So Sup Forums is actually, unironically, literally playing a fucking major part in the US presidential election...

So Sup Forums is actually, unironically, literally playing a fucking major part in the US presidential election? How the fuck did this even happen?

And people said the glory days of chans are over.

Other urls found in this thread:

god i wish it was still 2007..

More popularity means more shitposting and less of established views and culture.

Think of it like immigrants flooding Sup Forums with their own culture, and the number becomes so large that it drowns out any "nationalistic" pride one would have towards this site or board.

Enjoy the collapse of Sup Forums. Glory days indeed.

This is true cyber warfare

its psyops

its large outside organizations and governments coordinating "anonymously" like little the bitches they are

I dont know but even British leftist newspapers are pushing the Sup Forums alt right meme.

I think they are still salty over brexit.

We've been able to hold integrity pretty well compared to say, Sup Forums, we need some moderation though, more discussion, a bit like cripplechan perhaps.

>bee me
>hate minorities
>subsribe to turner diaries and stormfag ideology
>see nigga nigga ooga booga'ing down the street and stealing shit
>mfw when i pray to glorious kek god
>next day
>turn on the news
>in other news, two local black teens were killed last night while running off with a number of stolen goods from best buy after falling into a swamp filled with frogs that suffocated them
>mfw when pepe answers my prayers

Can someone please link me what is going on? I keep seeing stuff like "pol is playing a major part" but why is that? What did pol do?

What if Sup Forums turns into Sweden and we get flooded with immigrants from Reddit and Tumblr who fear wars there and we lose our original sense of culture?



we became THE JEW

>What did pol do?

well i dont know what pol did but i fucked ur mom

its already becoming that. You start seeing threads on a biweekly basis from self-proclaimed women or minorities. You start allowing pajeet, pakis, niggers from africa and brazil shitposting on here. Eventually this board will become Sup Forums for anyone but white cisgendered males

> Sup Forums has delusions of grandeur

You want to know why OP? Because there's only so much the white man can take until he loses it.

Feminists, BLM, Chad, SJWs, Marxists, Jews, all of them kept poking the bear. They kept trying to pick a fight with the one group of people that have consistently throughout history been fucking crazy. Forget the great art, churches, and intellectual tradition. White men were always firstly the most efficient warriors, and the continent from which they hailed was always at war throughout its history.

And this is what you get, normie world. The bear woke up. And a bunch of robots and neckbeards on Sup Forums are going to help get their presidental candidate in office, and then it's off to the gas chambers with the rest of you

Is this true?

Thankfully we will force the normies to eventually take the red-pill. Anybody who comes here is never the same again.

t. Former Commie Liberal.


Oddly, i think we have so much power because we are the only people giving a different narrative than the msm. It is why fox is so popular, because it is the network with a right wing tilt, while all the others are left tilting.

We have now become the Jews.

It was inevitable. We studied them, got familiar with their ways. The trickery. The memetic warfare.

Now, we are ready to seize the power for ourselves.

We have started the fire, brothers.

>Sup Forums gets linked on CNN
>the alt right decides the best possible option is to run away and hide, then proceeds to "epicly troll" aka shit up its own meeting place with garbage.

First and last time Sup Forums has any influence over anything, you're all a bunch of beta cucks who can't actually DO anything.

Sup Forums didn't do shit, cuckchan and leddit did all the work. I don't think anyone here, except for newfags, actually identifies with ""alt-right"". Sup Forums these days is filled with underage Sup Forums tards, thinking that their shitposting actually amounts to something.

You're welcome.
>just spam normie deterring memes desu

>Sup Forums

you guys definitely helped, but you aren't the orchestrators of what's been going on.

Well interesting from what I hear third world countries have a ton of range bans that prevent them from posting anyways.

Wait I'm a jew but I'm on Sup Forums. Can I be saved?

I didn't get to see because I was at work all day, did Hillary really mention Sup Forums?

It was all orchestrated by wheelchan but Sup Forums was the footsoldiers.

I'm a wagecuck who just got home and wasn't able to monitor Shillary's speech from work, what did she say?


Because normies are literally dumb sheep without any agenda.
Sup Forums is a bunch of irl underachieving people who at least think and question things, which 90% of the population wont do.

>a different narrative

>a mental scrapbook of schizophrenia and 'proof'



>youtube is one of the least trolled
Do they even ready the comments section?

No. She said
>alt right
>angry white youths.
Probably talking about reedit.

This is fucking Project Chanology all over again, fampai, except we KEK instead of "lul" and it's political based.

>people mistook that the chans had a dark age for death

We are in Enlightenment now

Entering the post-ironic era of memes truly took us to an entirely new level.

Oh, about what I expected then. Thanks.

so are we moving to instagram?

its called the Dark Enlightenment


All the media literally mentioned Sup Forums and hatefulchan m8, she definitely talked about us.

this is what Sup Forums was born to be - the great red pill awakening is upon us.

Did it start with summoning ebola-chan or was it earlier?

Missed everything it seems. What happend?

>Not redpilling hot singles in your area on yikyak

I think baneposting is what tore through the nether realm and opened the postdimensional memeportal. The amount of energy in this meme is unbelievable.

Sup Forums has been even worse than usual since the exodus to 8pol, shitposting killed the majority of worthwhile discussion a long time ago.

>So Sup Forums is actually, unironically, literally playing a fucking major part in the US presidential election

It isn't.

not much, desu, but someone screamed PEPEEE during her speech, which was a highlight, definitelly. she said we're so bad we believe the children from sandyhook were actors, but she never dropped the name specifically that it's about Sup Forums

I agree with this statement.

We have started the fire


someone fill me in


We are a board of peace. That's why we support Hillary. #StandWithHer because she will devastate the ghettos and cause more niggers to be shot by police.

Please, Sup Forums is just a boogeyman for the neo-liberals and democrats to blame.

>hating tayto
King crisp fags OUT

praise Kek

Yes we must get Hillary elected so she can continue to incarcerate the black super predators.

not really. hillary just linked trump to the alt right and Sup Forums because people here are his most embarrassing supporters.

No, participation in anything is always ironic. FTW.

She'll pull the police out of the ghettos and make sure they keep shooting each other at record numbers. Just look how well the furguson effect has worked out so far!

It's amazing that blacks still vote democrat even though their policies time and time again just wreck the black community. Guess it really is proof that they're inferior.


Yep, used to be pretty ambivalent about politics. Now I want all scum removed from this country and I can't go back to normal. Thanks guys

well 2 thousand years ago the jews killed jesus
and they just been at it ever since.

Sounds about Right

Have we started the fire?

There is a market for racism.

>How the fuck?


We need to get CNN to think that baneposting is alt-right code speak


When Hillary started quoting Milo's breitbart articles and went full Alex Jones on Alex Jones I fucking lost it.

Hopefully it's not a black market

This. I want to see all niggers dead so #I'mWithHer.

we've lost control of our memes

the weird thing is, we haven't even done anything this time.

>alps is where CERN is
>CERN is currently doing some spooky demon summoning sacrifice shit
>CERN might be hiding a portal in their deep mines

I think we maybe opened the meme portal that day.


we are the meme Illuminati

We should protect Sup Forums from normies. We can't build a wall, but we could always do what sadpanda does.

I love it. Now let's meme Hillary to the presidency.

>bored millenials on the internet
>realised we could fuck with people in the real world if we worked rogether
>took on a politcial bent after the ease of information access on the internet allowed the lies of the elites to become apparent
>events like gamergate allowed us to sharpen our campaigning skills
>protected by the ironic and nuanced nature of our board culture, it becomes impossible for any psyops or spying to really take place
>spread from chans into more "real" social media, such as reddit and twitter
>right-wing news sites and radio shows picked up our ideas, actual republicans started shifting towards our views
>Trump saw the gap in cuckservatism and took the oppurtunity
>we act as his online vanguard, providing a service Hillary could never dream of paying for, hundreds of thousands of expert memesters pumping out shitposts and propaganda 24/7

I don't know how many people from Sup Forums go on other sites like reddit or twitter but what the MSM refer to as "alt-right" is literally everywhere, in newspaper comment sections, chatrooms, aggregate sites, social media. Every forum on the internet besides tumblr broadly holds our views. We won the culture war for the internet.

>The Greatest Story Never Told


jesus christ rofl. did someone actually yell PEPEEE


>three dedicated threads for making anti-clinton memes and disbursing them to the general public with propaganda 101 infopics so anyone can participate

It's a homophobic attack on the iconic love story between a CIA agent and a man with a big heart. It also glorifies terrorism and rejoices when "meme magic" causes a plane crash

It's a big meme.

Goddammit someone actually did.



>The Guardian
that kanker is tumblr in print format

god I wish kikes would stop funding it, it makes so much lossess it would collapse in year or two.

I witnessed Sup Forums learning from its greatest ennemies, to think that years of falseflaging on twitter led us to a deep understanding of social networks manipulations and meme magick practices

a lot of people seem to forget that Sup Forums is literally on of the bigges sites around nowadays

Like the sekrit club mentality gets ridiculed on here but most people still believe in it deep down

Absolutely not. Sup Forums is deluding itself as usual (see: countless HAPPENING threads every day that never pan out)

But it is our sekret klub. Its just that we always bash on those lefties so hard they forget they even visited.

So, you're saying we've siezed the memes of production?

They become redpilled, not the other way around

A lot of the 8pol posters are coming back, though. That site has had some major problems lately.

It's because we've unleashed the power of an ancient god