Hey guys. Newcomer here. I will give you guys a chance to try and explain the appeal of Trump to me. I am undecided at the moment. I'm all ears.
*Since i HAVE to post a picture for some reason heres a cheese bagel i had for breakfast.*
Hey guys. Newcomer here. I will give you guys a chance to try and explain the appeal of Trump to me. I am undecided at the moment. I'm all ears.
*Since i HAVE to post a picture for some reason heres a cheese bagel i had for breakfast.*
just go to his site, click on policies, and read. nobody is going to spoon feed you shit. fuck off, were full
Its nationalist v globalist friendo
Which side do you sit on?
Meh, don't really feel like it.
common sense solutions and policy, and an end to the elites attempt to sell the country down the river and dismantle the american spirit
Most people are a pro clinton.
If it was life or death choices I would pick Nationalist. I am proud of my country and fully support it
take a hike kike
Why don't you ask us later?
>she takes pictures of her food
Screw you.
In all honesty, the only reason I support Trump at this point is because he's the best.
There's no candidate who will deport all non-British.
Fuck off, go to his website and read why.
He is willing to assert America's dominance on the world stage. Also contrary to what I'm sure you've been hearing, he's not racist or Islamophobic.
Then you choose Trump
welcome home
>that bagel
Exactly how fat are you?
((( bagel )))
shiester money-gripping kike, fuck you
I'm voting for Her
How ironic, Zionshit
I'm pro clinton why the fuck would I want to convince you to like that retard?
He will crash the economy, don't be stupid.
You should vote for Hillary instead. Ignore the Trump shills they're a vocal minority & a bunch of racist pigs.
that's why it's funny :(
no one votes for trump here. this is the antifa world wide board
Did you support the Iraq War?
That looks tasty newfriend.
You should vote Trump because any thinking person will arrive at the conclusion that he represents the last opportunity to legitimately counter the globalist forces conspiring to destroy the West. His policies are implicitly White.
Maybe he doesn't win. Maybe he wins but cucks out and does nothing. But if you don't want to see armed revolution and a repeat of WW2, he's the best chance we gave.
Take a look at the (((pattern))) of all those people in the establishment that are agitating against him.
The policies we've seen from politicians over the last 30 years aren't working and aren't helping Americans.
Globalist trade treaties have led to millions of blue and white collar jobs getting shipped overseas, while disastrous immigration policies have replaced US labor with migrant workers. A third of young people are underemployed, and more than half have less than a thousand dollars in savings because they can't find good jobs or good investment opportunities.
The foreign policy of nation building and regime change we've seen enacted over the last few decades has dragged the US into one war after another, and more often than not led to the US creating yet more threats that come back to bite us in the future - ISIS being only the most recent example.
Our domestic policies reward diversity at the expense of merit or even reason. We're on the verge of passing laws that would strip Americans of constitutional rights like free speech and gun ownership. And leak after leak from the Clinton campaign and DNC over the last year have revealed unparalleled corruption and incompetence by our elected officials.
Trump is the only candidate who's promising to change any of this.
I support it if they actually did do 9/11. Any invasion of our ground should have consequences
trump doesn't pander to vermin
>every newcomer wants their own thread
We will welcome you with open arms friend, but if you love you country, Hillary Clinton will bring a 550% increase of people in this country who will not assimilate into our culture, and will try to make it as much like their own country as they can
Afghanistan used to be a buddhist nation
Islam will dominate any culture it touches and history has proven this, it may come down to be a life and death situation
Lurk here, come back, and look at statistics posted, like the one in my picture
who made this
This is why we must ignore the Drumpf shills and fake-racists and support HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT. She is the only candidate who will keep the niggers under control.
To expand on this, Trump's policies favor the interests of the American people. Cracking down on illegal immigration will protect wages and jobs and also stop wasting taxpayer money to house, feed, and give medical care to them. Blocking bad trade deals like NAFTA and TPP will also protect wages and jobs. And electing pro-Constitution Supreme Court Justices will protect our rights. And Trump won't commit felonies, violate our national security, sell out our country, or get more Americans killed like the globalist puppet traitor candidates.
We're pro-Hillary here, faggotkike.
Fuck off back to normie-ville you big nosed Jew.
"Oh yeah just a random bagel" my ass.
When Hillary is elected, she's removing you scumfucks from our banking system. You think money controls everything?
WRONG. Fear does. Get ready for the 1st American Reich.
I'm voting for Clinton because I've made it a habit to not overwhelmingly vote against my personal interests. Also, Trump is a charlatan. His greatest contribution during this election was to call the GOP to task for exploiting ignorant, reactionary people for more than a century. They fucking deserve him.
I'm not jewish.
Sounds like you have your head on straight, that's what this whole thing boils down to, Nationalism versus Globalism/International Communism.
you asshole I'm on a diet
Part of it's because we're sick of democrats and they utter BULLSHIT they pander everyday.
The other reason is because we're crashing this election, with no survivors!
>I support it if they actually did do 9/11
It's clear you shouldn't vote for either and should consider suicide instead.
Nice speaking with you.
>for some reason
Where's the fucking bagel, m8?
Because we have to stop the jews/globalists
There is no appeal to Trump, he loves niggers and now he doesn't even want to genocide the mexicans.
A vote for Hillary is a vote for aborting nigger babies until there aren't any niggers left.
Vote for Hillary, don't let any of these Trump memes fuck with your head, they're all made by undercover niggers and spics and cucks
A cheese bagel!
Never seen that before.
Does it taste any good?
>explain the appeal of Trump to me. I am undecided at the moment.
If you haven't figured it out by yourself yet, asking here is only going to make you a cheerleader for the best meme.
Unfortunately, you're the exact target demographic to become a Hillary voter.
Congrats, you're a Trump supporter
low energy meme'ing, sad
Ignore that part regarding the Jews. We actually have problems with other people invading our community and spreading lies all the time. People sometimes even pay them to do so. Not just here by the way.
We simply wish what is best for our nation, rather than what is best for the elite of the world. That is really what it boils down to. There are many other issues involved of course. However, it would require time on your part to be able to discern the lies and propaganda from the truth on here.
I like him because he seems to be down with getting rid of non citizens using welfare programs and preventing them from sending money out of the country. If you've never paid taxes and don't have a social security number you shouldn't get any money from the government. If you want to become a citizen there's already a way to do it legally and some of them have been here illegally for so long that if they had just done it right to begin with they'd already be legal.
Also I want to see if they'll actually build the wall.
Sup Forums is actually pro hillary and has been for years, only a small minority actually supports trump. Hillary is better for whites in the long run. Screencap this and show CNN our actual views.
They are breddy good.
OP is probably in the tri state most likely NYC
shoo shoo
That bagel was posted on a yelp page a year ago. Hey look everyone is pretending to be wacky zany trolls on Sup Forums kill yourself op
Agreed. Only Hillary is openly against those damn negroes.
user, just fire up the maymays instead
If you are actually new here and not just shit posting, you should note that this board is filled with sarcasm and likes to just generally fuck with people. Enjoy your stay. Don't take everything too seriously... Laugh a little.
>posting a picture
Oh shit, I'm in debt with the Sup Forums mods by a looooooooooooong way >_>
It's nice to actually listen to someone who actually engages with communities instead of someone who does the same thing but only for focusing on sound bites and photo ops.
Fake af
Heil Hillary uber alles
Watch the Stefan Molyneux videos on Trump.