VP Joe Biden confirms white genocide is the end game


This is not a joke.

This is not a conspiracy theory.

This is really fucking happening.

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Acting like being a minority is a bad thing in this county, ya'll should be ashamed of yourselves. Our country has proven that the only way to hold any real clout is by being a part of the minority, can't you see that the Democrats are fighting for our supremacy? #imwithher

Thanks for Correcting the Record™.

Good thing his son is dead, one less white male standing in the way of 'progress'.

Once again, I fucking hate saying this

Sup Forums



saved in text folder, need to shrink the webm below 3mb

Sup Forums is right again




Being a minority is only good when the majority are white.

See South Africa as an example of what will happen to whites when they are a minority

Eventually all the whites will regroup somewhere in middle America and form their own country.

>you will see your race whither and die within your lifetime

I will NOT allow it

Eventually they'll come for that too.

Where you gonna run then?

We must regroup in Cascadia before making a final charge at the enemy. We will strike every major US city with whatever numbers we have. It is likely we walk to our doom

The last March of the Anglo

lol girls don't want your white dicks

For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are

Sup Forums was right again.

I fucking hate this old cuck

recently here girls where spitting against some black males that were trying to "court" them

i'm really sorry for your kind camerata, maybe become a man and work before thinking of having sex with something that is not your black right hand, okay?

So bad at shilling

This is disgusting.

I will not be a minority in MY country. This country was created by Europeans, and those of European descent are the rightful heirs to the nation.

The Democrats are such nice caring people.

of all the words of tongue and pen. The saddest were these, Sup Forums was right again

It's one of the hardest truths to accept.

They knew perfectly well what they were doing when they changed the immigration act in 1965. Back then they assured whites that they would not be flooded by the third world. Now they feel confident that can take the mask off.


Hahaha, you fuckers deserve this so much

Joe "double barrel" Biden


mods need to sticky this.


He's not even a jew is he? I'm pretty sure Biden is a British or Irish name unless he's really called Goldbergmansteinowitz.

It's unsettling how ok he is with saying that, why would you want to see any group of people die out, especially the group you belong to?

Why are you worried? Are you currently treating minorities badly? Scared of revenge?

Have you seen how minorities are treated in any country that isn't majority white?

"Shotgun Joe" Biden

Uncle Joe

Let's go look at how those minorities are being treated in literally every country not being run by ethnically white Europeans

Oh, genocide all around. Not just imaginary "micro-triggers", but actual shot-in-the-head-and-buried-in-a-trench genocide.

Wow I can't imagine why anyone would have grounds for worrying.

>mfw I'm between 8 and 9

you know you are in fucking deep when you start going down the neo-reactionary road and understanding the philosophical and moral case for order, hierarchy, and aristocracy

Name on place where minorities are treated better than Western Europe/America?

Oh right.

>not being white is the souce of our strenght

yeah. just look at the modern world

everything from technology to the language we speak was invented by non whites

What a fucking piece of shit holy fuck how can these people even speak that out loud!?

that's why we need to pick a candidate willing to kill blacks
in the past we've settled for candidates who would push blacks to the fringes of society (segregation, war on drugs, etc) but now we need more brazen methods
Hillary has shown she is willing to push those methods


im in the same boat

You certainly will. Assuming you're in your 20-30s you're not only gonna see it, you're gonna live in it for quite a while. What are you going to do is the question.

Places like the Northwest Front haven't really taken off. I really see balkanization as being a potential thing more and more.

My browser won't play the video. What does he say?

He says that whites will become a minority in america and that that is a good thing

You ever play one of those games? You know the one where you uncover a super powerful ancient civilization that just disappeared?

I never understood this. I always thought it was a sorry miserable excuse for story telling, but now I realize it's White People.

Thousands of years from now when the dindu Tribe fights with the Mexicans a small boy will dig in the dirt with his hands and there he will discover a gun and body armor

Sup Forums was fucking right yet again

Best thing to do is copy the Amish, but polack style. Maybe bind it all together with paganism.

>Why whites?

based Yuri


"There's a second thing in that black box, an unrelenting stream of immigration. Non-stop, non-stop. Folks like me who are of caucasion-european descent, for the first time in 2017, we'll be an absolute minority in the united states of america. Absolute minority. Fewer than fifty percent of the people in america from then and on will be of white, european stock. That's not a bad thing, that's a source of our strength."

That's a source of our strength... hahaha.

got some recommended reads?

is this a good start?

Just imagine the non-stop train of muzzie cocks raping children.

5. I am a libertarian-leaning conservative. I believe in the values of individual liberty and egalitarian meritocracy.

is it this: youtube.com/watch?v=kAGhyFHnuv8

Avsluta dig själv

Yuri even had the answer against subversion


To understand how truly sick this is, replace the words white with black and have him talk about an African country.

Would people still find it acceptable?

I live within miles of a couple dozen of them. I don't really want to go down that route, but it might be the best option before too long. At least you guys can sit back and see how we deal with it first.

Has anyone ever explained how diversity is a source of strength? Everyone always says it like it's self-evident, but it's not.

Ahh, here, let me shed a tear for you snow niggers getting what you will deserve.


"diversity is strength" is a lie
"strength in unity" is the truth

pretty sure the age-old wisdom is "a house divided cannot stand"

But isn't that bullshit? i thought america was still like 60% white

>Has anyone ever explained how diversity is a source of strength?

It strengthens leftist voting blocks. When get German levels of instant diversity they also become proxy armies, also like the shit we saw in San Jose. White people voting leftist are traitors plain and simple.

>tfw he visited Stockholm today, to talk immigration issues with our prime minister




What the fuck
Is this true?
Jesus christ

White Genocide is a Conspiracy Theory that is True! It is a Theory of a real Conspiracy that is in fact true.

Sup Forums mods are censoring these threads. Thought you might want to know.

I swear to god this must be what the leaders of Germany, Norway, Sweden and the UK feel

is america more cùcked than sweden?

How many so far?

This isn't a game plan, it's jsut what's happening.

White are going to be an elite minority in the US because we breed less and hold more wealth.

I'm just quoting the guy, I think his demographic stats are off by a decade or two.

Of course it is. In fact, the former French president actually encouraged race mixing and said it was necessary

That's how it works now, Europeans build it.. Then everyone says we're having it too nice, and it's such a shame no one else managed to build what we could. So we have to let the retards in to enjoy what we made, until we become a minority, and they eventually ruin what we call the western civilization. If women couldn't vote, Europe and USA would look completely different.

Captain Sweden strikes again while being so painfully ignorant of how quick his own demise will come

Non hispanic white population in US:197 million

Total population of Sweden including niggers and arabs: 9 million

Your people will be nearly completely eradicated in my lifetime. Feelsgoodman

you should see what we're doing here in Iceland. there are homeless immigrants who are denied shelter because our homeless shelters are full. i'm fucking loving this place. cant wait until winter hits

>communist manifesto


I have a copy and i've read it twice. Nothing wrong with knowing one of the sources of this bullshit.

fucking bump, all day. leave it to Joe.

Quite a few, they try to explain it with rule 8 (flooding / spamming)

You'd be suprised how many "normal" nice "family-friendly" white people own guns

And now that same fuck is running for president yet again. I can only hope to god that Le Pen manages to fuck Sarkozy up

How many of them were on the board?


yes check this mega.nz/#F!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

Been the plan for at least 70 years m8

>Actually wearing the alt right label

You faggots need to fuck off with that shit. It's a scare word invented by the media to stitch to the shirts of anyone they don't like that isn't left leaning.

It's a fucking jew star, you don't wear that shit proudly. Stop being useful idiots and cast out the ugly label, we don't need labels, we need facts and action.

Or Jews. Or any other group of people who haven't been deemed "the enemy."

Someone should do a vocal edit of Biden saying that. Not to pass it off as something he actually said, but because it would probably hit harder if people could hear those words being said instead of just imagining someone saying it.

Yep 100%

He's talking about caucasian

Check out McDonald v. Chicago and to a lesser extent Columbia v. Heller. Both 5-4 decisions that are now 4-4 and a Hillary presidency renders them a thing of the past.

>In McDonald v. City of Chicago, (2010), Chicago resident Otis McDonald, a 76-year-old (in 2010) retired maintenance engineer, had lived in the Morgan Park neighborhood since buying a house there in 1971.[7] McDonald decried the decline of his neighborhood, describing it as being taken over by gangs and drug dealers. His lawn was regularly littered with refuse and his home and garage had been broken into a combined five times, with the most recent robbery committed by a man McDonald recognized from his own neighborhood.[7] An experienced hunter, McDonald legally owned shotguns, but believed them too unwieldy in the event of a robbery, and wanted to purchase a handgun for personal home defense. Due to Chicago's requirement that all firearms in the city be registered, yet refusing all handgun registrations after 1982 when a citywide handgun ban was passed, he was unable to legally own a handgun. As a result, in 2008, he joined three other Chicago residents in filing a lawsuit which became McDonald v. Chicago.[7]

>Dissenting Justice Breyer wrote, "In sum, the Framers did not write the Second Amendment in order to protect a private right of armed self defense. There has been, and is, no consensus that the right is, or was, 'fundamental.'

More to come like this.

Im a Chris evans 6

Why is this pedophile still given a podium?