
>STILL living with mommy and daddy

>still living with mommy AND voting for a faggot chink steak salesman like trump
You know what to do

>voting for drumpf


Ask mom to buy more steak?

Yes goy. Make sure you pay landlord Goldberg well.

>Implying 99% of those who post on this board aren't living on their parents basement.

Sasuga fucking leaf.

>crying yourself to sleep wondering how to pay next week rent with a minimum wage job and thousands on student debt

Lol no thanks.

Ask mom to buy more tendies.

Hey, that's Hibike Euphonium. Good show.

Our species lived in multi generational homes and communities for thousands of years.

I spent time living at my parents home when I finished school. I cherish those memories. I learned things I never did in my youth.

>STILL living with mommy and daddy
fucking loser

Rent in my city is like $800 a month. I can't even find a job that pays more than $11/hour. I'm not going to become a rentslave when I can just stay at home and save that money.

Oy Vey goy! You're supposed to waste half your paycheck on rent

Kek, have fun being a nobody all your life. If you take a min wage job then you are a loser

>falling for the kike meme of paying out the ass for rent when you could live with your parents


>not killing yourself for being a cis white male

> 18+
> Still don't identify as pansexual otherkin

>not living with mommy and daddy
>not collecting autism bux
>not supporting Trump

Kek, have fun being a nobody all your life. If you take a full wage job then you still end up paying thousands on debts, and spend 99% of your salary on rent. While remaining a nobody.

>oy goy!

this. why pay a Jew to live in his house only as long as you can afford it. pay a Jew bank until you own your own home and then only have to pay land taxes to the Jew gubmint