You dumb fuck-faces want a real red pill?

I just spent two years living in an african village. The people I met and lived with were some of the most peaceful, intelligent, hard-working, and happy people I've ever met. They have next to nothing and are completely content.

You guys remember that whole slavery thing? I honestly can't keep track of the historical events you are denying happened these days. Well anyway your ancestors kidnapped a bunch of Africans and selectively bred them to have all the negative traits African Americans have today because they were beneficial slave traits. African Americans are completely different from Africans and it's 100% whites fault that it's that way.

You are all sheltered, scared little white boys with no conception of reality or history. Shut the fuck up before you give me a brain aneurysm from your stupidity and ignorance.

Other urls found in this thread:

sage goes in all fields
kil yourself

they enslaved one another and whites were the last race to take part in the practice and the ones who ended it worldwide practically


sure, buddy.

at the end you just realized that you were the "sheltered, scared little white boy"


>The people I met and lived with were some of the most peaceful, intelligent, hard-working, and happy people I've ever met.
Then why do they live in fucking mud huts and die of sleeping sickness at 31?
Doesn't sound all that intelligent to me.
And I'd know, I'm Asian.

Go fuck yourself.

> They have next to nothing and are completely content.
That's the whole fucking problem m8

>Well anyway your ancestors kidnapped a bunch of Africans

I don't have any jew ancestry.

Also if the africans were so intelligent and hardworking as you speak they wouldn't be living in huts made with cow shit.

Weren't africans and arabs most of the slave owners?

> he posted it again

Yeah, Africans are so smart and powerful and capable they let foreign peoples capture and enslave them.

Africans sold Africans to the Arabs you imbecile. Africans were the first to do this and Africa still has slavery to this day.

I'm a peace corps and saw it first hand

Africans also sold Africans to Jews in the American slave trade. Literally all Jews.

So peaceful...

The Brutality in South Africa (goto 47m51s)

Have you ever watched "Empire of Dust" on youtube?

Why are you lying?


lmao what ever you say fag

Nice proxy, Sweden.

You can thank the Marxist leftist ideologies for the failures of the American black community.

>Durrr hurrr my anecdotal experience rewrites all of history bet you feel pretty stupid.
Murder yourself

>They have next to nothing
>some of the most intelligent and hard-working people

You only need to sage in the options field you retard

Jews brought the first slaves here, not Americans

Even down here, where we're full of le afro pride (hell there's something called Afrocolombianity), we have books documenting African kangz selling prisoners from their wars to whitey. And these books are written by nigger-lovers too.
Whatever niggers are going through now, the slaves back then were always sold by niggers.

>I just spent two years living in an african village

Norway right?

If black people were left to fend for themselves they would not survive and that is just natural fucking selection.

They worked hard to build that absolutely nothing guys 4real

Saw this pasta a few days ago, why are you still posting it if you're not just making a slide thread?


stop lying. i've been living here my whole life.

so you admit that negroes are genetically inclined to dindu?

>Well anyway your ancestors kidnapped a bunch of Africans and selectively bred them to have all the negative traits African Americans have today because they were beneficial slave traits.

I don't think you understand how long that would take to actually happen.


where in africa my friend? what tribe was it?


Allow me to correct you, it was higher tribes that sold their lower tribesmen to the white man.

can we ban this faggot he literally posts the same exact threads with the same images every fucking day, mods plz


Im pretty sure at some point in history, some blacks attacked some whites. Therefore, all blacks are to blame.

Niggers deserved slavery.



this post appears here everyday for quite some time, just as "why don't millenials have/do/etc."

do not fall for shilling, summer children

fpbp magyars over all

stale pasta


Handy list of racial slurs for Norwegians

Fish-Eater - Their diet consists almost entirely of fish.
Mountain Monkey - Danish slur for Norwegians. Frequently used at sporting events.
Noogin - Columnist Mike Royko invented this one, claiming that there were no insults for Norwegians, because they were too well-liked and "nice." So he made this one up for a 1978 column.
Norbagge - Used in Sweden to describe Norwegians
Norsk - One of the words used by the Swedes for Norwegians
Norsky - Shortened/derogatory slang term
Ola - Swedish slang for stupid Norwegian.
Rjeindeer-Fjucker - More specifically applies to Scandinavian aboriginals (Saami), but most popular towards Norwegians. Refers to the abundance of Reindeer and silent J's found in this part of the world.
Sea Jew - Norwegian Vikings travelled all over the world
Viking - Self explanatory
Weegie - A shortening of Norwegian

kek its all a show

if the gibs ran out you would be murdered

shart in the mart.

>hard at work


No recovering from that, Norway tbfh

>The Brutality in South Africa (goto 47m51s)
This is horrendous. Pure evil. Brought tears to my eyes. I came across a website that documents the tortures and killings against White South Africans. Yet no one ever hears of it. The media silence is frightening.

they think africa is a country.

>1 post by this ID

was just trying to see if its a shill tbqh, 1 post from their ID confirms

Source? Story?

post pics of rare niggers you saw there
or kys

>I just spent two years living in an african village.
You need to go back.


Muhammad Ali seemed pretty happy slavery happened. The western world freed slaves and gave them a breddy gud life now. They're better off now than they've ever been in history.

You are retarded. Ive lived in SA for two years, and social situation is shit there
The only reason africans in your shitty village are peacefull is because there were no whites (=nothing to steal) around for hundreds of miles.

Hit someone and watch those niggers try to necklace you.

nigger wouldn't make it to the court if that happened here

Wow you spent 2 years in sweden?Amazing!

Not an argument kek

Walk down the street in my area at night. I dare you.

> a squaredhead

> sheltered, scared little white boys with no conception of reality

> a squarehead

>Be ooga booga in 1400s.
>Ship come.
>White people with shinies and kfc come.
>Give slaves to them.
>Mfw slave niggers end up with a better life than us.
>Mfw the highlight of my ooga booga life is some white cuck visiting us.
>Mfw white cuck dies of malaria 4 months later

End yourself.

>They have next to nothing and are completely content
that's the problem
no drive to discover more

nice bait thread

ITT: Correct The Record trolls talking to themselves, pretending Sup Forums is racist.

Fucking sad.

A day from now they'll be gone and we can get back to normal. Thank goodness.

how does this old ass pasta get so many bites?

thank you for the newfriend detector.

White lives dont matter goy

The tallest dwelling structures built in sub-Saharan Africa before colonialism were termite mounds.

Low IQ savages, they are.

gr8 b8 m8. The africans sold their own into slavery, and there are still and always have been more white slaves than black slaves. Fuck off kike.

the last race(s) taking part in the slave trade are arabs and africans

>I met and lived with were some of the most peaceful, intelligent, hard-working, and happy people I've ever met.

>In a African Village

>They have next to nothing

>Intelligent hard working

>They have nothing