If Hillary utters the words "four chan," I will send one-hundred dollars to any cause this thread suggests.
Prediction: It's Fucking Nothing
Man Boy Love society
>not JIDF
Too late, sweetie.
black youth project
Leave the aussies alone, it's 4am for fucks sakes
Clinton Foundation
You will donate 100 dollars to Hillary.
Back lives matter
The Open Society Foundation
Project prevention
ted cruz for president 2020
if doubles then you will have to donate all of your money to the Hillary Clinton campaign.
Sup Forums is already associatd by some media as alt-rright. Wont take long until the MSM starts piecing it together and shove normies here.
Relax around Blacks foundation
OP is right, nothing will happen.
Any threads that seem to be normies, are going to be people from here baiting.
I mean, what do you think is going to happen? Hillary will talk about Sup Forums and Sup Forums and people who watch the speech will come here and make a bunch of threads trying to insult us? What?
But she has to SAY "four chan" or no deal. If she does, I will pick one of these suggestions at random, donate online and screencap the confirmation.
Donate $100 to ISIS. Those goys need shekels.
No you won't
If you do, I will pick another suggestion from this thread and donate 10$
My drug usage
Trust me she'll mention us
Use the money to bring attention to the plight of white South Africans.