Maybe you're not smart enough to support Hillary?

Maybe you're not smart enough to support Hillary?

Other urls found in this thread:

>college indoctrinated Americans are liberals

Well, color me fucking surprised.


This is traditionally not even accurate.


>name calling


>Having a degree makes you smart

>voting preference between parties is universally understood to be not far off from about 50/50
>majority of professions are 3/4 blue
So. Is half the population employed as petroleum geologists? Did they leave neets out of the equation? Something doesn't add up.

That's a pretty weak position considering 34% of post grads support Trump so obviously allot of "smart" people support trump. Are you even trying?

Also, not an argument.

>only people with post graduate degrees are smart

If this includes liberal arts degrees that get paid less than my yard guy, I'm not sure it's really relevant.

I've also seen stats that show people who make more money vote republican. I guess competent and talented people, regardless of college education, tend to vote right. Incompetent and talentless people, regardless of how much education they have, feel like they need the extra help the left promises them in order to compete.



stop being racist toward black people who almost never graduate college

also, this
How racist of you, leaf

I'm with Her! Enslave low IQ savages! And Hillary will do it so beautifully. Fuck niggers and white trash!!

Faculty at most US universities is 90% Democrats.

so where are all the niggers fitting in this graph?

>smart enough to support hillary
she's got 90% of the black vote

nice try though...

It does (to some extent), but being smart doesn't mean you're right.
Being a dunce doesn't mean you're wrong.

1. She kills black babies.
2. She bombs kebab.
3. By opening borders, she's truly redpilling people. Unlike Trump, she's thinking strategically and long-term.


theres a difference between a bunch of nigger retard liberals who get humanity degrees and republicans/conservatives who actually get real degrees.

On top of that, education absolutely does not breed intelligence. Just look at all the retards that are allowed to go to college through public assistance.

They even send niggers to Harvard now at all costs, lol.

I am working on my phd in a business discipline. I would say about 90% of my peers in any given phd program are in that program because they are unemployable. There are exceptions. But most weren't able to succeed in private industry. Many were forced into low paying government jobs because no one would hire them because of social skills issues.

I will say that two of the smartest people I know
>An aerospace engineering grad who works as a pilot.
>A guy who makes 6 figures doing computer stuff for the government
Are both voting Trump in November.
The problem with this study is that it cheekily includes STEM grads with philosophy, English, and gender studies doctorates; people who are decisively dumber than they were, when they first went into college.

It's all known that blacks are smarter than the America's white trash/Trump supporters.

education =/= intelligence
any motherfucker can drag their ass through a major with low grades. Does this make them geniuses?

> If you vote for my candidate you are smarter than others

This shit is old.

Those 34% supporting Trump are the true intelligent people. Generally at university, the more right wing a student is the more intelligence that student has. Trust me I've seen this first hand at 5 universities.

Having a college degree doesn't mean you're smart. It means you're a communist with a massive student debt. Example of a modern day college student is pic related.

I'd really like to see someone who's sincerely stupid try to drag themselves through a fucking physics or maths phd.
People around me think I'm just the smartest little bugger to ever use a computer, but the idea of getting anything more than my bs is beyond me.

This is absolutely true. The students who seem to be able to apply what they have learned tend to be right wing. The students who do well on exams, but can't get anything done outside of a classroom, tend to be libs.

uhh no. Niggers cant even hold down jobs.



High school dropouts detected.

Lumping gender studies in there is extremely cheeky. From what I saw in Uni 90% of humanities degrees are indeed worth less than nothing.

I've got a software engineering degree and I would vote Trump over Hillary in a new york minute.

Neither can white trash. They're constantly losing their jobs to immigrants and smarter white people.

That's why we're #WithHer.

don't look at this, conservatards, you may get triggered:

I couldn't read that graph either, it's implies every with a job out there vote for hilary.

>French flag for the Dutch guy

Well flipped french one

Indoctrination. The average university is a 4-7 year adventure learning white guilt, seeing GLBT as the protected favorite caste, and having to suck the toes of spoiled feminist cunts to get laid.

You have to regurgitate left wing social theory in 90% of classes or you will be failed. This conditions people to believe this is how the world really works, and that there will be dire consequences if they ever reject modern social theory after college.

What is this even from?

Not an argument.

Bill Gates is a Harvard Dropout.

Dude we are with Her

KKKlinton 2016 !!!

>If I say something in greentext and caps, that invalidates it
>I'm one of the few black people who finished high school, and now consider myself intelligent because of it
No, that is what is expected of you. You don't get a gold star or a pat on the back for doing what is expected of you.

>OP think a liberal arts degree is "education"

I wonder how this would look if you cut most liberal arts degrees (as in gender studies shit tier. English and history have SOME practicality.)
Spending 4 years having multiple older role models telling you to become a gender androgynous liberal will make you hate Trump. Shocking

Scroll all the way down:


uh no. For the most part we hold our own...niggers dont. Niggers need help with everything.

Your obviously the one who is butthurt since it is common knowledge that niggers cant do shit without help, such is the reason why it's covered up so much through PC and dropped standards.

Of we only count real degress it would look different. At this point liberal arts is just cultural marxism.


Are you the nigger that got a free handout for being such a nigger?

Classic libshit normie manipulation tactic. All liberalism is born out of low self esteem so democrats tell them they are "intellectuals" for voting for them and low test betas actually do it in an attempt to feel better about their pointless existence.

Just posting facts and numbers. No manipulation here.

I have several engineers and a couple architects in the family.
They're all voting Trump.
Only female relatives with no degrees even consider supporting hillary.
My sister who is a nurse and aunt who has a psychology degree seem to be annoyed to the point where I doubt they'll vote at all.
Very little open support for hillary, though Bernie got them talking.

I hope Hilldog strokes out before the election.

Everyone has their flag sideways

You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>You Hillary supporters need to get the fuck out
Sup Forums is a board of peace

I know... personal experience... got a masters degree in architecture... During my final year, Berkeley graduate professor gave us 20 books reading list on French linguistics theory... What does that have to do with architecture? Absolutely nothing. I took licensing exam. 15 hours 9 part national exam. Guess how many questions had anything to do with French Linguistics? Zero. Professor never spent a day in an Architecture office. He has no idea what architecture is even about... Why French linguistics? Pure liberal pretensions...

>joins racial solidarity group in prison out of necessity because other races do not share in this dillusion of equality and brotherhood

>hey user, white nationalists are stupid loser criminals with face tattoos

kill yourself.

>maybe you aren't smart enough to think like me ;^)
>no manipulation here goy! Just the facts.

Ya blew it in your op! The correct way to start one of these threads is with a "really makes you think" tag line. You're never gonna move up in the shill hierarchy with this low effort b8.

>I support Shillery

Nice try. I have an ivy league degree. Is that expected of me?

Leaf-quality arguing mate.

>Hillary Clinton's supporters are geniuses!
>90%+ of nigs are going to vote Clinton

Yeah, whatever.