What does Sup Forums think of Spidermans new love interest?

What does Sup Forums think of Spidermans new love interest?

MJ the iconic character, rather than a specific one take on her, will always be a white redhead.

They could have establish in mainstream pop-culture a WOC love interest, instead they just made a non-white version of the white one, i.e. WOC cannot claim her as "theirs".

Nothing, but virtue signalling and I cannot comprehend why POC do not see they are being played with all this stuff.

Does she have a dick?

She's casted just to please the SJW. Pretty, hope she can act is all

I'm glad identity politics are finally ruining the marvel films, because at the moment the comics aren't making money but are funded for agenda pushing

Marvel doesn't care because of how much their movies make

Is she mixed? Cause she looks fine as long as you aren't some huge comic book fag

They managed to make her look white through tons of makeup when instead they could have just casted a white chick to begin with. T-thanks SJWs

Should haven taken pic related instead
she also is nigress

>implying you wouldn't stick your stinker inside her WOC pussy

Justi magine how actors will try to hide their boners when shes around.

>Almost entirely white mongrel with white features that is the offspring of the conquest of Europeans in far away lands
Take that racists!

I can already tell she is as vain as a woman can possibly be short of being an entirely other entity which transcends vanity.

Hot desu

>Sony movie
Hmm will it end like ghostbuster?

I'd eat her ass

You can take solace in the fact that most of these creatures either kill or mutilate themselves with surgery in their middle age and live lives of total misery.

She unironically looks better than Kirsten Dunst

stop using terms like woc or poc you fucking cunt. just say nigger and get over with it americanized cuck,

Shit tier taste you must like fucking men

just another example of cultural appropriation at the hands of racist bigots


Would spider sting & websling




I'd take an ebony goddess over a coked-up whore any day desu

>you'll never go back to the early 2000's

Serious question, is there any Marvel character that haven't been changed to nigger, mexican or chink yet?

The show might be a flop

I have yet to see a spiderman film I enjoyed, the casting of MJ is smallfry when placed next to this

I wish we had mixed niggers here.

All we have are mudslimes and dark as night niggers

She's fine as fuck.

I'm not promoting race mixing, but I am promoting fucking dimes like her.

Poc woc and moc will be insults in the next 5 years.

Is this what you call a black person in USA?
Looks like a coloured to me.

>not wanting those thick cocksucking lips milking your cock while you hold her by her hair in permanent eye contact

Why is Sup Forums so gay?

And of course there's the righteous gypsy. Guess what? Hillary is going to gas your kin as well when she becomes queen.

Does she have a lazy eye?

You in Argentina are probably used to fuck with niggers but we're not.

like 99.9% of black females she wears wigs (see Michelle Obabo)

Don't care cause comics are gay

the villains

Holy fuck get some glasses.

dont care. comic books, movies, and other forms of media are a waste of money. only mental midgets and children still consume media


>says the country whose pornstars are all brown or beady eyed, probably full of gypos

Lol le u le mad?

Don't worry, blacks dont like it either

> albania

a nigger with too much shade

It won't be "enough" until every major movie casts exclusively non-whites for lead roles. Minus the bad guy, of course.

Not an argument

i am sorry guys u had to see this. rly embarassing i feel ashamed of my countryman.


>dyed hair

Red Skull... I think

Director didn't confirm, but if so, I'm irritated.

why is her head so big?

>black men getting cucked as black MJ gets bleached

Honestly, not even made.

Larger screen presence means fewer special effect expenses.

>even black girls wanna be white kek

>Lazy casting

No,its apart of the MCU (Man Child Universe) and it's Spider-Man so it will make billions.

I play Witcher 3 all day errday (when not at work) shits redpilled as fuck brah.

>Spiderman new love interest
She should stop bleaching

>We want more POC in films!
>Shoehorn in POC
>Whitewash her
For what fucking purpose, liberals?

She looks so fake. I bet they're trying to make her look like she is White in the movie.

The Punisher. I'm surprised he's the only character that hasn't been tainted by social justice.


Because her tits and ass are
Not even japanese twinks are that flat.

Big Dan?

White enough for me.


>they're always black

It could have been a latina or an asian, but no she's black

I could understand if they are pandering to ethnicities in order to make more money, but then by that logic there should be more spics represented.

I hate that nigger #ImWithHer

Frank Castle is motivated by sadness over his dead wife and child...so it wouldn't work if he were black.
Although they might remake him as a BLM 'hero' who shoots cops


jesus christ, much cuter when she was darker

I approve, girl is hot af. Would marry her.