Why do you have to be alt-right Sup Forums? Why? It makes no sense...

Why do you have to be alt-right Sup Forums? Why? It makes no sense? Years ago the commies were jerking off In 4chans metaphorical corner during occupy, and the Nazi's would ruin lives all the time. The brownshirts were welcome to, but they were the minority. Sup Forums Is an excellent example of how Fascism pushes away political minorities through the virtual equivalent of real world dissent crushing. Lets have a candid chat right now. I was a Sanders supporter ( He was the best piece of trash I could pick ), now I'm probably voting Hillary unless Trump uses the wall as a massive jobs project ( Socialist style, he may see that wall and think " I want ten thousand men ". I see It and think " We could have a hundred thousand men " working for good fair pay for good fair work ) but ideologically I differ from you guys only slightly. I'm more of a national socialist with a liberal streak. Why must you call me a cuck? I don't think wanting a good strong American population ( Of all races ) that Is educated and free Is a bad thing. I don't think a NHS Is a bad idea, It could save tens of thousands of poor lives. I'm even flexible on the abortion shit. But yet I'm a cuck? You guys need to start making political allies instead of cucking everyone away from you. Lets start here, lets have a chat.

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Because alt right is all right.

So you're going to just take the label and run with It? Despite the many definitions? Jesus christ. Sup Forums really has gone off the deep end these past six years.

The memes you dip

Hillary is the only candidate that will ensure the survival of the white race.

Nah man. Fuck memes. Lets speak candidly.

>he thinks any of this is about actual logical coherent thought
lmao nigga it's always been about memes and emotions

Nah man. We got serious for like a year. Then the memes overloaded and we had a meltdown.

citation needed

Well I mean we did some cool shit. I mean we weren't rocking out like during chanology but things were happening. Anyway, back to the topic. Whats wrong with being a accepting, kind, national socialist ( In liberal terms )?

>I was a Sanders supporter
>now I'm probably voting Hillary
>I don't think a NHS is a bad idea

Lel you're a massive cuck and probably a fag too.

>I was a sanders supporter
>Keyword here Is was
I didn't like the Jew the second he started he started becoming a PC mouthpiece. So like two months after his announcement. And I'm honestly voting for her because I work In the financial sector and she's our best representative. If Trump makes the wall a jobs project I'll vote him. But I need him to reveal the details of Its construction. Fucking nigger

Kind and accepting is good for social policies but terrible for economic ones. That's why Bernie comes off as someone who knows jack shit about economics.

Yup. Hence why I jumped off his ship nigger.

So you just answered your own question dumbass

>now I'm probably voting Hillary
>Keyword here Is probably

Anybody who entertains the idea of voting for Hillary is a cuck, the only reason a man would vote for Hillary is if he's getting cucked by his Union. I've seen it happen to my uncle, it's terrible and emasculating, don't do it to yourself. But you're a natsoc faggot, so your gay anyways.

>Why do you have to be alt-right Sup Forums?

Because everyone else is PC and at least pretends to care about equality. If Trump somehow wins, this place will become more SJW than the SJWs.

Is it that hard to believe at least a few people view her as the lesser of two evils?

>now I'm probably voting Hillary
>Why must you call me a cuck?

Pretty fuckin' self evident you stupid cuck.


I'm not alt-right am I? Im not PC and I actually care about equality ( For example, don't give blacks reparations, but actually fund inner city schools and hospitals instead ).

And I agree, this radical change will destroy our idea of SJW. We are so divided If either one wins the others supporters will go insane.


I mean fuck. Nowadays even the peaceful non racist national socialists get called cucks. I mean fuck guys. Five years ago I would've been flooded with Jew propaganda for even saying those two words together, now I'm " Too liberal and a cuck ". Wow. Just wow. How far are we gonna go with this deportation? You're scaring me bro. If the holocaust Isn't hardcore enough for you ( I dont support It ), then Idk what Is.


Yeah, it absolutely is, she let 4 people die in Benghazi, she has harassed Bill's sexual victims, she has lied to the American people, and she is a proven criminal, if you believe Hillary Clinton is the lesser evil, you are morally broken.


what is this epin new meme?

i leave for 1 week and already we are on the fast track.

Fund innercity school and hospitals huh well there was this cuck on reddit explaining if you move the poor blacks to fancy schools there would be no change in quality of education so there's that out, and funding hospitals would only drive up costs for taxpayers and hospital goers due to new equipment bought with debt which gets overcharged back.

k den

So what you're saying is that you're one of those corrupt Wall Street assholes who we're going to Qaddafi the next time you crash the world economy?

>If Trump somehow wins, this place will become more SJW than the SJWs.

never happen

I disagree. Leaders sometimes do things evil, In the name of meeting ends. Of all people brownshirts would know. Wall Street appreciates her representation.

I dont want to do that. I know for a fact even here in nyc. Schools are dilapidated and many have been shut down for years. Im not saying relocate them to the suburbs. The opposite, give them a reason to stay in the inner city.

Im not corrupt, everything she's done for us has been deemed legal. And sadly Qaddafi went... A great true socialist leader. I surely hope we don't regime change more with Hillary, unless Its Iran. Lots of cheap private construction stocks to buy.


Kill yourself, redit

You're a faggot


quit larping

>Im not corrupt, everything she's done for us has been deemed legal

Jesus fucking christ, watch the two minute video I posted in my first response to you. The bitch is a criminal of the highest caliber.

Till the gavel pounds we don't frown :)

National Socialism is actually liberal policy. Big centralized government. The antithesis of Americanism and the conservative movement.

Never said It wasn't. In fact I said my vote depends on Trumps decision to socialize the wall construction.

You sound like more of an asshole than Martin Shkreli

The liberal faggot piece of shits are the ones that are labeling everything making all things separate.

Nah. Shkreli lied to his investors. Nigga didn't even have a grand In his pocket when he went to his elitist bois. So he had to ditch and start a pharma company. Its where most of the shit traders/firm managers go. Im just good at my job.

I know, but what I'm saying is if you're just willing to ignore stuff like this youtube.com/watch?v=gzFPpHT17_E

Then that makes you an asshole and a piece of shit. I don't fucking care how good you are at your job, you're still a piece of subhuman shit.

You're talking to a full blooded German/Englishman who happens to be a national socialist. And I'm subhuman? Get real.

>I'm from the countries that lost the war to a bunch of American farmers despite the fact I was a global super power, and the other country that lost both world wars.

>having a lot of labels ensures my humanity


>losing wars changes your race