>there are literally women viewing Sup Forums right now
There are literally women viewing Sup Forums right now
don't be silly
there are no girls on the internet
>Implying they can get past the captcha
Look ladies from CNN. This person is from Germany. THE HOME OF HITLER!!!
Viewing =/= posting, jackass.
We are always here desu
No, women are too mindcontrolled and simple. They don't think about politics, race or history and especially not in an edgy shitposting way
Don't think I can keep up with political rhetoric just because I'm a girl. I can debate so hard it'll make your head spin ;)
if only you were white
>Implying an Argentinian would be Blonde. Thanks for the Falklands btw
Sieg Heil Kamerad \o \o \o
Race War now
Silly boys!
you accidentally a word, darling
Brave man
We exist, but most of us are ugly r9k posters.
Good. I hope they have panic attacks. If you can bleed for seven days and not die you should be able to handle the facts.
Honestly any new fags coming here won't be able to make heads or tails of the layout
Post tits fembot
what can I say, I'd do anything for a lady *wink wink*
had me a giggle
it's not nearly as confusing as reddit tbqh
eww get those feminists away, or they'll spam our pol with stupid leftard untermensch bullshit
Hello Sup Forums, my name is Lexey Bell, and I am a reporter with CNN. I would like to know why you hold such bigoted views.
I wonder how lewd, stinky and fat the women that browse here are.
What? Reddit is ridiculously user friendly. This is just a garble of random numbers haha
Hello, Ms. Belle, I want to know if you would mind holding my dick in your mouth?
No idea. Probably just average ones no? I don't believe weight is correlated with political ideology.
Doesn't the liberal gestapo find and kill you in Germany for saying that now?
Because the US must stay like pic related and not become a wussy country
hey guys, i'm here too
if only
>Lexi Bell
i highly doubt it desu senpai
>implying we don't browse Sup Forums already.
My brother redpilled me two years ago I was pretty cringeworthy.
I dunno I always found this place much easier to use
go back 2 Israel, Wolf (((Blitzer)))
Hello ladies
Who wants to earn Pretty Princess Points?
Im a girl too btw
>two years ago
Don't get my hopes up.
This place can be pretty blue pilled 2bh. Like the male inversion of tumblr
I'm actually really surprised they namedropped Sup Forums directly, I really thought this place's relevance was all but gone these days. Places like reddit killed us. Sad!
>A fucking leaf
>This many people taking the b8
same. Redpilled after zimzam trial when I saw how stupid the press was
Might be reporting on the arrowing.
If you're actually a chick, post some sort of proof (with timestamp) or I'm not believing it.
I'm not saying tits (although, y'know, I won't say no to that). Hand if you want... just anything to prove you're not bullshitting
But I highly suspect no one will because I doubt any women come here at all
Ye wtf even I wouldn't write that and we don't have AS strict laws
freedom of sbeech guise
muuh sekrit club
Sup Forums Sup Forums has been shit since 2014
there was this 16 year old girl who posted a video of herself here a while back.
Theres a lot less women but by pure chance if you get 20 alt-righters together there'll be atleast 1 girl.