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And as we all know, the more followers you have the more your opinion matters and the less you have to win through logic.
He sure did Correct The Record!
Lol the thing is we just don't know. There are 2 reasons why any of us might be hiding our identity.
1. We are losers and we don't want people to know that
2. We are not losers and don't want to lose our job/friends for having opinions deemed currently unacceptable
Frankly it's impossible to discern what exactly our makeup is. Clearly we have many NEETs, but I also work at a software company where alt-right opinions are common, although they certainly wouldn't want to express their opinions on social media under their own names. They couldn't be described as losers.
fuck with all these normies exposing us?
Wtf I hate white people now.
This is how I know he's new to the internet
>please know my identity internet it's totally safe
>Not revealing your true identity because WE WILL GET YOU FIRED FOR IT
>cartoon frog
He's so naive.
Never put your name and face on the internet, a valuable lesson that was forgotten by normies and jewbook.
What kind of a massive idiot willingly reveals his identity on the internet ?
This 3 followers crap was something the anti gamergate people used to do. It makes them sound like rich upperclass douchebags.
I'm not sure this is the argument they wanna go down.
Even Hillary was talking about how few followers the WhiteGenocide acct had and how that apparently mattered.
Meh, I'm actually quite liberal (not some bullshit sjw shit though - more intellectual based) but I like coming on here to shitpost and seeing an alternative viewpoint. Sometimes there's some overlap.
Honestly I think it's the second one but applied to losers and successful people.
Getting labeled a racist can fuck up your life so unless you have a career built around alt right politics it's risky to expose yourself.
I'm a student who works at a grocery store (not a loser but not a success either) , I don't have much to lose but I still hide my identity because I can be kicked out of my school and fired if someone complains enough.
Liberals taunt us to reveal ourselves just so they can fuck our lives up to the point we have to submit to them. Fuck them.
And if we can't get you fired, we will go to any lengths to ruin your life. All because you said something mean on the internet.
Exactly. It's like that chick that doxxed Hugh Mungus. She was screaming at every single person for their first and last name. That's their #1 tactic.
Thanks for the post, OP. Consider yourself followed.
>reveal true identity
>some libfuck finds your facebook
>gets you fired
>messages all your friends and family
>publicly posts your full name & address
really fired my synapses, CorCor
>WhiteGenocide acct
He supports Bernie now.
Why can't liberals understand what trolling is? It's not really that difficult to comprehend.
>liberals think twitter is real life
And no, conservatives typically don't reveal their identity on social media because they don't want to be murdered by insane bernouts.
>She was screaming at every single person for their first and last name
I noticed that too. Anonymity is one of our strongest tools and they know it. As long as they don't know who we are they have no power to shut us up and it pisses them off kek.
They have no sense of humour and they take everything litterally. Everything is black or white, yes or no, with or against.
>they think its a good thing to have your identity out on the internet.
did these people start using the internet yesterday?
So what the fuck did she say then?
Wow, You made me think Leaf
This is a board of peace.
The slanderous lies that Clinton and her croonies have been spreading about this place is unbelievable.
She lies out her teeth.
She even stole the Election from Bernie!
This. What possible benefit would it give? Just because were not attention whores doesn't mean were pathetic.
It's so they can target you and get you fired for disagreeing them.
I am so glad we don't give a fuck anymore.
Reveal your identity, tranny.
I just don't personally care for airing out my personal politics out in the air, nothing ever good comes of it. I believe in airing out my opinion on the ballot box.
Literally who?
Pretty much this. I had a friend who used the word 'nigger' on twitter my senior year, and not only was he suspended, but so were his whole group of friends on the pretext that we were a hate gang. I'm just glad it was high school,so it blew over in a couple of weeks
The internet to them is facebook and twitter where every picture is real and every face has a name.
These people wouldn't know the difference from intranet or internet if it smacked them in the face.
How many followers did Milo have when Twitter killed him?
We can't reveal our identities because we are demonized for our views. It's easier to come out as gay than as an alt-rightist
This is kinda true.
But the reason I don't reveal my true self is because I am the Bat-man.
>Haha! Look at those idiots whose lives can't be ruined by a single tweet!
>cartoon frog
>not anime girl
Do better next time.
> And never revealing your true identity because it's too humiliating
Sup Forums in a nutshell
Why use it if you don't want to be associated with it? I'd say it's counter productive.
These are people that only started using the internet once they bought an iphone.
its ops faggot ass hoping to get a few more followers. its more pathetic than when laura southern/john oliver shows up and post about them self
If you add more followers, Twitter locks your account.
Nothing wrong with a cartoon frog.
I have 18+ troll accounts with 3-5 followers, each. That's around 72 followers.
Checkmate, atheists
>never revealing your true identity because it's too humiliating
this is legitimate though, seems like only 1% of Sup Forums have legit social media accounts. don't you guys have friends and family to stay in touch with over the internet?
>the more followers you have the less you have to use logic
wow, really makes u think...
What a typical normie .. shit talking peoples followers when he doesn't even have 70 himself
Good virtue signaling though .. pathetic betas
It's probably the first option...
>insulting anonymous twitter accounts for likes because your self esteem is so low it's the only thing that makes you feel worthy
For me it is the latter. I don't want to be attacked for having a right leaning opinion on things. I can't openly believe that trans people have mentally issues without being ridiculed for simply having an opinion.
That is why I chose to hide my identity.
>never revealing your true identity because it's too humiliating
It has nothing to do with humiliation and everything to do with SJW types ruining your life for some personal sense of justice when it's none of their fucking business.
Loving all this leaf butthurt.
Pick One.
Our banter is too much for their fee fees
>normies thinking we use kikebook and other social media.
I use Sup Forums because I don't need to have 150 people to like a tweet to make me want to not kill myself.
yeah, remember the 90s and early aughts when rule one of going online was to never use your real information anywhere?
> i hate all niggers
> i believe in jewish conspiracies
> i'm being suppressed
>get called out for retarded statement
All has been lost to time
Being a leftist is making your shitty personality into a commodity to sell to your equally narcissistic and naive buddies
fuck you nigger
do lefties measure a person's success in life by the number of twitter followers they have? because that's pretty fucking pathetic
I post from my main account, never back down. A liberal can't win against a black.
More leafy tears please.
>Cartoon frog
jej, anime girl here.
Black people aren't all niggers
>my captcha had 2 gangster niggers in it out of NOWHERE
Ok maybe I am wrong... Mods?
>not having your real face as your profile picture is bad
>most people who will agree with him are nu-male cucks with pixel art avatars
You gotta admit I nailed it
I look at is us being liberated from the social media Skinner Box. They want us to spend all our time on their websites and apps. Looking at their ads while they get rich. It's a big hamster wheel where people only want to see what they want to see. Kojima warned us 15 years ago.
I forgot, I suppose I should have said, I am the big-guy.
are you a """girl""?
OY VEY they found muh fake twitter account! They cracked the case! Its anadda shoah ?!!?!?!
Well yes. If they cant out-argue you, theres usually a "Hey Mike, Im right right?", because in the end, leftist politics is more often about in-group approval.
jokes on this fag i don't even have twatter.
look at this obsessed maniac bot
source & proof.
stay fucked
I had 365 followers, when (((Twitter))) banned me. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>using twitter
>/r/equesting that Bernie gas chamber meme
If you go against the status quo in countries with regressive left as the majority it's smart to not post with your real name when going against their ideal, common sense really..
BTW the frog is named Pepe.
>people who graduate from highly biased left wing indoctrination camps are more likely to vote for the left-wing establishment
what a shocker
Could be browsing on mobile friendo. Nice trips
>get called out
How was I called out? Dismissing an argument because someone has three followers is like dismissing an argument because it got too many downvotes.
and yet we have the power because the truth is on our side. they're scared the truth will come out, let's prove them right
top kekkles
I admit I get a satisfaction for reporting anti-Trump tweets, even if they don't get their authors suspended. I've reported people to Twitter, the FBI, even their schools. This may be the only source of power I have right now, but I'm okay with it.
>smart people don't support Trump because he's retarded
There's also that possibility.
>degrees in Queer Theory with a minor in Genderdance and Privilege Analysis
haha I've seen so many people get wrecked because they didn't remain pseudonymous.
>We are losers and we don't want people to know that
The fuck would I care what some normalfag cocksucker thinks? They don't understand the pain I go through everyday and they don't care.
Good job exposing yourself, goy.
>inb4 "anonymous" reporting
No, not exclusively, the number of upvotes on Reddit and Facebook likes also count.