I support Hillary Clinton because she wants to keep niggers on welfare and dependent upon the state.
She's also pro-abortion which allows niggers to kill their useless spawn instead of letting them grow up fatherless and eventually imprisoned.
I support Hillary Clinton because she wants to keep niggers on welfare and dependent upon the state.
She's also pro-abortion which allows niggers to kill their useless spawn instead of letting them grow up fatherless and eventually imprisoned.
Bumping for the queen of Sup Forums
You like spending your hard earned money on niggers? K cuck.
I like spending my hard earned money on nigger baby corpses. Don't you?
why hillary is such a Nazi?
Democrats have always been the better party for keeping the blacks in their place. If you starve a people, they will rise up. If you keep them just well enough fed without giving them any help they will stagnate.
i'm not opening that image
She's literally Hitler.
I know we're split in support between Hitlery and Drumpf, but at least we all hate niggers, right?
Exactly, Democrats keep niggers *just* well enough that they don't feel completely hopeless but also not enough to give them any mobility. Democrats literally keep niggers locked away in ghettos away from Whites.
Wtf. Get out if here you liberal drumpf supporting faggots. Hillary is best choice for white America, her record proves it.
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
That's exactly why I'm With Her.
Stupid racist Drumphffff wants to gib the niggers jobs and education. Whereas Hillary knows that the best way to deal with the nigger problem is to keep them poor and on the reservation, to bring them to heel. Plus she constantly reminds them of their place. They're failures because the white man is keeping them down, due to being far superior, I suppose.
Operation Bi/pol/ar is pure garbage.
Redpilling the normies about shillary's health and crimes (and redpilling them in general) is far more important and effective
This pro-Hillary shit won't have any positive effect, because nobody will buy this Hillary/Nazi stuff. Not even normies are that stupid. It might as well be a CTR tactic to slide the actual redpill threads!
Keep supporting Trump and redpill normies.
Fuck you Mahmoud. Become one with the Clintoris or GTFO.
heres that autistic kraut from reddit again. le redpill le normies maymay. fucking retard we dont want those normies here
I think CTR is too busy pretending to be overtly racist Trump supporters. They're driving people to the site, so they're got to make sure that they see what they're supposed to see.
This user gets it. How could anyone who so wholeheartedly admire Margaret Sanger be wrong?
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Keepin those niggers in their place
Operation bi/pol/ar literally resembles CTR shills emulating Sup Forums culture, nomenclature, and memes. Kek
Also goys please stop this at once. You're going to fool with the meme magic kek-shue
I think Hillary is all right, she's alt-right!
Is this real? I just don't see the context of her giving a reaction like this
>we meme so hard Hillary becomes a national socialist
I support Hitlery because I support the continued eradication of mud folk in the middle east. We need a strong colonial presence in Syria.
I wanna do this with hillary clinton, she's such a hottie
I kinda agree with you, but at least its funny. but makes a good point
Hillary is our only hope to get our views across!
Keep 'em on the Democrat plantation and out of my daughters bedroom