>post yfw this is a real legitimate tweet
Post yfw this is a real legitimate tweet
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I do anything too to distract from the fact my candidate has his racist associations and beliefs.
You forgot this one too
Breitbart is B A S E D
I'm not even mad
How is someone who wants America to be American racist?
If you notice, Hillary is the one bringing color into every discussion, not Trump.
>Le racism buzzword
>Bannon gave Milo the twitter account
The fag is gonna get banned again.
>Putin is our friend, just let Trump disband NATO and let Putin have Eastern Europe - you, a literal cuckold
Not a buzzword if it's true.
Trump confirmed as racist
Trump BTFO
> This is what canadians actually believe
Remember Canada if you disagree with someone over the internet, they win.
Breitbart's twitter is handled by a legitimate Sup Forumstard.
cringe to be honest
>pandering this hard
alright i'm done with politics.
>Nationalism is now racism
What happened to you canada? Are these posters the refugees your taking in?
Why did a fucking snowflake fuck it up?
And Hillary's a racist.
I'm glad we got this covered.
>I love Putin, he can just have the article circle and Alaska, a former KGB agent turned oligarch is surely legit
> - you, a literally spineless cuck
What a fucking waste of a get
Kill yourself my man
New meme boys. Tinfoil Hillary. Must be all those drugs making her paranoid.
Wasted leaf quints.
> this is what Canadians actually believe
> if you don't start ww3 with the Russians, they win
Shoooogun Ruuuuuaaaa..
Andrew Breitbart helped set up Huffington Post. All of the "progressive" blogs (TPM, DKos, Crooks&Liars) are "ALT Right" knockoffs
I consider his wall plan to be racist, he panders to white people scared of "being a minority" or some white genocide fantasy.
>not using quote arrow
braitbart can't even meme
>Just let Putin have Ukraine and Georgia boys, what could go wrong?
> - you, a literal bootlicking cuckold
Hillary mentioned "whites" at least 20 times then praises some black muslim for getting a shit (bronze) medal in fencing.
Not a single argument in her speech either, just name calling and reaching at straws; then finally claiming they won't name call and point fingers.
And of course, no questions at all.
>What happened to canada
Kek, newfag?
> let Putin have Eastern Europe
Woah you really care about me leaf thx
I have to filter them again, fucking leafniggers.
>Andrew Breitbart helped set up Huffington Post
To prove how insane they were hahaha
>Having a secure border is racist
No they already froze to death, these a just Québécois posters.
dude that's pretty random
For anyone that wants to filter flags just download Sup Forums x, its that simple.
White people will be a minority.
Klart fan det är en jävla somaliefarmare som lägger märke till det. Jenneke går från fapfoldern till papperskorgen med omedelbar verkan, tack så mycket, bögjävel.
Pic is on topic:
>All of Europe cannot defend itself from Putin
>America is nothing but cucked lards
Pick one Leaf
I remember being 13 years old
All the canadians shitposters are anglos, fuck off.
>Eastern Europe
It's literally McCarthyism all over again.
Do you realize that illegally crossing a border into certain states would get you the death penalty or indefinite detention?
Not only that, but illegal border crossing is illegal, it's a crime. There is a process to enter the USA legally and become a citizen, they don't even try; especially those with existing criminal records who would probably be denied citizenship.
>somehow this is racist
What is going on? This isn't supposed to be happening! Sup Forums is not supposed to have actual influence on actual politicians and news outlets.
>>All of Europe cannot defend itself from Putin
I like how you actually think that.
>Lets build 250 nato bases right beside Russia all of them with nukes
>What could go wrong?
But Breitbart is one of the biggest tinfoil news organisations out there.....???
The accuser has become the accused. Stare long enough into the conspiracy abyss and you become a conspiritard.
If anyone fights Putin, he wins.
Om jag inte får fappa till henne får ingen annan heller.
>He got triggered because i said kek
Are you serious right now? Are normies already here?
So is that water filter salesman, Alex Jones.
Why are leafs so afraid of Putin? Don't pretend you give a fuck about Eastern Europe or Europe in general cause if you did, you wouldn't shill for a candidate who wants to start war with Russia.
Nothing because as long as Trump isn't elected, America's military will be the strongest in the world.
Just lol @ you if you think Russia would stand a chance against the USA in a conventional war.
>Originates from the "Muh dick" Wyatt Mann comic
Humble water filter salesman, you mean?
Ukrainian diaspora.
>a conventional war.
That's what everyone is trying to avoid, including trump. I don't see how people dying is okay
wtf? I hate tinfoil now
So what? Im white and dont care, I am having kids with a black woman so whatever fantasy there is of some "white race" existing I reject.
There is no white race.
I'm a black guy that's not totally sold on Trump yet, but i'm definitely feeling the #AnythingButHillary
The Democratic party is the same party that kept us down in the pre-abolition periods, and they're STILL keeping us down with (((ghetto))) culture and crime-filled cities run by democratic mayors. On top of that, Hillary herself directly associates with KKK members. Oh but I shouldn't worry right, because she's ON MY SIDE. She loves the darkies. She puts hot sauce on all of her food. She hangs out with hip-hop stars and she knows all our favorite memes. She's hip, dawg.
Trump isn't going to call for some big race war. The only """"racist"""" thing that he wants are stricter border policies that any good American citizen should agree with. Illegals shouldn't have rights when there's a democratic and legal process for citizenship that my ancestors never had the luxury of.
The black man's greatest mistake was listening to W. E. B. Du Bois instead of Booker T. Washington. Instead of seeking to better ourselves and our community, the black man always looks for handouts and reparations for some injustice they feel is owed to them, and the democratic party plays right into these delusions.
Please, just tell me one racist thing that Trump has said. A wall cannot be racist.
Trumps Pravda
MEANWHILE, hillary wants to escalate the syrian war, maybe even bombing assads troops directly
Sure thing Jean. Shouldn't you be importing more Algerians to fuck your women so you can preserve your precious language?
Do you really think appeasing someone like Putin is the way to avoid war? Neville Chamberlain-tier cuck.
Holyshit lol, why get so mad just because I called you 13?
Theres no safe spaces here, Xir.
I don't think escalating the syrian conflict is a way to avoid war
they've gone full meme retard
how long until breitbart buys Sup Forums?
Not me man. The leaf who is pissing about muhNATO. I'm sure you guys will figure it out.
I disagree with her on that esp since I think that Assad and other Ba'athist parties are preferable to ISIS and Islamic crazies.
But it's still not as bad as wanting to disband NATO like the cuck traitor Trump is.
post them
So you think a better strategy of avoiding a war with Putin is attacking one of his allies? Because Hillary already said she wants to "bring down Assad" once she is elected.
You can't even defend yourself from brown people with knives on trains, why are you talking?
How much stock does he have in tat water filter company? I wonder if he discloses his conflict of interest with his advertisers to his audience?
Take this last (You) baiter/reddit faggot.
Thank you for your words, based darkie.
t. average whitey
Still preferable to disbanding NATO and bending over for Putin like Trump the cuck.
To add to this, Russias support of assad has basically placed giant economic stress on the russians, and yet the russians still stand with him, so it seems that they will not give up on that policy no matter what
Don's a big guy
>white man white hood
>dark woman dark hood
Are muslims inverse kkk members?
How about go back to Algeria Mohammed?
>Still preferable to disbanding NATO
Even Canada doesn't pay the required rate, the US can not be the world police if all the nato states don't even pay the agreed amount
wtf i hate trump now
It is time for you to look up some statistics, little burger.
Why does NATO even have a purpose in the year 2016?
>Russia is weak, they can't stand against the might of the US of A
>This huge coalition against them is definitely still relevant though
I get it now, Russia is your big baddie. Without him, there would be no way to keep American hegemony over the western world. Fuck off and pay for your own protection you leafy fuck.