Do you have a Trump support sticker on your car?
Do you have a Trump support sticker on your car?
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No I live in California so I don't want to get shot or worse.
Nope. I don't tie myself publicly to any person or organisation. Shit like that will get you messed up eventually.
No. I enjoy my vehicle in a stable condition.
>Have annoying neighbor
>Place Trump sticker on his car when he's not looking
>SJWs vandalize neighbor's car
This, only wear a MAGA hat and other Trump shit so that people have to confront you in person. Most leftist are too pussy to do so tho.
Clever idea. I might have to use that.
>instead of presenting lifestyles, it just gives you some pros and cons with additional infos
>some pills are objectively better than the others
shit tier list, but i'll go with pink pill, because girls have it much easier in life.
Bodywork is expensive bruh
My neighbor did...someone smashed his taillight so he took it off
I fear for my car. Leftists love to vandalize. trump will win my state anyways
i just imagine this cute little face staring out the window
No but
>be at walmart
>parked next to lady with a bunch of Shartlary stickers
>one of them is "le history made" with her ugly face
>slap a Trump & Pence sticker on it
>come out later to admire my work
>young girl, maybe a teenager and her mother clearly notice it
>probably pondering whether to take it off
>give them a look like you better fucking not
I wish I had waited until who ever drove that car came out
this is glory
more like
>be at walmart
>shart in mart
Yellow pill. I'm sure we could make a lot of money doing not normal jobs since my waifu can never die.
>identifying yourself as a retard
No, I live in DC, in one of the most liberal neighborhoods to boot. My car would be vandalized within a day.
Step 1) but a couple trump signs
Step 2) buy a hunting camera and put it in a hidden location that can see the trump sign in your yard
Step 3) wait.
If somebody takes your sign, you have photo proof
No, but I have a Bernie sticker. I would have voted for him because he did actually care, but now I'm voting Trump.
>not a motion-activated shotgun
lad, wew
Put a trump sticker on someone's car you don't like, and leftists will vandalize it for you.
I would but I work with a bunch do niggers and spics
No. I don't advertise anything I'm affiliated with. Always hide your power level.
You'd have to do more than that. Put on some white pride stickers, a swastika, a Trump sticker, and a "coexist" sticker just to confuse them.
Too many autistic collage kids in my city. Don't want to get my windows busted out.
I think all stickers are tacky as fuck and won't have them on my car
Ya it's real
I have two. TRUMP and Vets for TRUMP on my Cr-V 97' as well.
>no iron pill
No of course not. I'm not about to have some nigger or mestizo throw a brick through my window.
Plastering your views on your car in a society of people who get angry when someone doesn't agree with them... hmmmm seems like a good idea.
Better to keep my thoughts to myself and on myself. At least I can defend myself 24/7. My car can not.
>implying the prepubescent sheltered suburban teenage Trump supporters on this board would be allowed to put a sticker on their mommy's car
>Info wars sticker
whats up with burgers and stickers
>Putting stickers on a Maserati
>no indigo pill
I have the elephant decal. It's delicious to watch liberals behind you. Make sure you got a pick up or large truck so they know they could get fucking shot if they try to CTR on your ride.