"Would you rather your child was born with Cancer or Feminism?"
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"Would you rather your child was born with Cancer or Feminism?"
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You watching the speech?
Well, I'm going to raise my child to be a feminist, so them being born a feminist would be a good thing. Cancer not so much,
>born with Feminism
>"Would you rather your child was born with Cancer or Feminism?"
>Cancer = Disease
>Feminism = Ideology
Well that's a dumb comparison question if I've ever seen one
What's the difference
you can cure cancer
Shut up nigger
He my child is born with cancer I can just make another one, if it's feminist I'm fucked for life.
That and the sandy hook comment should be a big no for her campaign if anyone from her campaign or politics had a bit of class.
>Low energy crowd
>pandering to Mexicans
>weak speech that lasted a maximum of 35-40 >mins
is it over?
>Not 40 minutes of Trump is racist, Trump supporters are even more racist
That really isn't a choice, both are the same.
also, cancer -> die early go to heaven
feminist -> degenerate life go to hell
she openly admitted to listening to david duke's radio show
how the fuck did that one get past her speechwriters
Did she clutch the podium with a death grip?
Did I say speech? I meant strawman.
more important poll
She got boo'd for that analogy
>a resounding 91% of Sup Forums is retarded
Is your logic that you'll just make another child, or you're just too beta to teach them right so you'd rather let them get cancer so a doctor can deal with them?
i would rather mourn a dead offspring i could be proud of than have a living degenerate one who i wish WOULD die
Late stage feminism is about a curable as late stage cancer.
At least with cancer you die with some pride.
Feminism is infectious, not just intellectually but ideologically. It destroys not just individuals, but communities and nations. Cancer can be eradicated or contained in an individual about as easily as feminism, but institutionalized feminism remains without a cure.
cancer isn't contagious
Samefagging this hard
Never forget.
I know it's you, Milo.
Tbh, how can you ask neckbeards that attained grand wizard status?
DESU, if its your own flesh and blood you never wished cancer upon it. If your daughter becomes a feminist it's your fault and you should get cancer.
How is it our fault if she's born with it?
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
P.S. Please don't post an image of you eating cake.
You can't be born with feminism it's something you learn like any ideology.
Keep growing that beard son.
It's a trick question, because feminism IS cancer
>Belgium in charge of reading and understanding hypothetical scenarios
I'm sure you're a very manly feminist, stop taking it as a personal attack.
atleast cancer is somewhat treatable
You are just retarded to learn that you can't be born with it. Some idiot parent has to teach it to you.
You don't get born with nationalistic pride either. You need to learn it.
It's times like this when the autism meme stops being a meme.
Feminism of course
You can talk someone out of it eventually
Cancer isn't contagious.
If she has one she might as well have both, doncha think?
Shart in mart?
I dunno, I gotta go with Feminism. I can disown the piece of shit for free, but cancer would bankrupt me.
Cancer is a decease, it can be cured, feminism is a retarded way of thinking and can't be cured and is nuisance to other people. I'll go with cancer everyday.
Feminism obviously, it's more easily beaten from the child, an experience that can be fulfilling and fun for parent and child alike.
At least Cancer will just kill them, Feminism is the cancer killing Western civilization
You can survive cancer, but I've never heard of anyone surviving feminism.
At least cancer can be cured
Nonsense, both are a disease.
Kek, glad to see you conceding the point autismo.
Go be a feminist somewhere else.