Can we all agree how brilliant she is?

Can we all agree how brilliant she is?

She got all blacks to vote for her with killing millions of them and imprisoning the rest.
Meanwhile that cuck Trump tries to kiss everyones ass and is losing!

Who else here is #MentallyHill

Madame President Clinton !

Other urls found in this thread:

Operation Bi/pol/ar is pure garbage.

Redpilling normies about shillary's health and crimes (and redpilling them in general) is far more important and effective

This pro-Hillary shit won't have any positive effect, because nobody will buy this Hillary/Nazi stuff. Not even normies are that stupid. It might as well be a CTR tactic, to slide the actual redpill threads

Keep supporting Trump and redpill normies

Heil Hillary
I'm with her !

She's our true queen. Alt-right would not exist without her.


>mfw dumb niggers vote for Clinton
>mfw Fuhrer Queen Clinton killed more mudshits than Drumpf could ever hope to
>mfw everyone thinks we'd support a kike loving faggot over our Aryan Queen

Democrats are fucking genius, while niggers are actually retarded. Lmao voting for Trump would be better for them but they allow MSM to tell them what to think. Fucking subhumans.

>Wants to import 1mil refugees.




Grand Dragons for Hill!

God her teeth are so fucking disgusting



Cant wait for hillary to kill all of those pesky blacks

Fuck niggers homeboy.



Praise KeK

And Go HILLARY! #ImReichBehindHer

Don't forget how she outplayed this guy

No, it's just the woman vote.

what r u doin op

Hey, what's with the Jewish media saying we love drumpf?

Hillary is the only candidate who can keep those niggers suppressed. Trump embraces the Jew and wants negros to have the same opportunity that whites have. This is why we must vote for her, keep the negro on welfare and we keep them suppressed.

Hillary Clinton is the only candidate that supports white interests. As a proud Aryan, I cannot support that cuck, Donald (((Trump))). Globalism is the only way to guarantee that the inferior races remain on their knees in service to whites.

As a Flemish nationalist I stand with HER

also Flemish nationalists donated to the clinton foundation
article is in dutch


I am with her! She will deliver the mongrel hordes into war and we need only stand by and bury their dead. Bring them to heel!

Normies haven't invaded yet. The speech starts in 40 minutes, Pavel.

I am voting for her.. fuck the racist white trash known as Trump. Can't wait for him to lose.

He's #reichbehindher

>black face


Also Chelsea is way hotter than Ivanka

>president of America and future imperial wizard of KKK

Yes, very impressive, she learned to open jars in only a few decades. Clever girl.

Why is Bill dressed like Jimmy Carter.


Fuck off trump shill. Sup Forums belongs to hillary
>hurr durr Sup Forums is satire right guize

Shills out in full force today folks.
