Which one of you did this?
I did. Am I detained officer?
there was a thread with OP attending the speech
Kek in entering public consciousness
The best of us
This an has earned his place in Kek's heaven
>mfw every time I hear it
That's playing pretty fast and loose with the word "man".
Which one of you beautiful bastards did this?
>Hillary discussing memes
I'm fucking done.
kind of like all those muslims you want in the country. I love how Hillary hates niggers, so I'm still going to vote for her, but she needs to stop pandering to the muslims. They're what she's against in these speeches.
>memed elections in the most powerful western country
What a time to be alive.
(a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities;
(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources;
(c) Any form of population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights;
(d) Any form of assimilation or integration by other cultures or ways of life imposed on them by legislative, administrative or other measures;
(e) Any form of propaganda directed against them.
we're now embedded history
You Italians really need to step your game up if you ever want a Leghisti government.
>anti women!
>anti Muslim!
But how?
> imminently followed by PEPE
We're trying pretty hard, really.
Ships full of niggers come here every day, Lega is going high fast, unfortunately they're not so smart to ride the moment properly, they keep sayin bullshits that scare citizens.
Beppe is also rising, has he given a clear stance on the boats yet?
I've always pronounced it "peep" in my head
Take one of those trips to Malaga that I hear you brits are fond of.
u are a fucken retard bong
Our shitposts are forever etched into the legacy of mankind. This is a proud moment. However, this isn't a stopping point. It's just a brief moment to reflect on how far we've come.
I'm not sure what comes next, but whatever is the entire world is now watching.
anti women?
It's pronounced Pep-uh
Nah, he's against immigration but he never talks about specific changes, he remains blurry. His movement is cool anyway, our corruption was going sky high, they're trying to stop it in some ways.
So either one would do then, right? When's the constitutional referendum?
November and I'll fucking vote yes.
Less deputies, more referendum, and (jesus fucking christ) the party who wins is going to governate. It should be obvious, but you know we are perverse.
We have too many little forces at the moment, there is no space for long time projects.
Pepe is a spanish nickname, pronounced as /'pepe/
But if you vote yes Renzi stays.
Shit like this is why I'm not bowing out just yet. This election is far too entertaining
Renzi will split the party, the left will leave and will create a new party.
It happened several times in the last 20 years in Italy. It's always like this and he'll be forced to elections. The right will win again, all europe is moving right.
I don't care about left vs. right I just want to see an end to the boats and immigration.
Either far sides of the spectrum will do it.
its pep - the last e is silent
My name is Jose and my nickname is Pepe Im blessed by kek himself.
It reminds me of that guy who yells JUDEN!
No, far-left would increase boats, they fucking love niggers.
Pepu means ass in estonian
But according to Pew even Italian leftists hate immigrants.
Also, Tsipras in Greece is radical left and he hates immigrants.
This is what I thought because it has the same spelling as "meme".
He'll be introduced to the 72 virgins - the other Sup Forums readers who made it into heaven.
pic really related
Fucking LEGEND
>The best
the absolute madman did it
>mfw KEK exists
Truly worthy of all le upboats
You have to go back
I pronounce plural pepes as peeps in my head but singular pepe is pepay
being an oldfag.. I always thought it was pronounced like the old cartoon skunk Pepe Le Pew
Spam #AltRightMeans with the Clinton Cash movie
It's time to dole out the redpills
> that death
It's like I am really reading a Kelly comic!
She did get a panicked look on her face for a second.
OP delivered like a boss
Apparently it was this guy
holy shit top kek
Im dieing