Gee, I wonder who could be behind this article...
Germany: "Donald Trump is absolutely un-American"
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I remember that this guy made similar article last week.
And this is a conservative website lmao
at this point we dont even have to point it out.
This user gets it.
It's too common now.
I don't know user, just because it's anti trump doesn't mean it's a coincidence
>nouveau riche
What happened to the small million dollar loan from his dad meme? Trump is like 3rd generation super rich.
I wanted to pre-emptively point out that "Stein" doesn't have to be a jewish name, before all the (((comments))) flood in, but
>Heute lebt der Green Card-Gewinner und - seit Herbst 2012 - US-Bürger als Korrespondent der Welt und der Jüdischen Allgemeinen[2]
>correspondent for the Jüdische Allgemeine (jewish newspaper)
>nouveau riche
Kek langage français Fort
I mean, there are pseudonyms, they know it right?
oh look nazis trying to call an american un-american. retards.
guy looks like pic
holy shit why are amerisharts so stupid
I completely disavowed all German media channels, be it TV or newspaper. It's only good to watch unfolding events live on TV when there's a happening right here. Otherwise it's all unbearably biased bullshit.
why do germans think they can tell americans who is and isn't american just because some don't follow the rapefugees welcome ideology?
Germany doesn't even know what it means to be German how can they think they know what it means to be American?
germans 2016 are like 95% hillary. not even kidding. they are lunatics.
pic related, germans were asked who they would vote for.
stein, rly?
>Germany in charge of what is or isnt american
wow, top cuck
Stein is a common German name you dumb faggot.
>Hans Stein
Oh look, it's this fag again
Absolutely right my friend Hjordstein!
I'm glad we have Germans to tell us what's American
It's not
Not really.