How are Trump supporters still with him after the 180 he just did?

This isn't a shill thread or shit-post. I'm genuinely curious how Trump supporters still justify supporting him after what he did.

Also before you claim that he's doing it just to win the general election, which could be true. How do you know what he's saying now isn't what he genuinely means.

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what he do?

We're with Her now. At least she'll kill niger babies through abortion

Said he wanted to do be more lenient on migration.

Trump isn't a racist. Fuck him.

Hillary is a great racist and smart enough to know how to hide it so the normies don't find out.


It's just a trap to lure in all those super-predators. She will crush them with swiftness.

when and where
post links
you cant just meme everything into reality

>Did a 180

He did a 360 (sans no scope), you are not one of us.

> R E C O R D _ C O R R E C T E D

>thinking there are any legitimate Trump supporters here

I'm voting for Johnson, I just post over the top TrumpNazi stuff so more disenfranchised Republicans will wander over to OUR side.

>this post will get buried and go unnoticed

Just go to literally any news site. He just flip flopped hardcore.

Amen. Fuck this race traitor.

He never 180'd. He just said he wants to follow the law while doing it.

Because he's a fucking white male.


Sessions explained it nicely, Christkiller. Now if you wouldn't mind trying to poison someone else's well, we would appreciate it.

I am also supporting Hillary. But I'm supporting her for the right reasons. Bring those niggers to heel? No, you fucking racist trash.

I'm with her! For white genocide!

>(((news site)))

That's not what he said. He said that it seems harsh to send back illegals that have been here for years. Therefore, they should be allowed some sort of amnesty as long as the pay back taxes.

How about you try engaging with the argument.

I got better question: Why aren't the #neverTrump drones with him after "the 180" he just did? After the candidates they crammed down our throat for the past 28 years and saying "Oh well, just vote for him." Why aren't they falling in line?

Because the alternative is Hillary

Trump is still as xenophobic as ever. Fucking bigot just gave a hateful speech about illegals.

>How do you know what he's saying now isn't what he genuinely means.
Who cares? He's still better than Hillary.
What, do you think Republicans will vote for Hillary because trump softened his stance a little? Because that's be an even bigger 180

jesus fuck CTR is working overtime right now

He's by no means xenophobic. I don't think you understand what that word means

Holy shit it's over

The shilling is def not working

We win lads!!!!

Lol!!!! Ctr hires idiots!

We are too smart for them.

Of course he would be meaning ones that have actually been contributing to society and aren't criminals. If they have been contributing to society, pay back taxes, and aren't a criminal I see no problem with why they shouldn't be given amnesty. This is what I have always expected him to do from the beginning. I never actually expected him to get rid of every illegal, because like he said before "some are good people" why should we get rid of the good ones?

He's said plenty of dumb shit just to test the waters only to walk them back. He's just testing the shallow water now too for the normie vote+pandering for minorities. Can't say I blame him as I would want to win too.

He's xenophobic trash who wants to kick all of the migrants out. Fuck you, white trash. I hope you all get what's coming to you when Hillary is elected.


it's crunch time, baby, Trump must do anything to win.

Factually incorrect

Hillary won't kill all blacks. Fuck off. She's going to kill all of you shitty whites.

This isn't an argument.

Ahahhahaha ctr nigger!

just made some shit up

Trunp has said in the past, he doesn't want a ban on immigration, just the right migrants.

Easy, I'm not a 1 issue voter

How are Hillary supporters still with her after she has proven time and time again she is an objectively worse person than Trump and stands against most things Democrats believe?

Because the immigration issue was never the only reason they were against trump. The immigration issue though was why a majority of his supporters, especially the alt-right, liked him.

THIS! Fuck Drumpf! Queen Hillary is truly the nigger killer Sup Forums needs! She will bring them to heel!


Because he's not Hillary Clinton and thus everyone will be extremely critical and watching the man who shut her down. I'd take that over Hillary doing whatever she wants and then using the media outlets as a branch of the government.

How do you know though that he wasn't just faking it when he was talking about deporting them and building a wall.

She is up there with some of the worst people in America.

Anyone that votes for her should be hanged for supporting a criminal

Because hillary sucks, faggot.

I cant wait for her to get in office and show you niggers what for #imwithher

That's not the issue. He originally said he wanted to deport all illegals. Now he's fine with possibly offering amnesty.

I'm not voting for Hillary. I won't cuck myself for Trump though.

>Now he's fine with possibly offering amnesty
didn't he just say in his speech last night about amnesty "that can't happen"

Jesus Christ, we talked about this month's ago. Of course he's going to do this.

Did he ever say he was going to offer amnesty? How about you post the quote like people have been asking for you super retard?

Of course he said that, but his program is literally amnesty. He said illegal migrants who pay any back taxes can get citizenship and stay. The thing is that a vast majority of illegals pay most of the required taxes. So he's de-facto saying that most illegals will be able to stay.

"No citizenship,” Trump responded. “Let me go a step further — they'll pay back-taxes, they have to pay taxes, there's no amnesty, as such, there's no amnesty, but we work with them.”

“Now, everybody agrees we get the bad ones out,” he continued. “But when I go through and I meet thousands and thousands of people on this subject, and I've had very strong people come up to me, really great, great people come up to me, and they've said, ‘Mr. Trump, I love you, but to take a person who's been here for 15 or 20 years and throw them and their family out, it's so tough, Mr. Trump.' I have it all the time! It's a very, very hard thing."


OH NOES!!!!!!!!!!! THE ALT-RIGHT!!!

The best part of this election cycle is it has exposed all THE TRUE CONSERVATIVES for thinking exactly like the leftists they pretended to fight for 28 years.

I'm alt-right you fagot. Not everybody who criticizes Trump is a CTR shill.

Trump allows illegals to stay - they pay taxes now, but can't vote. What about Social Security for these new non-citizens now paying taxes. Can single mothers get welfare? Can surviving spouse/children of a deceased non-citizen get welfare benefits? Has anyone in Trump's camp thought how expensive this is going to be for Medicare/Medicaid?

>Trump allows illegals to stay - they pay taxes now, but can't vote

How long do you expect that to last.

Totally agreed. She is indisputably corrupt to the core, if Trump had even a tenth of the dirt she has on her we'd have a 24/7 media bombardment about it. Hillary is literally above the law at this point and it's disgusting. I have never been so ashamed to be an American than when I see people excuse her absolutely criminal behavior because "well Trump says mean things." Anyone who votes Hillary is a hypocrite.

Hopefully not very long. A person that works and pays taxes should be allowed to vote in this country if they are here legally.

I'm voting trump, Simple.

Yea, we already endorsed Hillary Clinton here.

She's the best candidate for white america because she supports the welfare state that keeps niggers in poverty and she's pro-abortion which allows niggers to kill their children.

Don't forget she's pro gun-control which means niggers will be disarmed.

Clinton has the vote of white america.

If you could wrap your head around the fact that we want them deported because they drain the economy, not because we hate brown people, you'd understand. If they don't cause trouble and will follow the rules, let them stay.

I expected him to pivot from the beginning but way earlier than now. You can't win when the majority of your country disagree with your policy.

>fucking trump voters why dont you hate people wtf

t. this shill

drumpf could become a commie they'll all still side with him
they are just a bunch of retarded anime leech faggots