Hey guys, lets welcome our new friends from CNN!
CNN welcome
hello CNN
Include me in the news!
That was quite the circumcision.
hope you all have a good time!
That was... interesting.
>came to 4 chan expecting nazi frogs
>ended up being a bunch of 14 year olds playing hide the sausage and masterbating to tranny porn
god damn it, I was going to rage but then I laughed
make yourself at home!
story. now.
don't be a stranger!
The only thing on this website to ever make me feel squimish and sick to my stomach.
Did that cow just shit out it's asshole?
Oh em gee we're famous but lets get back to how much of a waifu Donald God King Lord Emperor J. Grand White Knight Trump is!
really makes me think
Webms are too advanced. Welcome everyone by posting pics and gifs instead.
hey big boy u wan make boom boom with bitiful women veri chep for u
hm you're probably right
Ahem If you'll excuse me
That is all, thank you.
rip dickerino
It's fascinating how he just stuffed the intestines back in there without breaking them. I imagined internal organs to be more fragile.
Don't worry normies...you'll learn to laugh at this. Just have to get passed the gagging first.
jesus christ whats that???
It's Jesus Christ