Why was he such an asshole?

Why was he such an asshole?

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Depressed, suicidal, lonely.

He wasn't suicidal at all. Or depressed really. And he had plenty of friends.

>abandoning the kitty

He's literally me

>Implying you wouldn't in that situation as well

I like to think I'm a good person, but then I'm reminded that despite knowing first aid I'd probably never help anyone if the situation arose.

He has various personality defects

Those aren't real

Can you imagine constantly failng at thing you love the most in the world, giving your best, opening up yourself to the world yet constatnly being fucked by circumstance/other people/your own flaws and spending your life in and endless loop of failure? I bet it yould be a fucking joyride to hang out with you

He was miserable because he was unable to achieve his dream due to a lack of talent.

>I misunderstood this movie completely and utterly


He was talented and it showed when he sung with his partner but he wasnt strong enough to open himself to a new partner. the tragedy is he opens himself everynight to strangers when he performs and is forced to do so as it was his only means of income

Yes. Yes I can

Bullshit, he had talent, the opening/ending scene of him playing was beautifull for a purpose


It's easy to relate to Llewyn. He cares about what he does, the music and everything. Look at this scene when everyone starts singing along and it's clear how much he thinks it's bullshit:


His problem is that he cares too much about it and he comes across like a pompous, self absorbed arse.

The loss of his partner was hard on him personally and it was hard on him career wise. He cares a lot about his music, so much that it absorbes him completely. He and his partner was heading somewhere, but then he disappeared and he found it hard to transition to a solo artist. He lost his career, which was everything to him, and his friend at the same time, of course he was a bitter asshole.

That's not an excuse though. Why didn't he just move on?

haha you've never been depressed have you?

I don't think that's how depression works.

I didn't say it was an excuse. I said it was the reason why.
>Why didn't he just move on?
People don't just move on. And people react differently to tragedies and loss. Some get depressed, some get fearfull, and some get bitter and angry. Llewyn got bitter and angry.
Have you never lost anyone close to you? Or even something important to you?

I don't think that's what the seen is about. He's clearly jealous. When they initially call Jim up to the stage, Llewyn thinks it's for him ("I didn't bring my guitar"). He thinks he deserves all this acknowledgement. So when he notices that everyone is singing along for this other, he looks around almost confused.

And more than that, the scene is mostly about his love for Jean. The camera zooms in on her, and he shows his love for her the same way the audience does. He looks around at the audience and notices how they fall for her. And that love is undercut by the slob bar owner saying he'd simply "fuck" her.

>You should get back with [your partner].
>That's good advice. Thank you Mr. Grossman.

What the fuck no
I don't know if it's the reason but he felt really beliable and human. Way more than any of the rest of the cast sadly.

Is it possible to be successful and a loser? That's what Llewyn is.


He's literally homeless, broke, and his friends have to sleep around for him to get gigs.

Llewyn isn't successful. It is possible though.

I mean in the sense that he's a genuinely good musical artist.

Sure. But that's not what successful means though.

It means you will be successful

No, not really.

It makes a lot more likely

Sure. But it's hardly a guarantee.

It's literally stated by the directors, faggot. He's good. He's not great. Bob Dylan's arrival at the end is the symbolic nail in his coffin. Fucking dumb illiterate faggot.

Since this is a thread with actual discussion about a real movie, I'll bump it.

He was a pretentious twat