Welcome normies, I'm sorry to say but you are now here forever.
Welcome normies, I'm sorry to say but you are now here forever
What do you mean?
I'll make dinner for you guys.
Ride never ends.
You dun goofed. Prepare to learn more about Estonia than you ever thought you'd know.
Nice 2 pair you got there normie. You don't understand right now, but you will.
Nice 3 of a kind you got there.
Estonia has a population of approximately 1.3 million people.
You don't know me.
When I first discovered /fit/ a few years ago, I heard that all the time. I didn't know what Sup Forums was, but heard people constantly bitch about certain posters "going back to their containment board".
Ironically, had they never mentioned it, I wouldn't have checked this board out.
I'm as normie as they come- awesome wife, house, solid job, friends, Etc.
I have no interest in LARPING as a nazi and find the ideology to be cringeworthy, but I'm also an adult who can ignore things I don't like or agree with in search of solid discussion/news/banter.
Normies everywhere are so fucking sick of being censored and shat on by the elitist media and are beyond done with the culture of PC/no sense of humor/snark.
So the more the left discusses places like Sup Forumss existence, the more new Sup Forumsacks they've created. It's fascinating to watch. They still do not get the Streisand effect, nor do they get how insanely censorious they've become.
"I can't even see racial slurs. OMG I CANT EVEN"
When did we get to a point in society and politics discussion where we wholesale stop listening or exploring an entire site because of some "offensive" words on a screen.
You're right, I don't know you. We know human the human condition though, and we know human instincts to learn, and curiosity. That will lead you to continue coming back here. If you're hear more than 2 days, you will never leave. You may try and push away from it for days, weeks, or months...you will always come back though. If you don't want to be here forever leave now, and never come back.
This coupled with the truth...mainstream fucked up extremely today.
Estonia was home to over ten thousand loosely organized resistance fighters who fought Soviet occupation well into the 1950s from hidden camps, deep within Estonia's forests.
These men, along with resistance fighters in Latvia and Lithuania were collectively known as "The Forest Brothers."
>implying I haven't been here for months/years.
stay around and find out.
Aaaaand your back? Case in point.
Estonia is gay
Watching that speech was not even annoying like it usually is. It was such a crazy exercise in doublethink and hypocrisy that even normies are losing their shit.
Example: she begins the speech by saying Trump acknowledging how fucked up black communities are in America was delusional, negative, and racist.
I think the mainstream elites have been so insulated for so long that they truly believe the news cycle narratives they peddle . I also think they are able to forget anything that clashes with the narrative.
The entire country watched Baltimore burn and has seen all the cops acquitted by a judge, not jury. The entire country watched Ferguson burn as Wilson was no billed. And the entire country took note of the lack of coverage of Milwaukee burning in favor of Lochte's nonsense.
I'm not even a huge Trump fan, but the elites have painted themselves in a tight corner. Hillary/Trump, whoever wins is almost no longer relevant.
We /Balkanized/now familia. Just because the media stopped acknowledging the Democratic Party split don't mean it ain't there.
Her speech today also indicated that her internal polls are telling a decidedly different story than the media ones. If her health, for example, is a "conspiracy", then why the fuck address it twice in a week unless it was gaining traction. And why didn't she address it with a press conference?
Wild times to be alive.
haha wow oh look there is the close tab option.
By the way, calling us normies doesn't make you seem cool
>what did he mean by this?
>no tendies
Every 5 years, Estonians gather at the Tallinn Singing Grounds in the capital of Estonia, Tallinn, to listen to nearly 30,000 signers sing traditional songs of Estonia.
It is believed nearly a third of the country comes to watch this 2 day festival known as "laulupidu."
Plz make some knödel with Mushrooms for me too.
>By the way, calling us normies doesn't make you seem cool
Because that's the point of calling you a normie. Fuckin' kill yourself.
Who is that?
Theres nothing cringeworthy about national socialism of fascism
It's amazing, it truly is.
recently newfag here, have ever been normie raids before? how long did it take to end?
I remember you. You're this guy, right?
You have so much to learn
Dan "Rough-rider, stick it inside her but hold her a little tighter" Schneider.
>those jawlines
fucking hell this is some prime german stock
myron hard
Estonia itself is home to over 2,200 islands. The largest and most beautiful is called Saaremaa.
Stay a while and learn.
That's wrong, Saaremaa is most largest but Hiiumaa is completely based.
They don't have the only megaphone anymore after decades of being the only one. They have competition, and they have NO IDEA about real competition. Imagine one person on a basketball court getting constant praise and thinking that they're the best player in the world while they're parents buy them the nicest equipment. Then all of a sudden the court they play on 9 niggers walk onto the court and wreck his shit...that person would have no idea what to do. That's what's happening to MSM they have independent journalism that have 50-100 other megaphones yelling back at them. They've been so sheltered that they think whatever they say will go. Nope and they're getting a hard lesson in it.
Normie raids are somewhat good, they're soaking in the redpill through osmosis until they realise
Praise kek. I thank you for your blessings of quads.
God above blessed me with those genes,
> muh peeple
Did the talking heads prepare you for this place?
You were casually linked here and you should not have visited
It is too late
You are here forever
Forever with pepe
The largest festering pit of "humanity" in the world is a town full of drunk and criminal Russians illegally occupying Estonian soil. It is called "Narva" and was once home to The Tannenberg Line, a severe headache for Soviet forces in WWII.
Good first attempt at memming
We've had normie raids before...probably nothing like this. This is actually kind of interesting, seems to be more of curiosity than shit posting. They seemed genuinely shocked by freedom of speech. Not at all what mainstream wanted.
narva needs to be burned down to the ground so we could rebuild it and get rid of all the russians in it
And while we will always disagree, i really prefer to be on a website that allows that disagreement rather than one that sterilizes any forms of dissenting opinion or, sadly enough in the current year, dissenting facts.
I think the normies who end up here as a result of media attention will especially be pleasantly surprised by the staggering amount of fact based arguments compared to other sites. Motherfuckers on here are no joke when it comes to demanding facts or studies or numbers vs. "I have a friend who is (x) therefore everyone who looks like him is (y). Checkmate haters."
I'm hearing more and more normies discuss how unreliable MSM is, and how they can never find any information anymore. It's all one giant Op-Ed.
Do you think mainstream is just that desperate? They've known about Sup Forums for a LONG time...why shine the spot light on us now? Seems an act of desperation to me.
Oh sweet summer child.
You have already looked to deep into the abyss
What's a normie?
Shudder I thought I would never see this picture again. This is honestly on the level of gore.
Normal person that doesn't know what's really going on.
It's like a CHAD, but it has a Dad Bod and gets with STACY's best friend.
all I want is to fuck some hot mongolian/estonian women
What's a dad bod mr double digits
And that's the ultimate point, which your quads verify.
Fox and MSNBC were never competitors. CNN really never had any either. But now? Holy fuck. My mom actually googles and fact checks almost everything. It's wild.
When moms start disbelieving everything they see on TV, it's a problem. (Not for us, for the MSM)
Nice dubs.
God-damn. This is so fucking true. I'm found Sup Forums because of FBI user a few weeks ago.
Now, I'm fucking hooked. What the fuck is in this shit?
I'm 45, for Christ's sake. I'm starting to worry. I think in memes now.
Dan "The can sized man" Schneider
Me too. Eesti Women Besti Women.
Out of shape.
the devil speaks
>elitist media
You're on pol normie, you can say who they are: jews.
>this is a 10 in estonia
>tfw migrated from /r9k/ during Brexit and never left
Before that I barely came on Sup Forums anymore, guess it was time for a new home board.
This place is true freedom of speech, and makes redpills as easy to swallow as possible. It's like drugs to increase awareness, and people have been starved of true awareness.
Probably a 6-7 in Eesti.
not enough muscle mass for dad bod
barely a step above fattskinny (not skinnyfat)
Dropping red pills like they're hot
My dubs say otherwise, but alright close enough though.
What did he mean by this?
There are more supermodels in Estonia per capita than any other country.
is this kind of freedom shocking to normies? i agree about social network but irl it isnt too strange to talk in those terms
i-isn't it?
Nice double repeating digits newcomer, or should I say in our native tongue nice double dubs newfag.
Really makes you think
How long did it take them to make you gay?
>1998 was 45 years ago
I think the previous gentleman (or m'lady *tips*), hit on the largest point: there is zero competition and they have no idea what they're doing in the era of citizen journalism.
CNNs clicks went down a bit, and I suspect their engagement numbers plummeted after months of the BLM narrative. That's why they did a 180 and even Chris Cuomo now attempts to allow disagreements that a year ago were shut down in favor of muh institutional racism.
I truly do believe it's more a matter of baby boomer narcissism and incompetence than conspiracy.
You'll be back tomorrow
Estonia using a proxy now?
Oh absolutely.
They will be shocked by the namecalling though. Good.
if any sjw is lurking, here is a nice piece of art of a feminazi getting facefucked and stuff
It's not that way anymore user, unless you have true bro friends. Everyone is PC, and people are worried about saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Society is all about walking on eggshells now and certain gingerly terminology only allows you to know someone is not going to rat you out to get you fired/ostracized. This place where people openly say nigger, and kike is shocking to them in a good refreshing way. They'll stay here for the true freedom of speech and vent...all the while they stay here they get redpilled.
Let me tell you about the Jews
Been here (Sup Forums, not Sup Forums) since 2007.
You never leave.
Within a few months I legitimately caught me checking dudes out on the street unironically.
Not even comparing myself to them, or being jelly. It was more an appreciative, "man, he must spend 3 hours a day cooking, working out, prepping, etc. Good for him."
Shit like that.
Me too!
really? i say nigger in front of friends with no problem and we joke about fags and stuff, of course not in front of niggers and fags. but we are by no means extreme right party or anything, actually probably most vote liberal
we just like racist jokes, they are fun after all
Estonian and Finnish are unique languages to Europe. No other languages are similar. (Hungarian is too far out.)
F. Karhu = E. Karu = Bear
F. Terve = E. Tere = Hello