I think if I were born Jewish I would want my name to be Ezra Weinkopff.
Other urls found in this thread:
Shalom Israelberg Shekelstein
David Bergberg
My Great-Grandmother was a Jew from East Prussia.
Am I a Jew?
Chael Sonnenberg
Is Weinkopff a Jewish name or a German name?
Rothschild, that's my only demand.
Shlomo Goldberg
Abraham Kadabra.
Ethan Klein
dank citizen of:
Vape Nation
Potatoberg or syrupstien
Zacharias Levi
not sure if jewish but Solomon sounded cool to me
Schamoschim Fürstenberg
Shlomo Shekelstein
I AM a Jew, but I ain't giving you my name. Not for free.
That's awfully close to that journalists name Ezra Klein.
Question is Calvin Klein the maker of clothes jewish?
David Shekelberg
John Smith
Can't have the goyim suspecting anything.
either Casey Neistat or Stefan Moleneux
IS Levi Strauss Jewish?
>Levi Strauss (/ˌliːvaJ ˈstraʊs/, born Löb Strauß, German: [loːp ˈʃtʁaʊs]; February 26, 1829 – September 26, 1902) was an American Jewish businessman of German origin who founded the first company to manufacture blue jeans. His firm, Levi Strauss & Co., began in 1853 in San Francisco, California.[1][2]
Also his co-patenter was Jewish too.
>Jacob W. Davis
>Jacob W. Davis (born Jacob Youphes, Latvian: Jākobs Jufess, Russian: Якoб Йoфиc) (1831–1908) was a Latvian-Jewish tailor and American immigrant[1] who is credited with inventing modern jeans.
What do you think?
Naphtali Meir
>Tfw Hebrew last name but actually goy
>Tfw only Jews think you're one of them
I'm Jewish but my dad's a goy, therefore I'm a stealth Jew
So was he Jewish?
I never understood pol's hatred for Jews.
I don't know, something like Rosenberg or Grünberg would be fine. Nobody would even suspect anything. Remember that Ashkenazi Jews spoke a variant of German (Yiddish), so most of their last names are German, anyway - maybe some in Polish and Russian, but that's it. So I'd be fine with pretty much any German-Jewish name.
Israel because it means triumphant with God. I would probably become Christian though, cause J-man is the best.
Definitely Jewish, king of Israel and father of David. Not bad, but Shlomo is unappealing nickname.
It means "struggles with God".
Fuck, frenchy beat me to it.
Jewishness is passed through the female line, according to the Jews.
I'd say genetically yes, you're a bit Jewish - more than your average countryman, less than an Israeli.
Pretty similar meaning.
Which is itself close to Ezra Kire, notorious smackhead.
The name of the kike I most respect:
Vladek Spiegelmen
Why not Ginsburg?
Eli Wasserstein
Is the name Debbie Washmerman Shultz Jewish, as in Debbie the former chairwoman?
schlomo david schekelstein
nice pretty name.
Heschel Chaim ben Schlomo Goldbergsteinblattrosenwitzki
As a strong independent woman, I would like to be called Hillarah Onassis.
Mohammed al Arabi Shultz ISIStein
Weinkopf sounds like wine coffee.
Alois Shekelgruber
Those are the jacobsens.
Shlomo sheckelsteinberger
In order to join the SS you had to be less than 1/4 Jewish, so that's probably as good a threshold as any. As long as nobody else in the family tree was Jewish you might not even get sickle cell or tay-sachs
This is the strangest thing. I found some jewish geneology chart and most jews of the 1600s, especially those from england, france, spain, and italy trace their roots back to several spanish "jewish" families from mexico, Dutch antilles, and the caribbean islands and coasts. However those from the slavic lands Are very hard to track. But the history of that region shows low immigration, and militarized curtain, heavily guarded against ottoman emoire. As for how these two "jewish" groups can be related geneticslly. Is impossible to tell, unless they take genes from recent admixture.
Yes. Leave to Israel and rejoin your Tribe.
Shame of Our People. Bastard should be hanged in Tel Aviv.
Yes and based Lauren is Jewish too.
And netherlands can go in that list.
conspiracy, etc. some are joking, some are for real
free speech is good
Slow Mo
Chaim Goldbergowitz
I was, and as far back as I know it was totarski. Evidently we were Russian Jews than became polish Jews, and then moved to America and converted to Catholicism. I don't know if they did that to avoid discrimination or because they honestly didn't want to be Jews anymore, but whatever. Point is, my mom met my dad, who was Greek/Scot, and then had me, so I'm quarter Greek, quarter Scot, 50% polish/Russian/Jew. It's got it's benefits. I'm really good with money.
But since jewry was illegal under catholicism. Because it just meant immigrants and traders who change their identities. It was hard for catholic church to establish their peerage and community. Even though many did carry catholic procession. But practiced things that were seen as intolerable for the safety of infrastructure.
If i were to choose a jewish name itd be Jose Barcelo Perez.
Move back to Israel and rejoin our Tribe. Why do you live amongst goyim?
I think we are all born into Jewish families. A jewish lady from the holocaust presentation once spoked to me. She came out of nowhere. And we were talking about surnames and peerage she says that in Jewry one of my surnames belongs to a jewish family that turned their metal crosses into weapons. I didnt even know i had a Lastname. Since i was always of the doctrine that our ancestors would buy false baptismal names to remarry again.