Is that it? Really? That's the whole speech? Wasted 30 mins of my life

Is that it? Really? That's the whole speech? Wasted 30 mins of my life


Hillary has zero substance. Notice all she did was bash her opponent, while saying absolutely NOTHING about herself or campaign.

That was lame as shit, and the spergs were making a big deal out of nothing.

Hillary is only capable of standing on her feet for 30 min. Any longer and she'd need her stool.

I know right and she didnt even mention /pol once

I wasted more... been here waiting since noon. That was weak. My favorite part was when she listed all the Republican nominees not race-baiting and said "wee need that kind of leadership again" after 8 years of Obama racebaiting.

So many strawmans.

BTFO Sup Forums or KYS, HILLARY 2016

did she mention Sup Forums?



I only caught the end. At what time in the stream did she mention the alt-right?

Now watch as the Jew York Times calls it "the speech of the century" which "completely debunked Trump", and watch as all the good goys lap it up without watching the speech themselves.

That was unimpressive.
Trump speeches are far better.
She sounded just like any french socialist.

Desperate for minority votes

Anticlimactic as fuck

>no mention of Sup Forums
>no mention of Kek
>no mention of Pepe the nazi frog


Did you guys here a guy shout pepe when she mentioned the alt right? I definitely did.

She most likely shit herself 10 minutes in and her adult diaper started to leak, so she had to stop earlier than expected.

/pol BTFO by /pol

>Stop hitting yourself pol.

I was really looking forward to the normie tsunami
>Heil Hillary ;)

the speech will be carried by the 1000 media outlets.. I'm surprised Iran didn't make bigger splash in the news this morning.

Haha I was watching it with my wife and we both noticed the crowd was clapping when she stated established fact

"the youth are more connected today than any other generation!"

"the Olympics are on!"

"black and white women can swim together which is different than when I was young!"

at least she mentioned Alex Jones and the Alt-Right

approximately half way through.. She also mentioned Nigel farage and Alex jones - basically character assassinated them, in order to induce a "guilt by association" on trump

did you see her almost fall down the stairs after? HAHAH you can make this shit up.

Well the good news is that you spammed the shit out of the chat window, it's sure to be recognized.

You name dropped /po on several occasions.

How do I get a wife

Yeah, it was pretty underwhelming. At least some guy yelled "Pepe" in the background and I got to watch the Trump speech while I was waiting.

Pretty much..
Now hillary goes and takes a nap. It's been a hard day at work. I'm sure her muslim donors will be happy to hear that she again defended muslims exhalted islam when speaking about the olympics.

god job lads

i noticed the handler at the end rushing forward her after her awkward decent from the podium

She mentioned 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing too hahaha
>they totally werent inside jobs, please believe me

Be a good man and be lucky enough to find a good woman



Yes sir

Very disappointing. I was expecting so much more. All that hype, what a total waste of fucking time. Nothing but the same vomited (((tribe))) talking points the old puppet shits out, as always.

>Haha I was watching it with my wife and we both noticed the crowd was clapping when she stated established fact

Yes your 'wife'

Some of us do well in our lives, burgerbro