If STEMfags despise humanities so much why do they worship artists like Hitler, philosophers like Evola, historians like Duke, etc?
If STEMfags despise humanities so much why do they worship artists like Hitler, philosophers like Evola...
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Thank you fellow white man. that really made me think
Because while STEM will always be useful, modern humanities courses are shit, even if they usually constitute an important part of a society's health.
All the "artists" you cited are deeply hated by humanities people.
There are some useful educations in humanities as well. History, languages and art for instance. They might not be quite as valuable as stem fields, but we need them regardless. It's really all the feminism and gender studies that have pulled down humanities as a whole.
Why exactly do we need stem? It it doesn't prove more than 2 units of value to society every 75 years or so. The rest of the time it does absolutely nothing
I don't know why are you posting pure Paulina, but keep it up.
Because they're literal retards, living in their own delusions?
The humanitarians that is...
You've never actually attended college, have you?
Philosophy graduate here
Posting the best philosopher of all time
I think all children in Africa should have maps. That way they could know locations and stuff.
Who is this guy?
Sam Harris
Had political philosophy course, I agree.
The problem with STEM, with the exception of pure mathematics, gets phased out as time goes on. Literature and philosophy simply builds on history and can be applied to multiple things. Hell, the first philosophers were essentially the first scientists. Nu-STEM fags fail to realize that literature and philosophy cannot be ignored. Also I'm not talking about gender studies shit.
STEM is useful for progress yes. But they are not leaders. That's why Dr. Robotnik always gets BTFO by Sanic. He can build a great robot army, but he cannot lead it. Classical education ≠ Modern Humanities.
If humanitiesfags hate STEM so much, why do they drive on roads and bridges built by STEMfags, in cars built by STEMfags, designed by STEMfags, while bitching about it on phones created by STEMfags?
No one argues that technology is pointless, but it seems that the common feeling on this board is that STEM is the only thing in the world worth studying and it's simply not true.
Nobody really hate them, it's just that some people give them authority were it doesn't belong. Reminds me of scientism really. Also, being in STEM or related fields does not make you "redpilled", I have friends in those fields and most of them are normies to the core.
STEMfags are actually more Moldbug-esque, wanting eugenics and governments based on formalisms. They're the cyberpunk alt-right, not the volkisch alt-right.
Remember that the disdain for humanities is partly to blame for the mess were in now, culturally speaking. Men have stopped going to uni, and have stopped taking humanities degrees long ago in even greater numbers.
And you wonder why literary, and most other types of criticism are only seen and analyzed through a feminist lens... Men need to take back the humanities.
Nobody in real life, except the most autistic socially retarded STEMfags actually believes this.
If somebody honestly believes that philosophy, art and all other humanities are "useless", then he is a completely autistic retard.
From my experience, mostly mathfags, the cringeworthiest and most autistic group of STEMfags have this attitude.
t. stemfag
>the common feeling on this board is that STEM is the only thing in the world worth studying and it's simply not true.
It is true. It totally is. Not once have I ever heard a philosopher or historian point out something that blows my viewpoint out of the water that would require 8 years of schooling to understand. Most common mind BTFO'er is the redpill, and that's been solved since early history if you just look at the Bible or any other early history. Every other problem has been brought about by advances in science, which should be solved by people with knowledge in science.
I'm working on it, leaf. -t. Literature major
And to add, every major conflict has to do with or can be solved by science. Humanities are a meme. The green revolution and nuclear deterrence has prevented WWIII. (((Humanities))) just brings us closer to it.
Not all STEM kids are like you though. I was in STEM and a good number of them know how to code all day, but can't express themselves or have intellectual discussion. This is a product of lack of literary schooling and philosophy. If you want to produce literal human robots, keep pushing the STEM meme.
I don't. You don't need those cunts to have the views you have. There are actual scientists backing you up.
STEM is the only thing worth studying in college, as in spending years of your life doing nothing else and paying for it.
Humanities are supposed to be made by second-born aristocrats being bored in their mansions in their free time because their elder brother is already doing all the business stuff (plus priests not caring about the more material part of life).
>paying for it.
I hear this from Americans, sure is funny.
If X, then why Y; checkmate Z.
>STEM meme
It's not a meme. There is a severe lack of scientific knowledge in Congress and the political landscape. Having the president appoint the head of the Department of Energy doesn't count, because the president is not a scientist.
There's also a reason sci kids say computer science is not a science. True science teaches you to think logically. This is emphasized in advanced math and especially physics. In other STEM fields, you need logic to thrive, otherwise you're just copying.
Not really, STEM subjects change over time with the introduction of new information. STEM now doesn't reflect what it did 100 years ago and it will not reflect itself 100 years from now.
Humanities are a reflection of the culture of the people. People will always remember our art, music, and philosophy 100 years from now, 500 years from now, and so on.
Problem with white people today is that ever since the 1960's they have rage quit out of the humanities after cultural Marxists took over. Now people can mock whites for not having a culture and whites can't unite because they think their own culture is a waste of time.
>Having the president appoint the head of the Department of Energy doesn't count, because the president is not a scientist.
It's political move, the people who work at the department are the ones who do the work.
But humanities are your culture.
How are people going to appreciate STEM if they don't have something to apply it too?
Shhhh keep maintaining the stem master race meme. If they realize being an engineer is usually a boring, shitty life there will be more competition for the people who manage/own them, making the real money.
STEM majors won't help, Look at the late USSR (or any other socialist/soviet country at that era). All highly inteligent, STEM educated and they were completely helpless.
>Computer Science not science because of logic.
>Computer Science is nothing but logic.
There's a difference between STEM and engineering.
Math and physics degrees are literally useless trash at this point.
Honestly, I think it's a conflation of how public school and gen ed college humanities classes go with the subject matter as a whole.
I can only speak for myself, but I positively despised literature classes in school, every fucking thing about them. The vapid discussions, the teachers constantly prodding you to WRITE MOAR WORDS, the books themselves, to me the whole thing was busywork that, beyond any other subject, made every effort to waste your time and attention. Sometimes the teacher herself (it is ALWAYS a woman) is pretty chill, but they are chill precisely because they do non-curriculum shit.
I'm a STEMfag myself (mechanical engineering senior, if that matters), and I've come around somewhat (and I always liked regular and political philosophy, though at most social studies classes give it a glance), but the "lol English majors are stupid" attitude is perfectly understandable if your exposure was high school and a freshman gen ed class, and you didn't have an English professor dad to show you it isn't all bullshit (also fuck the MLA, fuck the MLA with an unabridged dictionary binded with bismuth).
I'm surprised that you say mathfags are the worst, everyone else seems to hate CS students more than anything.
Just like the Chinese too, they rejected their humanities by purging their intellectuals and look where it led them.
You guys can mock the philosophy majors all you want but when SHTF they are the first to be purged along with the intellectuals
Artists and musicians are always the ones to help preserve culture and are dissident against regimes that try to erase tradition. They are the cultural terrorists to oppression
Many philosophers were mathematicians too, these they though, most important thing is what job market dictates.
>all people in STEM are the same person
Neck yourself. A good all round understanding of humanities is good to have, doesnt mean you need a degree for it.
STEM on the other hand NEEDS a degree in order to be academically suitable for the professional world.
The school (or some third-party organization) is supposed to pay for most of it if you're actually good, it's still more expensive than anywhere else but $50k tuition is basically a way to milk rich kids.
Now textbooks, THAT is a hilarious scam.
>Now textbooks
We have libraries for that, though since some books are limited that means you have spend some time in library as they always have at least one copy ready.
A few classes here and there will do wonders.
I think having studies in classical subjects is good for the person and the country in general.
I wish we had more scrutiny of more """""""modern""""""" humanities subjects. They have potential but people are too afraid to offend the culture they are questioning
really makes me think
Also /lit/ is going to mock the shit out of me for this, but it seems that modern "proper" literature is basically an insular niche of MFA's and New York publishers, and "literary fiction" is basically a weirdly specific genre itself. It's tempting to mock college courses about The Walking Dead and the like (I'm currently taking a 20th/21st century lit class for a gen ed and the professor's making it all about post-apocalyptic and zombie shit), but most of the time there really is more interesting shit to say about Game of Thrones or whatever than the "high" alternative.
That's your problem the you let commies run your education.
Put cultural Marxism up against a classical or STEM subject and Marxism will fail every time.
Problem of Marxism lies much deeper than that though. Marxism has barricaded itself in higher education and refuses to be challenged
(((Humanities))) is what caused cultural Marxists to take over. Prior to that, it was good enough to learn basic tenets of civilization at church and learn the basics of government and economy in grade school. Everything else was BS and it still is. Holding back actual scientific facts (i.e. race and intelligence) has hindered society and caused (((egalitarianism))) to spread. Humanities are not our culture, they are attempts to subvert what is currently working. Scientific studies and logic should be the only thing that chooses the path of society going forward.
>It's political move, the people who work at the department are the ones who do the work.
It doesn't count because that choice is political and not brought about by a populous informed in the sciences through an election. The president could easily choose a yes-man to fit his views.
The problem with the USSR is that they were gommunist, had no problem killing a bunch of their own people, and to this day have nothing to offer the world in raw material exports. A whopping half of Russia's exports is oil, which I presume is what is causing the main kerfuffle in the middle east right now. The USSR achieved a lot before the US in the space race.
>>Computer Science not science because of logic.
>>Computer Science is nothing but logic.
I know, lol, it's a stab at the cheating Pajeets and poo in loos. And the fact you can google a lot of code.
>If they realize being an engineer is usually a boring, shitty life there will be more competition for the people who manage/own them, making the real money.
Businessmen/managers need engineers,not the other way around.
The gommunists purged them. No artist is going to stop a purge with their words.
>If STEMfags despise humanities so much
STEMfag (phd physics) checking in. Most stuff before 1950 is actually relevant and important I would say. Everything after 1950 needs to be send directly in to the oven, no matter if flesh or wood.
The modern "humanity" students just consume information, are indoctrinated by it and don't think for themself. They don't create own thoughts and usually fit right into the mainstream. In addition, they are rarely needed for anything other than giving their indoctrination to the next generation. But I don't blame them, they grow up in a society which is designed to keep them useless, or rather barely useful.
Well, physics research demands a lot of money, experiments that is.
>The president could easily choose a yes-man to fit his views.
That's what I more or less meant, you do realise that it the point of those heads?
I don't think it's even Marxism, everything supposedly Marxist nowadays has fuck-all to do with historical materialism (protip: class struggle doesn't itself mean Marxism, the idea of class conflict is as old as civilization itself).
It seems to be more of a sub-culture that developed, I don't think problem glasses or blue hair are any different in principle from goth or punk.
>Math and physics degrees are literally useless trash at this point.
That's only because physics has come to an end/lull and the only new physics would be at non-provincial energy levels. Engineering is following suit, too. People are grasping at straws. After the biology frontier is gone that's it. Better hope space race 2.0 is practical.
Commie mentality helped with the killing, but it's precisley their technocratic attitude which made them to continue purging and being inefficient. And the space race basically ruined the USSR along with nuclear deterrence.
But science won't be the same in the future. Your ideas and thoughts will be obsolete and you and your people will be forgotten. A culture based in STEM won't last long. Your offspring need to see your values, your thoughts, your history, your wisdom
You can't sit in the corner pouting about how the mean leftists took things from you. You need to man the fuck up and go back in there and take it back. Future generations are counting on you for this
I don't despise humanity fags, I just don't care about them. I don't need humanities to do my job, for the most part, so of course I value the knowledge of my field over the others. It isn't some edgy hate for humanity people, I just don't make use of what it offers on the regular. Technical writing and all was the shit though, very valuable.
I have to agree and disagree with that. First of all, physics research is not always big particle accelerators, so you can make that quite cheap in some instances (cheap is here below 1 million a year for a workgroup of 20 people, 10 of which are bachelor and master students which don't cost anything).
But on the other side, looking at big "experiments" which could change the world: look at the ITER fusion reactor in France. This project is going on for a long time already and in the last 20-30 years, a combination of several wealthy first world countries were able to put in 7-8 billion dollars into the project, not per year but in total. Compared to that, the school system of Germanyalone costs nearly 20 billion a year.
We could easily put in 10 billion a year into the fusion reactor project and we'd most likely have it done by 2025. But we just don't want to, we don't care. After all, the big oil bastards probably have a say in it.
>That's what I more or less meant, you do realise that it the point of those heads?
Yeah, I know. I'm saying it doesn't count as an example of scientific representation in the state. You have to have a scientific populous to elect scientific people to do scientific things.
Nobody will remember you though. You will live in this moment then your gone. You have no art, no music, no writings, nothing for people to remember you by.
Completely forgotten.
>After the biology frontier is gone that's it.
This is the one field that interests me yet everyone masturbates about engineering and what not.
Why should I care? I'm not an engineer to found a movement or create art, it's just my work. I'm just an average person. Barely any people are remembered. You won't be either unless you revolutionize something. Im just doing my job, what I'm good at. I don't need history or art to do my job, so it's not useful to me. Does that mean history and art aren't useful? No, just not for me to do my job.
Because that leaves the door open for the suffering of your offspring. Without something to connect them to the past they are open to the influence of foreign cultures. Even leaving something small can change the way your children, grand children, and great grandchildren grow up
If humanities faggots despise STEM so much, why do they use computers and smartphones to shitpost
How does me personally being an engineer hurt my family down the line? Are you misunderstanding what I initially wrote? all I've said is that I value my field more since I use the information I've learned from it, and not information from other fields. Just because I'm an engineer doesn't mean there won't be people of my culture creating great works. I just will continue doing my job, you humanity fags do yours.
>Commie mentality helped with the killing, but it's precisley their technocratic attitude which made them to continue purging and being inefficient. And the space race basically ruined the USSR along with nuclear deterrence.
Idk much about China, I'd have to delve into their history to see what they were like before. All I know is that they were getting raped by the Japs. They're also a huge populous to be under one state.
USSR had no resources to back the race up with. The US was the sleeping giant.
>But science won't be the same in the future.
Science is cemented once it is proven. Nothing will become obsolete other than older technologies. These are improvements that advance civ for the better. A culture's values should be learned at a young age, and should not be so complex they need a degree. Learning ancient fads is not something you make a career out of.
>This is the one field that interests me yet everyone masturbates about engineering and what not.
It's because medical doctors, at least in the US, tend to ignore the latest information on medicine and are, in general, unscientific. The long FDA approval process is also a cause of people's disdain. Also "donate to cure cancer" since forever. You have to go out of your way to find info on new developments. Most people aren't sick, either.
>Learning ancient fads is not something you make a career out of
Tell that to those who rule you and run every aspect of your life.
And no, science is not concrete when it is proven. A theory is just the best accepted explanation to how something works. It is only good until a better theory replaces it.
Because you are immersed in your work and not your family values or your people's culture.
Your children will just replace you and your values with who ever is willing to accept them, like Islam, feminism, communism, cults, pseudoscience, and social justice