Pretty decent speech, honestly

Pretty decent speech, honestly.

Other urls found in this thread:

the same shit being repeated all over

fuck you 'merica, where is WAR, is this it, you fucking pussies

30 minute "rally". Consider my record corrected

Really good speech, nothing really unfair in there whatsoever.

Challenging repubs to make a call on Trump.

.10$ have been depositied in your account

Let us welcome out newfriends Sup Forums
I'll start

I have a fantasy that I am a nazi officer, I shoot Anne Frank right between her pretty little eyes.
I would visit her decaying body everyday on the other side of the fence.

>Donald Trump
>Trump is racist
>Trump hates black people
>Trump said dumb things

Yeah great fucking speech. I know more about Trump from her speech than I do about her.

Literally the same things democrats have been saying about the republican canidadte in every election

>Muh racism
>muh sexism
>muh islamophobia

I thought so too. She addressed the issue of Trump's campaign being largely paranoia and fear driven without red-pill overdose. I though her mentioning the water filter salesman was a bit risky though.

"Trump Bad"? 30 minutes for that?

Fuck off Hillary shill.

All she did was talk about Trump so no lol

Same with Trump

>Appeals to authority, no sauces
>literally conspiracy
>About 4/5 of the speech was about Trump
>The (((crowd))) only cheered when Trump was mentioned
>(((Community College)))

But good material for Warmongering Hillary meme. Overall I rate it 9/11

>namecalling trump while asking him to stop namecalling
>literally reading the headlines of articles
>contradicting herself
>guilt by association
>muh boogeymen and conspiracy theorists
>blacks dont have it bad, in fact they're leading!
Really activated my synapses

She made it up the stairs with no visible support, expectations blown away

Not really

>used the race card throughout the entire speech
>talking about the alt-right only based on what rumors and media has said about it
>trash talked trump and other right-wingers the entire time instead of explaining how she will be a good president
>using triggering progressive words

not a good speech. waste of time.

That was fucking horrible

She is a mess

Jeb bush caliber

I loved it! It was so predictable it's almost scary.


This pants-shitting old hag said nothing in her speech.

Looks that way. What a fucking idiot.

its such a smear turmp says we can better ourselves. hiliary is why bother we are good enough?

The speech was advertised exactly like that.

>a speech to tie donald trump to alt-right

And you're surprised that it was exactly as it was made out to be?


>cucks are the real conservatives
>Alex Jones is evil
>Breitbart is evil
>Trump racist

I liked the part where she said all Trump believes in are conspiracy theories and then she laid out a vast rightwing conspiracy theory of her own

Persuasion man will have a field day


Fuck off leaf


I liked the part where she mentions finger pointing but she'd been doing it almost her whole speech. Typical woman desu.

She convinced me and I immediately went and got a new tat for our new queen.

fucking leaves everywhere

And now people will here will make bait threads next 3 days.

At least she didn't mention Sup Forums.

Here's the updated one

>I'm memeing in real life guys so fucking epic XD

stay fucked

Isnt it bizarre that she can call things racist that by definition are not--'and no one talks about it

Granted the birther movement was dumb but
You cant just call everything you dont like racistsexisthitlerwhitesupremistaltrightnationalistfaggotniggercuckshillsfascistsbigotS

>Entire speech was "don't vote for the other guy"
>Not a single policy
That's not an effective way to win an election

Don't count your presidents before they are hatched.

fucking kek I was wondering what that noise was

How about tying the Alt-Right to Trump

get that hashtag trending

No, its below mediocre. All it was, was:
>trump is raycis'

Spread it.

Remember/pol/ she also said that when she was in school, people of color could not swim in the same pools.

It wasn't a policy speech though

>didn't even mention us by name
yeah nah cunt, shit speech all around

Hillary was born the day Hitler died. Coincidence? I think not. Hillary is the new incarnation of our dear Fuhrer. May Hillary bring order and whiteness back to our world.

That cuck on CNN just said it's 2016 people, come on!

Well, that remains to be seen. If she wins, I guess it is.

What did you think about the part where she said a mexican proverb about to know a person you have to know who they hang out with and she hangs out with pedophiles and muslim extremists?

summary of speech
I started the birther movement but blame Trump

how dare she attack the farage, I hope he fucking rips her apart in a response

Clinton's speeches are for people on the fence.
Pulling out examples of why Trump would be a disaster is a good tactic in this stage of the game.
Her campaign is very well thought out.


Eh, not really, it was literally the same shit MSM feeds us every day. Plus it's obvious she delayed her speech until Trump finished his rally, so she could address some of his talking points, yet she mentioned nothing about what he said about her emails and corruption, which just makes her look more suspicious. Plus "muh Russia, muh great George Dubya, muh Olympics" -- it seemed like she ran out of topics in the end.

Friendly reminder that there are more niggers in America than canadians in the world.

No substance, only air and pandering

That's the same thing.

generic liberal boiler plate the speech

for her next speech shes going to pander to homosexuals and say brown people contribute to america

Is there a name for this style picture? I've seen a bunch made of roosters. It is extremely weird. I like it.

I hope wikileaks has some emails of hillary being racist.

Can't barrage the Farage!

Like you watched it, asshole.

deep dream

Deep Dream AI by Google

>Putin is the leader of the alt-right




change it to hate

It was written by professionals, so of course it won't be bad.

No. Alt-Right supports Trump, Trump doesn't support Alt-Right

Our Canadafriends are clearly willing to listen to Hilldawg. Yet not my fellow Amerifat friends.

Really make u...



He atleast discusses his policies

>What is Batman Versus Superman?

>implying hitler died in 1945


i think you mean leaked, shill.

Top kek

Uh huh.

And now actually explain to me what difference it makes which direction the rope comes from when you tie two things together, instead of that off topic garbage.


Well guys..
>the audience titters, in anticipation of the statement to come
Let me just say that TRUMP...
>the audience laughs, followed by some boos
Donald Trump is....
>the audience shouts a few adjectives, laughs are heard
A racist
>the audience cheers, clapping is heard, national media declares it the speech of the century

Why do you think that? Are expressions difficult for you to comprehend?

the whole thing will blow up in her face

shes basically telling people to come to Sup Forums where inevitably they will become redpilled


that's why she won't mention it by name

When you poo in loo you can relax and watch mobile phone.

it's 2016, poo in loo

She didn't do that at all.

Thanks anons

"Fifth highest-grossing film of 2016"?

Sort of like he doesn't support David Duke ?

Who cares about niggers there will soon be 4 billion of them

No one gets redpilled from this site.
In fact it's the complete opposite.
I have only grown in hatred towards Sup Forums in the 2 years I've been here.

It is true. A did not dislike Jews the slightest,, but after coming here and reading all your anti jew shit. Every time I see a jew I make a bad accasiacion even though I don't believe all your shit. Wierd how the brain works

dumb frogposter

I totally surprised you have, really. I am Canaydeeya.

I mean, you guys up north are so bigoted.

When you spend thirty minutes talking about Trump and Alex Jones you have got serious problems. Whats her next speech? raging out over Zwarte Piet and Geert Wilders?