Should the black race be enslaved again? Think about it. No traffic, free labor, a lot less crime...

Should the black race be enslaved again? Think about it. No traffic, free labor, a lot less crime, more peaceful neighborhoods

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Why bring back slavery when capitalism allows you to take willing slaves conditioned to accept whatever bullshit hoops you make them jump through

>black slavery
>not asian slavery
has the Western Railroad not taught you anything? harder working, faster, and can live off rats and pennies.

I once designed a philosophy called Spartan socialism. The way I see it, if food and energy was provided by slaves, the state could make those nesseities of life free. Put it another way: imagine if we turned every nigger in Africa into a miner; how many rockets could we build? There's your answer.

This, look at the erkans from invader zim, they invade planets to enslave the inhabitants and they are most powerful indeed flying huge armada's thru space

Because slavery is basically spilling the beans and saying that someone is an insignificant nigger who may get killed any time while in capitalism you have to feed them and pay them or else your business is over

LOL probably more normie eyes on Sup Forums right now tan any other time and you make a thread asking wether blacks should be enslaved again

>you have to feed them
No, just pay them. And cost of living is so high those people become trapped in the cycle of debt very quickly. What's the difference to slavery? You feed and house your slaves and work them all day. Capitalism just puts an illusion of choice in the middle of that

Capitalism in theory gives any enterprising individual the ability to self determine and utilize their skills to create wealth.

Slavery is not giving a rat's ass about the slaves unless they start dying, in capitalism you have to give them a good pay or they will rebel and refuse to work

>No traffic

>Slavery is not giving a rat's ass about the slaves unless they start dying
What shitty Hollywood films are you getting this crap from? Slaves have always had more value healthy and far from dying. Only foolish, primitive societies worked them to death. Totally wasteful

>in capitalism you have to give them a good pay or they will rebel and refuse to work
>they will rebel
Oh sweet summer child, I remember being this naïve

Hillary will make it happen

o sweet summer child, I remember life before I read the history of HAITI

But slaves are not equal to the average citizen, they get less food for example, and at least people used to revolt back then and tried changing something, don't fall for memes Boy , the people are slowly waking up again

Yes, the niggers belong as slaves for the benefit of the white man. That's why I support Hillary Rodham Clinton, the only candidate acting in the interests of the white race.
Heil Hillary!

>hillary "niggers need to kneel" Clinton

I am not trolling, this is a legit question.

Why does it seem like all slavery debates always center around the ethics of being a cunt to your slave and just owning a human in general?

Slavery has been around for most of history in most societies, why then do we not examine if there might actually be an important detail that we are missing?

Let's say that a person goes bankrupt by stealing all the money of his business and using it irresponsibly, in the past he would become the slave of the investor, now he is just put in jail or on the street.
Would it teach some people a lesson to be responsible if they really did have thier lives on the line? atleast in the most extreme cases?

I'm not saying that slaves should be beaten or what have you, even in the past there were some laws and customs that protected slaves to an extent.

This is probably becoming an irrelevant topic at this point though.
Our new "slavery" is totally ok, it's called robots.

Slavery displaces entry level rules for your native workforce. Led to the downfall of Rome.

Slavery is for lazy people.

Earn it, don't steal it, or it has no value. Fucking burgers. Gibs gibs gibs.

Eh blacks enslaved other blacks first off.. and slavery african on african existed in africa like up till very recently.. also muslims never really stopped having slaves and made the trans atlantic slave trade look like peanuts, muslims also enslaved millions upon millions of europeans in coastal slave raids and through occupation of spain etc. and under the ottomans ofcourse with continual assault on eastern europe.

But.. nah i'd rather say that they should be demanded to take care of themselves more.. and simply be contained in africa till they learn to build a proper society.

People who for 6000 years couldn't even invent the wheel and who's best architecture was basically a mudhut has no business coming by the tens of millions to 1st world nations.. And it costs too much to finance them simply because they refuse to learn/understand how to build basic infrastructure and how to maintain their lands and provide for themselves.

I mean we've practically built much for them already and like recently the last few decades it's just money down a "black" hole and they just double their population instead of scaling their societies responsibly and creating various food infrastructure etc. for themselves.

They just instantly use up whatever you give them and then just go ah shiieet what now. meaning is good with the foreign aid but they need to learn how to do shit themselves..

Some people are just born into poverty and debt, plus in slavery there is literally no reason to not be able to beat them up since you own them so people would really just abuse them

we should just deport them

Slavery is bad for the economy; just deport them. Or gas them.

Why not just remove them alltogether?

They seem pretty peaceful to me.

China is doing some entrepeneuring in africa let them deal with them for a bit..

The trillions we have spent on foreign aid for decades just for them to double their population.. Just..

I just still can't believe that an entire continent as rich in everything like africa is deadlocked because it's population can't even do basic shit that other societies did 2000 years ago.

You are a jew, you tell us what we are missing about slavery, the important details that only a jew would know

Hilary will make slavery great again

no she never said that wtf you are stupid lol, you idiots should start going to reddit, real info there

Do you know why they were stoning her?

inb4 because they're niggers

gas the juden

Yes, that's why #IMWITHHER

HILDOG 2016!!!!!!

no, no no
This was how we got into trouble in the first place.

put them all on a boat to Africa, along with anyone who likes them, then dump them on the shores of Liberia, then leave and assume everything went fine.

what is wrong woth black people? are you racist?

Heil Hillary!


Jews are the problem

Not blacks

Blacks will sort themselves out once the source is removed

If our girl, Hillary, gets in... You can count on it, friend.

Hillary "I don't like kikes" Clinton

is that photoshop? i can't believe that is real