/Iron Pill/ - Self Improvement General

continued from This thread is dedicated to our self-improvement. Ask questions, discuss progression and find motivation about how to improve yourself : lifting, learning, reading...

There's shit everywhere on the internet for that

>pol related reading recommendation

>General reading recommendation

>social skills
still need links for this tbqh

>fasting/loosing weight



Other urls found in this thread:


I posted in the other thread. But 4+Sup Forums has an /improve/ board with discord chat.

discord.gg/hmCPZ. Invite link.

4+Sup Forums is dead as fuck though man

I only check that specific board once a week desu. Gives you much more time to self-improve instead of staring at some screen.

Yet again, general reading requires a password. I also suggest adding "The Prince" by Machiavelli and "Propaganda" by Bernays to the reading list.

Do we have any concrete evidence about nofap/noporn?

>fasting/loosing weight
I asked you to add ss.fitness on the pasta

>that time i used to be a Sup Forumstard back in 2007/08

am i an oldfag now?

fap once a week by imagination. Porn is bad. Some user told me a smile from a girl made him go hard after 1 month of no porn.

>Kompot is universal.
You seriously have secret recipe?
How much you make with one boiling, enough for how many days?

I though about making jam from wild rose flower leafs,
I also heard about miód from Taraxacum officinale

I made neither of that jams, should I make it?



ah yes, disconnecting yourself from reality and your problems will definitely solve your problems

thats some leftist propaganda fuck off

this this this

> Afrikaans based
I agree, but why is only Afrikaans seen as based and not Dutch?

That is not about that.
I never meditated but I think that is some kind of buddhist prayer, finder your inner peace and strenght to go on and do not be a dick.

> solve your problems
You are the one to solve your problems, no one else will.

Sorry, I wasn't the other OP.

It's fine

I appreciate this thread OP. Too much negative stuff on Sup Forums

just had a flashback from 9 years ago, when i used to browse on a daily basis.

>implying that's the purpose of meditation
You didn't actually read any of the links, did you?

This is me right now. Any tips to fight internet addiction?

Postan this stuff in new thread, watch for cancerous challenges

I hope we can make this /Iron Pill/ general a constant thing

>a form of divination thousands of years old
>leftist propaganda

Why are you embarrassing yourself?

Figure out what you're interested in and pursue a goal based on that interest. There's nothing wrong with browsing the Internet, just make sure it's not all you do.

How do you guys feel about Homosexuality because Iron Pill turned into a homofest a year ago due to Jack Donovan and shit and most people left the Iron Pill movement.

degenerate, obviously

>How do you guys feel about Homosexuality
They are faggots.

Find some other stuff to do.
I was today called out on "vidya addiction"
I said that there is no such thing and some random chick said there is such thing. Who were right?

You are ok for a Turk and for human being too

only go online when you need i.e. work/study purposes. also hit the (home)gym. sports and set yourself up a goal. join a sports club of your choice. socialise more with family and friends through talking not social media.

protip: get a gf :^)


I'll indulge.

>Iron Pill turned into a homofest a year ago due to Jack Donovan and shit and most people left the Iron Pill movement.
We're not really a movement, just people discussing self-improvement.

>How do you guys feel about Homosexuality
Honestly dgaf, there's much worse people out there.

Eh you mean dandelion?
People make honey out of it here. I'm a kompot specialist so I dunno how to do it, but there are guides probably.

As for kompot, well I mostly make for asap consumption. I overcook it a little until the fruit starts the jamification, so it'll be half-solid. Its primarly because I want to drink it and its easier this way. One secret ingrediment is the star anise or badiam.
People often forget about this damn good shit, but I love it. When I make one it lasts a week probably because like I said I love experimenting so I cook smaller, different ones but more often.

I mix sometimes vodka into it before drinking.

Kompot may be not the healthiest, but its definitely one of the biggest traditions for our nations.



>Do something dangerous


How do I social skills? Like, how do I engage others in conversation? What should I talk?

When you do something, the intention behind it is what counts like says

Do you browse the internet just to kill time or do you have a goal in mind? If you do something, anything just to kill time, stop doing it. There are infinite number of possibilities we can spend our time with yet we choose to waste it. It sounds rather retarded don't you think?

Nevermind the internet addiction, why do you do what you do? Look behind the intention of every action you take and you will get to know yourself better. I don't think that you can change your life without knowing yourself.

Name this waifu now pls

let's go

Who's the man behind those beautiful words?
The man in the mirror makes me wonder what he himself has achieved...

Don't have an opinion on it. They're people that don't breed. Big whoop. No different from some random sitting at home and, you guessed it, not breeding either.

Dea-- oh wait no.
We're not a movement. Not yet anyway.

>I hope we can make this /Iron Pill/ general a constant thing
Same. I think we could do quite a bit to change the board.

Ye I mean dandelion, I know people make 1 jar of something similiar to honey from boiling essence of 1 big bag of dandelions.

>I mix sometimes vodka into it before drinking
Lol wódka z kompotem, never drank that.
But I drank many weird alcoholic infusions, like pinus silvestris cones put with spirits and then filtered few times.
Tastes like a forest.

About reading links, try the "illimitable men" blog.

>South Korea
talk about Starcraft :^)


We need a kek + iron pill combo


This may sound autistic as fuck but I've started forcing myself to talk to people I haven't met before at least once per day (specifically at least one from each gender)

From what I understand it's all about practice and letting go of the worry of sounding like a moron.

If you are a boring faggot then weather. It works most of times tho.
If you are an absolute madman then about flouride in the water.

>How do I social skills?
I cannot into them, but I can talk you about conversations.
>What should I talk?
With whom conversation are you having? Make something up

T-thanks I guess. You're not bad yourself polackbro

You forgot one key component: FINANCE

Just as the jews rose to power from obscurity, we must take back our societies from some of their talented financiers. Jews aren't born good with money, they toil for years to learn things that our higher IQ white brethren could learn in a fraction of the time.

Abandon pothead culture. Abandon party culture.

Learn how to invest.

I'll use some eyebait for OP.

About something you feel passionate about, there is nothing worse than someone who clearly doesn´t give a shit about what he´s talking.
It also is important to note that socialising takes time, no one can give you a magic word that will turn you into Chadtulu God of Chads and Bros, you will have to work on yourself that´s what the iron pill is all about.
Start slow like: I will talk to one random person of each gender on the street.

Is this better?

You know I have found this, it's even better when combined with real sex, Rihanna is filthy

Feel free to show us some information, leaf. We can incorporate any good self-help information.

>Learn how to invest.
It may be weird for you Canadabro, but I never cared much for money. I just need enough to have food, have roof over my head, have books and vidya, that is all. I do not give a fuck about financiers, more money, some big standard of life. Small cozy and comfy housel job i like, maybe one day girl i love, that is it.

I have to call you on that because you sound like a kike

Add this to books
it's self help and been very good so far (at page 447 now)

Yeah self investment is not a monetary thing, it's time.

Much better than my last roll, which was pretty much "consume more (((alcohol)))"

Staying under 1,000 calories today, Kek give me strength.

Welp, just fucked my shins with a 3 mile run. I've had recurring shin splints for a while now. Any way I can make the most out of daily walking for a few months?

Won't get anywhere near the results of running but cardio helps stop me from returning to the tobacco jew.

>smile from a girl made him go hard
So what your asking is for me to be considerably less in control of my hormonal and biological responses? I get no porn, but if the result is a return to puberty and random erections, FUCK that. I can't afford to be distracted by something so simple as a woman smiling.

let´s do it

One need money for emergency. You suddenly get your house burnt down to ashes or destroyed by some natural disaster. You suddenly catch a disease or become disable. You accidentally damage Bentley belonging to some posh.

has anyone ever tried that stuff he sells?

I rolled myself, I have to fix something, I will stick tiling to wall tomorrow.
I never did that before.

I think his point was that going any longer than a week without fapping is a bad idea. I guess the point is to fap just often enough to stay motivated.

Biking and swimming are both great cardio alternatives.

Hard to say. Specifically says 'without porn' and not mentioning masturbation.

> You suddenly get your house burnt down to ashes or destroyed by some natural disaster

I live under tent, in forest, or at relatives mercy for some time

> You suddenly catch a disease or become disable
Well, fuck, time to kill myself if not curable

>You accidentally damage Bentley belonging to some posh.
I run like hell

When I do not have much money, I do not have it, I spend less or none and live through it.

I will set something on fire pic in 10min

>From what I understand it's all about practice and letting go of the worry of sounding like a moron.

This is basically it. I went from being a shy navel-gazer to working in a highly socially demanding job within a year just by focusing on other people, actually listening and trying not to worry about stumbling/stuttering/sounding boring.

Once you've talked to enough people you'll understand that most people speak a lot of shit most of the time, there are very few genuinely interesting people out there and even those people are only interesting to a select group. This isn't to say that they are bad people but most people are too caught up in the mundane minutae of modern life to shape themselves into masters of charming conversation on a day to day basis.

why does
>mega.nz/#F!7ItgnSDQ!iron pill
whats the password.

What is the password for the books ?

>I live under tent, in forest
As someone who literally lives Innawoods, it's hilarious how cheap life has become.
Fuck money.

One day you may, brah.

Also, remember, lifting and exercising isnt everything. You also need to read and expand your mind.

What are you goys reading`?
Personally I am halfway through Mein Kampf and can whole heartedly recommend it. After that i will be reading The Divine Comedy and after that most likely pic related.

I don't know if this belongs here, but I'm having hard time justifying staying alive in this era of humanity.

I just don't see working productively in this era because humanity right now just isn't worth saving. Society always says to get a job and help out your fellow man, but how can I call the lazy and poor my fellow man? How can I justify putting sweat tolerating niggers, spics, yellow niggers, sandniggers, kikes, oldfags, libtards, hippies?

I don't see this modern era worth helping and instead I'm a person that believes in reincarnation. That it would be better for me to commit honorable suicide and bank on being reincarnated into WWIII where I belong. Where I'm killing the shitters of society while being white and protecting white values and heritage. Where if I see a member of my unity run away like a pussy from the enemy that I put a bullet through his head and send a letter to their parents that it is your fault you raised a coward and there he got what he deserve for being trash.

Drop dem links son.

fuck it

>I don't know if this belongs here
No, it does not belong here
Either self improve, or leave, but you definitely cannot bitch about people like in your post.

How do you guys deal with stress?

Classes start today, and I have work as well. So I'll be out of the house from 8AM to ~11PM Monday to Friday

I'm trying to squeeze in a few gym sessions throughout the week, but the most I can try to squeeze in is 2. Maybe 3, if I want to get home at 2AM

I don't understand the weightlifting/exercise stuff. You are as strong as your life requires. If you need be stronger, I'd take a physical job over wasting my free time. I've worked construction, farmhand, public works... They thicken you up real good. Training your body for no reason is a waste of time.

password is

>i am my moon

>Some user told me a smile from a girl made him go hard

Do you want to last for 30 seconds in sex?

read here

>fist fight

Becareful not to get stabbed or shot. How will you do it?

>What are you goys reading`?

Plutarch, On Sparta. Fuck you Agesilaus, you had a great thing and were an awesome King but you couldn't just let the Thebans go ,could you?

After this onto Volume 2 of Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

Highly recc ancient history in general lads.

Do you get out much? I generally form a better opinion on humanity whenever I actually interact with people without a couple screens in between us.

Generally I try to resolve the origin of the stress. For school/work you probably just have to endure it.

Likely, all of the things in the OP will help with stress. That's especially true of meditation and lifting. Personally, I took a lot of ashwagandha through college.

don't take everything too literally, lajos. it is nice that a cheeky smile by a qt can get you turned on.

Most of the "I'm preparing for the race war!" stuff is just memeing from dyels

The majority of people who lift do it to challenge themselves. Even the ones that start lifting "to attract women" or whatever end up continuing it more for the self improvement aspect.

There's a youtuber called AlphaM that's pretty great and helps a lot of people out there who didn't have good father figures to show them the ropes in being a gentleman

Take it with grain of salt but, there was nice shit about that in the "No More Mr.Nice Guy" book.

There was also some dank user who ripped new one on some guys basically identify with the girl in porn and even with the imagination these days.

Pornography literary rewritten our minds to identify with what girl is feeling not what WE should feel.

So fap as much as you want, not once a week but fap with your 'brain', not with your imagination if this even does make sense.

Also if you like some stuff on women and there is no mention of this already fucking throw all that pathetic manlet RoosV bullshit away and read Mark Manson "Models". Really short and redpilled book there.

Interesting. I will be reading some ancient history in the future for sure.

I am also interested in reading Oswald Spenglers Decline of The West.

Anybody here who have read it?

I'm already reading, but I need to start working out desu

I don't have any equipment here.
I could buy some weights but I'm in the army most of the time.
What should be my training routine? I'm pretty skinny.

is he the iron pill Sup Forums


RSD for social skills

I can see why /fit/ posts Rachel Cook so much

Attractiveness aside she's pretty much a paragon of womanhood tbqh

Related to this, there used to be posted a /SIG/ Sticky on /Fit/ :


Aw man, I thought for a second he was wearing the TRS helicopter ride T-shirt.

Dissapointed to be honest.

Are you telling me that the people that infest the world that I describe don't exist?