Czechs welcoming Angela Merkel

So today Angela Merkel (the whore who literally invited rapefugees to Europe and who still wants quotas for immigrants) visited Prague. What happened so far:

>Some angry guy tried to ram her convoy.
>People were chanting "Merkel must go" from the airport to the place she had meeting with our PM.
>When she was being greeted outside, nearly one hundred people started whistling and chanting "German whore"
>People tried to get through police blockade by force, nearly did.
>There was somewhat big manifestation against her visit, people were shouting "gas them" when some unlucky muslims

Goddamn I love my country.

Other urls found in this thread:,Ways-of-acquiring-Polish-citizenship.html

2017 is just around the corner....

Based just hang her



Based Czechs. I still need to visit Prague, drink your whores and fuck your beer.

wtf I love european texas now

based cz
no sane person likes that betraying cunt

A handful of people just BOOED her? Damn, that might just convince her to finally change her ways!

Awesome, wish their was video to show her disgusting fucking face.

Top kek, based as fuck. What are the chances that enraged Pepiks will go full Kubiš on her?

Fight the globalist whoes!

I fucking love you pepiks

Fucking based bohemians. Much love from japan

Don't be mad, Aziz.

Lots of Germanbros and Austriabros today with us. Was nice to see people working together against the witch.

Also, our president apparently told her: "We didn't invite anyone, so we don't want your quotas." Man, this must be a pleasant visit for Merkel.

>Zeman (our president): Germany can not transfer responsibility on those who don't welcome migrants

Stop being dumb, what she is doing is on purpose by (((them)))

Doesn't mean anything.

I'm pretty sure Czech citizenship is easy to get. The only reason you are not overrun is because nobody wants to go to your country, otherwise you would be flooded by dirty chinks coming from the East, and if not that, you'd be overrun by Muslims or Africans.

Until your immigration laws discriminate against subhumans then it doesn't matter how redpilled your citizens are, when your government doesn't care.

>people working together against the witch.
Are you going to arrange regular booing events now, Slobodan?

Me too, I want to drink theire whores and fuck theire beer

she won't change her mind even if she would end up in coma after a stabbing

She comes to Warsaw tomorrow to meet with the V4 prime ministers, I hope there will be protests too

i can understand this
wow i love being slav

does your media also have a pc diareah about it? That's what would happen here.... just asking

Wtf I love czechs now.

I love your country too. Fuck that German whore.

>european texas
fuck yeah!


>I hope there will be protests too
Why aren't you organising stuff on normiebook?

>I'm pretty sure Czech citizenship is easy to get.
It is not, actually.

But yes, the rest of what you are saying is true. I don't however agree with the "doesn't mean anything" part. Man, it means a lot. When people as lazy as Czechs get out to the streets, it means a LOT. And when they do it with people from Germany, it means REALLY lot.


You dumb, Aziz.

After visiting Warsaw and Marsz Niepodleglosci three years in row now, I have really high hopes about the Poland. Godspeed, Andrzej.

They do, but it is too big for them to lie too blatantly. So they tend to belittle what happened today.

No, we're going to start arranging gang bangs on german women, since you Germans seem to love that.

Do Romanians end up in comas after stabbing or something?


>no source
>no videos or pictures

its a start you fuckwit, which is better than nothing


I am a Polish descendant, my family moved to the U.S. shortly after the Soviet Union pulled out. Can I be an honorary Slav if the Volks-deustch happens in Eastern Europe?

I love your country and women. :3

Enjoy your sources, use google translate.

I feel much closer to the Czech Republic than stupid Germany.
I hope we work together closely with our slavbros in the future and ignore our "neighbours" on the western side.

can you invade us?
i asked kurwa bros dozend of times, but they are too scared that deutschland will do a blitzkrieg again if they do
now it's your time to shine tschechien

I remember my gramps was always saying that "Austrians are Czechs who confused their language books."

bassed checks

i wanna fuck your drink and beer your whores

They could probably invade germany whit fucking cold war stocks at this point

I can understand this too, brother

you'd have to apply for polish citizenship,Ways-of-acquiring-Polish-citizenship.html

Czechs are based, I remember when an user posted this a few months back when some Czech lads put bacon on a mosque
Top kek

by a Muslim refugee


>her country hates her
>Eu hates her
>turks hating her
>trump hates her
>She still gives no fuck

Please, nuke her


>No defenestration

Actually doing something, instead of keeping your greasy fatass in your bedroom waiting for someone else to do the job.

That is not the only thing. Check the pic, our local mosque + pig blood.

Happens at least few times a year.

And another one.

Damn, I usually don't like you atheists, but you all did good today.

My Mom's been pushing me to apply for citizenship so I'll most likely get on that next month.


I'll add, the race war meme will forever stay a meme, as nobody here seems willing to do something. Everybody here is just waiting, hoping, but not doing shit, not even trying.


That's the key word, even if not much come out it, that's one more step toward what Sup Forums's hoping for.

you did good today

Atheists in the West are beginning to wake up.
Dawkins admitted Christianity might have been wall preventing an even worse religion, Islam, from flooding the West.

Islam and christianity both were created by jews to program peoples minds. all these religions are just lies, it's not the atheists that should wake up but people of abrahamic religions, they all fell for a trap

Czechs proving they're based since forever, especially since 1618

Why are you people so butthurt about Temelin?

How many chinks/muslims live in Prague, and how many are flooding each year, and why aren't you stopping it?

It all means nothing unless you do something about it.

>Flooded by dirty chinks
says the leaf


good! fuck that cunt!

Muslims from little to none at all. We've got few Vietnamese, but they tend to stick to themselves. Most of the Prague is white Czechs, however bigger number of white foreigners as well.

Smaller cities and countryside tends to be completely racially homogeneous.

Non-white immigration counts in tens/year.

Learn the jezyk if you want actual bragging rights ziomus

>Are you going to arrange regular booing events now

Last time I Czeched it was you guys who were booing when we pulled a cheeky Brexit.

If you're not careful, Germany, France and Sweden will be the only countries left in the EU.

Hard to tell about chinks. There is thousands of chinks tourists esp in Prague and Ceske budejovice Cesky krumluv (pic related)
we got lots of vietnameese, but they are fine. They just open a shop with shit tier clothes or food, or they are just cooking meth which is sold to germany.
very few muslims

Good job 2nd greatest ally

I can understand this as well

oh who the fuck CARES. czechia is an irrelevant cuck country who is shit at ice hockey. you do NOT use those words at another head of state.

i look forward to the arrests

I like Prague a lot. As an immigrant I've has zero problems here as well. Could be that I'm white, though.

No one seems to care that I'm Jewish here but if you mention Muslims at all everyone I've talked to (including people at my workplace) will start to tell you how dangerous they are and how they should be avoided at all costs. I'm not sure what to make of it really...

She probably has tiny NATO explosives in her head to go off, if she doesn't comply with her (((ORDERS))).

>not yearning to reestablish the Polish-Lithunian Empire

True ((((American))))

>We've got few Vietnamese, but they tend to stick to themselves

That's not a good thing- that is the point. Whether they "integrate" or stick to themselves it is not a good thing, because they do not belong either way.

How many refugees do you accept a year?