This movie is supposed to be a funny because it's a "fish out of water" comedy about a "black" knight in medieval times.
But did you know....
This movie is supposed to be a funny because it's a "fish out of water" comedy about a "black" knight in medieval times.
But did you know....
there really were black knights!
holy shit, is this real? if it is then we wuz rly kangz n shit nigga
I think you mean the Mo*rs
I always thought Moors were just darker skinned Arabs and Bedouins and not subsaharan Africans.
You would be correct but here, on this board, trolling trumps logic.
nah, their niggers m8.
>not the Dark Knight
That would be very amusing
Not now OP. Sup Forums is trying the inbound normies that Trump supporters aren't inherently racist. This tread will bait the rhetoric.
trying to show*
Actually it was a pretty good movie. Yeah it was cheesy and consisting of Lawrence spazzing out for comedy purposes, but it was an example of good moviemaking and actually pretty redpilled.
Lawrence's boss before he fell in the water and woke up in 14th century England wanted to sell the medieval amusement park he worked at because it was facing direct competition from another amusement park. Lawrence initially told her to sell it, then he got knocked out, woke up in England, and helped out a bunch of peasants fight against an unjust king.
Later, when he wakes up, after learning that working together to defeat a common enemy is best, he tells his boss not to sell the park, basically not to give into the jew, and instead renovate it so it could do better for the community, which was impoverished nigger hellhole.
They would never make a movie like this in the modern era, unless they showed the "fish out of water" black knight get put down by all the white men for no other reason other than he's black. In the movie no one cared he was black except that guy Percival, and he was a douche anyways.
Who would have thought that portraying blacks as equals was more effective at promoting equality than portraying them as perpetual victims.
Superior black out of water kino.
Moors were berbs
Eddie Murphy is a pretty cool guy. I don't know where he stands politically but he doesn't seem like someone who sucks in a lot of bullshit.
lurk moar newfag, its a joke making fun of niggers who say that they were ancient Egyptians, aka everything from Africa is a subsharan black
Isn't this a painting of someone from Ethiopia?
This is Saint Maurice represented in medieval armor. He was supposed to be a black guy in the Roman army
>it's a "ebert gives a terrible movie a good review because it has a black person it" episode
Roger we get like black people. Knock it off
Sucks tranny cocks, though.
more like "man burning at the stake", if we would give it even a pretense of realism. Safe maybe for some south-italian slaves and the like, the only percievable notion that a black person would get, would have been "muslim". And golly-gee, guess what they did to muslims back then?
Right, my bad. They might have just killed him quickly, instead of setting the stake up and all, but you get the drift.
Just another example of race relations getting worse, not better, these past few years.