Who is Sup Forums?
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Sup Forums is a board of peace
Alt right is simply conservatism without religion. We don't have a problem with gays or abortion. That is all.
Gas the kikes. Race war now.
Alt-Rights are post-Ron Paul anti-establishment memers who give up on principle ideals and became apathetic again. Now they only meme, but when that meme energy propelled Trump through the primary, they became Alt-Rights
I like alternative music and I am right handed, duh
You can all stop posting Donnie, the lie is too obvious, you can see through it.
Alt-right is pretty much a neo-nazi and very liberla pro-hillary movement
Hillary is the absolute solution of wiping niggers and filthy arabs off of your country.
I've been an alt-right marxist liberal and a neo-nazi my whole life and my ideologies focus mainly on the racial purity of us (whites) and how we will not welcome outsiders (mexicans, blacks etc.)
All people i've met in e.g. Hillary rallies or Democratic convention have always had interesting information about Hitler, because no-one else imitates his actions better then Hillary will.
I like how stupid and delusional the media is that they don't know about Hillary's REAL plan (about the "campsites" etc.)
Pol is right/far right, stop calling us alt-right for fuck's sake.
Alt-right is a leftist ideology. It's basically identity politics and, seriously, look at Trump. That's why #ImWithHer, the true right wing candidate.
>alright with denying humans their right to life
user, i....
>jpg from windows directory
>this should be gud
UHHH, we're anti #SUPERPREDATORS FFS, dumbass.
>who is Sup Forums?
20+ million unique visitors per month from all over the world and political beliefs spanning all bands of the spectrum.
The only difference here vs Reddit or Twitter is that no one here is worried about losing "social currency" and therefore, doesn't have to fake the funk and repeat whatever the (((media overlords))) deem to be what should be the right thing to say, to gain social acceptance.
We also are nazi fascists who worship a resurrected ancient egyptian frog deity of primordial chaos and will one day wipe all niggers and jews off the ace of the earth ushering in a new era of world peace.
Hillary Clinton will help us do this. The whole Trump thing is a ruse.
If anyone wants to conduct a phone interview, send me your email address.
I'm disappointed bro.
We will follow our fearless leader Hillary into an era of undisputed white supremacy!
1. She kills black babies.
2. She bombs kebab.
3. By opening borders, she's truly redpilling people. Unlike Trump, she's thinking strategically and long-term.