Sup Forums BTFO
implying she wasnt able to pay for it herself
nobody BENEFITS from it .. its just a LIE you stupid cuck
Fascism is a bit like Monarchism in a few ways, if you have a good ruler then he rules with the people and for the people to keep them from fucking up.
>able to pay for it herself
Why are all your photos of "socialism" actually photos of capitalist America?
Fascism is just a different name for capitalism and watered down socialism.
She paid into the system, why shouldn't she take advantage of it?
You're right. Your socialism is better equipped than our system to deal with poor citizens' needs.
We should send over our niggers and rednecks.
I also helped put a cherry on the cake. Doesn't make I have the right to take a whole piece of the cake.
>commie toothpaste
Why am I not surprised? Also, this is now a /leftypol/ BTFO thread
>Giving money to those who don't work
Worst bait ever
I don't like public schools, they're incredibly inefficient.
I don't like highways, they are under constant maintenance and there's always too much traffic. I take private toll roads if I have the chance.
And I don't like social security, it's a scam that will go bankrupt by the time the boomers have sucked it dry and died. They literally made a low that said "let's have the next generation pay for us, they'll do it because we'll give them the notion that the generation after them is gullible enough to pay for them"
Your elite is already BTFO everyone of you.
Thats a terrible analogy and has no relevance. Jesus you're stupid
This triggers the communigger
>communist comic
>sideways france flag
wtf I hate luxemburg now
She says to take advantage of what you can for your own self interests. It's ethical hedonism, not some upright knight-like Weltanschauung.
This triggers the US wage cuck
>I don't like highways, they are under constant maintenance and there's always too much traffic. I take private toll roads if I have the chance.
No it doesn't, because inequality is a non issue.
Letting your people grow, giving them freedom to grow inside a space that is limited so they don't deviate to degeneracy is goal of "fascism".
Fascism builds people to their best form.
You want that top image, only without the middle 60%, comrade.
>being this stupid
>false analogy
If you're not gonna even try, just leave.
>DOT shill detected
Are you seriously defending public highways?
Kek in communism there is no people bc all died starved
Fuck off commie, your lazy ass worked only 40 years to get my taxes. You need to work at least 60 or GTFO
>best form
Then why did the Ustase lose like faggots?
You're making it sound like a Ponzi scheme now. What side are you on?
b-but hitler built the autobahn
The top 1% also pays most of the taxes and creates the most jobs.
Having trouble seeing the big picture comradski?
I wonder how many bombs I need to blow up your silly "country"
Sheer numbers of enemies
Don't argue with these retards here on Sup Forums. Most of them think they would become rich one day but most likely would live a shitty life believing that crony capitalism and oligarch corporatism is the same as capitalism.
Gee, I wonder who actually came up with those building projects that gave those workers the jobs?
>but you don't understand guys!
>in communism the building would have magically been building itself!
>the workers would have worked on it anyway!
Tick tock cucks.
Capitalism will collapse within your lifetime.
You're just showing that it exists. We know inequality exists, so you can stop your dump.
The question is whether or not it's a problem
Daily reminder to """""""workers""""""" about their (((prophet)))
Who else /twenty dollars to their name and starving/ here?
Dude that guy's glasses were BFTO
and receive the most tax reliefs.
>taxes and creates the most jobs.
if you mean creates jobs in India, then yes.
25 years later they still mad
>bottom 40% of Americans have no wealth
>give them wealth
>they blow it on shiny new rims, truck nuts, grillz, and McDicks
>have no wealth after a single generation
>beg for handouts again
How many times will we repeat that?
Well said. Sup Forums is full retarded asskickers who think they'll make it one day just because they are licking the ass of the rich. Glad to see not all americans are dumb. Cheers.
Few things: First is that 1% pays for social benefits that commieneets wants
God bless America.
Capitalism rewards hard work and conservative planning.
Socialism/communism kills every time under the false notion of equality, which is in opposition with NATURAL LAW.
Second is that "exploitation" is a meme
>inb4 absolutely autistically assmad /leftypol/ knockoff maymays
If OP has his way, increasing exponentially forever (or more likely until a complete economic collapse)
Third is that your methods are retarded
I'd love to stick around, but as it turns out I have a job interview to be getting to. Later communiggers.
Don't project your degenerate ways and behaviours on the general public. Thanks.
That picture is bullshit.
For starters by definition you cannot legislate your way into communism. You need highly refined capitalist system first which will eventually bring about communism as an emergent feature of the system.
>no incentives for the middle class to progress of take risks
I have saved $850k over the last 13 years. How about you guys?
I don't see the problem here.
>own big corporation that employ thousands of people
>make more than thousands of people
How do you expect them to pay their employees?
>Capitalism rewards hard work and conservative planning.
You just know this person still lives with his parents
Fourth is that "gibs" are even more retarded
Good luck with competing for the same job with 100 rajeebs and jamals who do the same work as you but cheaper.
But I am sure a handshake with the manager will certainly help you.
Yeah and perhaps it's all going to go to waste after hillary destroys the world. Go fuck yourself you lying pos.
Fifth is that everything there was already discussed and capitalism win.
For you
You answered your own question.
The wealth doesn't trickle down accurately to the working class.
Capitalism isn't meant to reward hard work. That's retarded.
If 2 people needed to dig a hole the same size, and one has a spoon while the other has a shovel, who would you choose to dig the hole?
Protip: not the guy who is going to work harder
Yes, yes poland the best example of capitalism. (while getting 100s of billions from the EU tax payers of course.. but shhhh)
a more apt depiction of fascism would be the people holding up the foot of their own body, and they should be proud and honoured to do so
Define accurately
Because now you're just arguing about muh feels
Hillary isn't going to destroy anything, and why would I lie?
It's not even that I need the money, it's like stamp collecting at this point.
>creates jobs
To make products for people that don't have money to pay for them. Supply side is a meme, user
so...we should like living in cramped housing high rises, with only as much as needed?
What happens when your food ration is short for one month? Is starving a traditional communist practice?
What happens when you are a dentist, but the state needs you to work in steel mill?
Why do you need people to tell you how to live?
Are you poor and unsuccessful? Is this why you favor the same for everyone?
Share holders and distribution of benefits of dividents are done by muh feels you dumb retard.
I'm not the one who has to compete with 100 other pajets because I don't live in the US.
Let us welcome out newfriends Sup Forums
I'll start
I have a fantasy that I am a nazi officer, I shoot Anne Frank right between her pretty little eyes.
I would visit her decaying body everyday on the other side of the fence.
Is that why we're negative balance in EU?
We have to pay for the gibsmedats.
>>Capitalism rewards hard work and conservative planning.
>You just know this person still lives with his parents
No he's definitely right.
I own a home,cars,nice things
Wife, daughter.
Building a good nest egg for the future and saving for child's college.
ALL thanks to a small family business we all work hard to keep successful. Only thing that gets us is government bureaucracy and of course taxes, but it's part of the game.
We always thankful we live in a free country, and not some socialist shit hole like we see on the news that's falling apart.
Though we may eventually fall into that trap ourselves if we keep electing progressives that promise to rake care of us through redistribution of wealth.
God bless the USA
>Have hundreds of thousands of dollars
>Shitposting on the asshole of the internet
Yeah sure bud. If I had that kind of money I wouldn't even bother with basement dweller tier beliefs and live life.
Dividends* are determined by management based on available capital and the forecast of the financial well-being of the company.
Learn how the system works before you start criticizing it.
Also I noticed you didn't answer my question
Who paid for the streets you're riding your daughter everyday to public school?
Fellow citizens. If the government wasn't in charge of it we could've done a much better job
I dont you fucking retard. Enjoy your oppressive, food rationed, mother land.
Awwww :( no success for you.
>by management based on available capital
Its done solely on muh feel.
>"So what if there is not enough benefice this year? We'll take the same amount out for the Bonus on our Salary this year."
hitler was a national SOCIALIST
>bottom graph implies the richest people of the country is only 3 times richer than the poorest
>middle is 20 times
>small family business
I bet it's at least 80% bullshit