>40 years in jail for throwing some water on a couple of (literal) nigger faggots
Explain yourselves, Americans.
>40 years in jail for throwing some water on a couple of (literal) nigger faggots
Explain yourselves, Americans.
Other urls found in this thread:
Wow, that's shitty.
>some water
It was hot water famalan.
t. Georgian
>couple sleeping in a bed
>go to the kitchen
>fill a pot of water
>wait for it to boil
>take it into the bedroom and poor it on the sleeping couple
This act shows premeditation, ample time to change course of action, it can't be considered something done in the heat of the moment, caused severe bodily harm, and was potentially fatal. It is in fact attempted premeditated murder.
The victims being faggots doesn't absolve the perpetrator. A man who stomps a puppy to death doesn't receive a prison sentence because the puppy's life is worth more than a man's freedom. He receives a jail sentence because of what the act itself, isolated, in a vacuum, says about the man and how he fits into society.
Law is observed by the civilized. The uncivilized do not belong free.
It's a pretty fucked up thing to do, he should've have the same done to him as punishment.
If you're too soft on this kind of shit it encourages others to do it too.
Then why is all white on black crime a "hate crime" but all black on white isn't even when they say "I only did it because he was white"
t. niggerlovers
Ehhh yeah, but they were butt fucking sickos so ya can't feel that bad.
That's a pretty funny response coming from a frenchie.
Have a nice day.
What don't you understand? You attack two people in their sleep and cause serious injuries you shouldn't be surprised with a long jail sentence.
faggots niggers get burned
nigger go to jail
i dont see any problem here
They're fags so I don't really care but the guy is obviously a sadist who should be purged
This is because the white house influences the DOJ to push an agenda. If they treated blacks with fair measure then even more of them would end up in prison on life sentences, and they wouldn't be able to hide the truth behind crime statistics.
30~ million blacks in America are incapable of accepting the fact that they're far more violent, far less developed, and far less intelligent on average than other peoples. If they were confronted with that they would have started BLM rioting years ago, and it would be far worse.
Try harder, frog.
Absolutely based black man did it. Fighting homosexual degeneracy, one pot of water at a time. I wish more cucks here stood up for what is right.
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
roasties roasted... r-right?
This doesn't even have anything to do with them being black. Whether or not you consider homosexuality to be degenerate, people in the U.S have the freedom to be gay or express themselves in any way that want (bearing it doesn't negatively affect others around them, which does not include making people butthurt like the black dude who threw water on them).
Ultimately I never understand why anyone would ever feel the need to attack or kill people who believe in something different than them religiously or based on their sexuality. Being against freedom, even for religions/ideologies you disagree with, may be the ultimate degeneracy.
>attack 2 people in their sleep
>with premeditation
>long jail sentence
I see nothing wrong here mister edgelord. And yes, we don't give a fuck about their nigerness or their faggotry
Rather than complaining they boiled some faggot niggers and got sentenced for it appropriately you should be complaining that it's against the law.
People who fail to abide by the law and then complain when they face the repercussions are the niggers of niggers. It's a level of nigger that transcends species.
If you're going to break the law then you had better be prepared to deal with the consequences. If someone breaks the law you should not be so quick to defend them just because they did something you liked.
nice try CTR
senseless violence is the ultimate form of degeneracy
Thats fucked up. He deserves jail desu
>bearing it doesn't negatively affect others around them
He should have killed those two fucking faggots. He would have gotten about the same amount of time and there'd be two less pieces of shit on this earth.
That was probably what he was thinking when he heard the sentence.
If you follow a religion like the ,muslims that enacts sharia law that advocates stoning nonbelievers, gay people, and mis-treating women that is completely un-ethical and has no place in civilized western society.
Why any of the supposed "intellectual" left would ever support a following of barbarianism
is beyond me.
Being upset about 2 gays kissing and deciding to hurt and kill them is violating their rights. The nice thing about having rights is that even if people get upset about you following your own religion, sexuality, what you speak about etc you are never wrong. I think things like the gay parade parades are fucking stupid and just make people more distant from accepting gays but people shouldn't be killed or tortured for being gay.
Except for privileged classes, then who cares (neariy as much, if at all) if the culprit is a scumbag and oh well for the victim, a dog in this example.
A facade of a wholly civil society.
I know frogs can't tell when they're boiling alive, but at least try to empathize with others' suffering.
>It's the left supports Muslims meme again.
I like how not wanting the right of Americans to be stomped on. Is some how a bad thing to you.
No one is contesting the long jail sentence, morons.
A black guy just got life in prison for beating a white skinned woman very very badly. And she didn't even die. So you're welcome to stop talking shit that you know is shit.
Blacks do get convicted of hate crimes on whites, you shitlump.
I don't want anyone's rights stomped on. We already see our second Amendment being infringed by liberals, freedom of speech is being infringed by liberals for anyone not following what they want us to say or think, and our 4th amendment is being desecrated by corporations being instructed by the government.
Many of these middle eastern countries show how bad of a shithole you end up with when the people don't have rights and the government steps in and enforces a moral code or religious doctrine, which by the way, will continuously change based on who rises and falls into power. So yeah, I would prefer to deal with degenerates if it meant that we all had rights to freely express our opinions, follow our own religions, and lived the lives we want to.
>No one is contesting the long jail sentence
You don't understand why no one is contesting the long sentence? Because it fits the TEN guilty counts? Because he caused severe pain and suffering in two people, one so badly he had to be put into a medically induced coma?
>What the hell are you responding to?
Exactly what I quoted. What are YOU part of "What don't you understand? You attack two people in their sleep and cause serious injuries you shouldn't be surprised with a long jail sentence" are you responding to with "No one is contesting the long jail sentence?"
>see two men sleeping together
>am anally anguished enough to initiate a premeditated act of extreme violence
>hitting someone with boiling water while they slept
shiggy fucking diggy
Are you off your rocker? What the hell are you responding to? There's nothing in that post for you to respond to with this type of reply. I didn't ask for justification on the length of the sentence, nor did I say or imply that the sentence should be shorter. I don't think it should be shorter. Put the drugs down.
>no picture of the accused
Must be a nigger too.
See No one claimed that you asked for a justification. I asked what did that poster not understand. It seems to me you are responding to a post with irrelevant shit.
>Throwing water.
Boiling water, and you get more time in jail for intent to mane then murder.
>Exactly what I quoted.
Then you need to stop huffing.
>What are YOU part of "What don't you understand? You attack two people in their sleep and cause serious injuries you shouldn't be surprised with a long jail sentence" are you responding to with "No one is contesting the long jail sentence?"
You loons are acting like someone contested the jail sentence when in fact no one did so. Huff no more.
hate crime user
also come on, that's fucking brutal
Fuck this shitty CTR thread. Stop sliding my board you fucking faggots.
The problem is that in a just world niggers have no worth and shouldn't exist. Faggots doubly so. I don't see how you can jail a man for making the world a better place.
Your puppy analogy sucks. These spooks aren't harmless puppies, they're savage pit bull mutts tearing up white society and then shitting it out on the carpets and fucking it. They had to go.
Kek they left out the part where they had sex before sleeping.
>You loons are acting like someone contested the jail sentence
Are you retarded? Asking if he doesn't understand why there was a long jail sentence imposed does not in any way imply that the long jail sentence was contested. Maybe misunderstood or believed unwarranted but not "contested."
Physical assault should be harshly punished, especially disfiguring cases.
>No one claimed that you asked for a justification.
Non one claimed that you claimed so. We can circle all day. In that post you responded as if I asked for such .
>I asked what did that poster not understand.
Because if your huffed in high you baselessly assumed that someone didn't understand something .
>It seems to me you are responding to a post with irrelevant shit.
Damage control bye.
Don't leave mad, loser. Just leave.
It's criminal that a normal white man is subjected to sharing his community with literal nigger faggots under penalty of jail. The christian conservative ancestors who built their civilizations are proud of that man for taking a stand
I wonder if the children in this thread who think the crime was funny are the same people who say that the problem with blacks is lack of empathy.
Most of us haven't had a serious burn in a long time, if ever. It's as painful as anything imaginable.
>le nigger conspiracy
This type of act is primitive and barbaric. There was no need for it.
The guy should have shot them in the head instead. Fast and efficient.
I wouldn't lie, I would try nigger. The meat would have to be heavily sanitized first, but I bet it would be delicious.
Especially the degree in the photo. It looks pretty serious.
Nice try CTR
Human meat is said to taste somewhat like veal.
>Are you retarded? Asking if he doesn't understand why there was a long jail sentence imposed
That's not even what you asked. You said "what don't you understand?" There is a blatant assumption in that question.
>does not in any way imply that the long jail sentence was contested
The first two posts quoted at the beginning in this chain were two posts replying to OP as if OP contested the sentences. Those are the posts that were written as if anyone contested the sentence.
Do the crime pay the time
Throwing boiling water on someone with certain genetic traits is justifiable purely based on those genetic traits.
t. fat white american lowlife who somehow still has a superiority complex
Throwing boiling water on someone is not premeditated murder.
Damn stupid protestänt amerisharts writing shit abouth empathy.
My spanish catholic heritage says negroes are not even humans.
Did anyone read his defense? Its fucking hilarious.
The only reason you exist is because the Spanish didn't want to kill "muh brothers in christ"
>Are you retarded? Asking if he doesn't understand why there was a long jail sentence imposed
That's not what you asked. You said "you don't understand why?" Then proceeded to answer your premise, very much as if the person was contesting.There is a blatant assumption in that portion of dialogue.
>does not in any way imply that the long jail sentence was contested
The first two posts quoted at the beginning in this chain were two posts replying to OP as if OP contested the sentences. Those are the posts that were written as if anyone contested the sentence.
All these edgy children in this thread.
How can being a middle class suburban teenager make you into someone so devoid of empathy.
Im fed up of these hillary supporters and their BS, Sup Forums is a board of peace
Fuck you cuck #deathtoisrael #freedomforpalestine #fromtherivertothesea
Atleast there is no Muhammads in our cities.
lol based Negro removing Gay Niggers From Outer Space.
>You don't understand why
Yeah. You are retarded I'd you get the wording wrong or intentionally rewording it to justify your bullshit.
That shit is fucked up, how fucked does you mind have to be to think of doing this.
I agree with (you)
This thread is full of edgelords
>kill 70 people (breivik)
>20 years
>pour boiling water on some guys
>40 years
Norway is not hard on their criminals. It is all about rehab rather than punishment in Norway.
What kind of explanation are you looking for? Should he have gotten zero jail time? Life imprisonment? Hanging?
You make all Americans look bad.
Boiling water is only a fraction of the pain these two fudge-packing sodomites are going to endure when they're burning for all eternity in the deepest depths of hell. He doesn't deserve 40 years in jail (effectively a life sentence) for aggravated assault and battery. The LGBT hate crime laws in this country are absolutely ridiculous. He'd have been better off had he just flat-out murdered both of them.
But he's right. The truth hurts sometimes.
Great point.