ITT: Movies about white "culture"

Protip: there are none

How is your internet crusade doing?

No examples. Just as I thought.

so if i can't trace back my (white) ancestry i can show my white pride?

oh wait then i suppose you would call it american pride, which black americans are also a part of

that guy in op pic should be shot

Pride and prejudice

"all black people were slaves"... ok boy

Take your false flagging back to Sup Forums, friend.

Richie Rich

>pretends to have irish culture
I promise you people, if you fat fuckers ever went to europe you would be laughed at wherever you went. You dont get to have ours, wallow in your own fucked up shit culture

Take your non examples back to /s/

>Black people had culture
>But whitey erased all trace of it from history
Really make you think

Are you somehow pretending Irish people don't exist in America? There's a bar with Irish drink and live music played by Irish musicians where we all revel in the drink.


The blacks were too stupid to remember what village they're from and tell their children? I mean how many stories in the past survived through oral telling and bards and no writing?

>hahaha I'm a ginger and my mother is an from Ireland
>My father is of serbian polish russian german french italian
>well obviously I'm Irish, I drink on St. Patrick's
Really made me think

Allright. See you in the next shitposting thread.

ah yes the standard american 'muh heritage' response. You have places to indulge in the stereotypes of what you think the culture is. Too bad the actual culture is totally different, and the way you see your 'heritage' is more informed by american tv and movies. If you plan on going to ireland stick to dublin, theyve built it to pander to you

Oh no I'm not Irish.

>there's no pan-European culture

Yes, there is. In the same way there's "Chinese" or "Indian" culture. Those places are just as diverse culturally as Europe, well China maybe not so much since communism but India definitely.

Wrong conclusion. If all the descendants from Europe knew exactly where they come from and their ancestors and the ancestors from their ancestors and so on, they had a pretty good case for racism. But it's mostly the opposite. Nobody knows really where he is from, just a few generations (like the blacks aswell).

>had cultural revolution
>had british culture forcibly woven into all levels of life

>can't present a point without saying fuck unnecessarily multiple times


you get the same issues with american blacks going back to africa. They aren't afrian they are americans, and always will be. Just like the germans/italians/irish/polish etc. etc.

You cant go back, you american, deal with it

What's your point? India is diverse as fuck ethnically and culturally. It's like whole other world inside one country.

so the reason why black pride is a thing is because blacks don't have any real culture?

American History X

white people are explicitly mentioned in the declaration of independence

cry more you slave descended rapebabby

Father of the Bride
Sixteen Candles
Falling Down

any movie with all white main characters as primary roles
came out in the 80's or 90's
has a pg rating.

his point is that there can be a generic homogenous culture seen as the combination of the smaller ones, and he wants to apply that to europe. It doesnt work for either example as china had a whole thing to make a generic homogenous culture and it went to shit, and india had a de facto homogenous culture forced on them as the most valuable british colony. Neither prove the point and neither are practically comparable to europe

not to mention how elite you are.

I only know rich fuckers like to say
"our family can be traced back to the mayflower"

british rich fags like to say their family was decendants of king richard II or some shit as well.

We Need to Talk About Kevin

>you can only feel pride in your identity if you've been oppressed historically

>my family can be traced back to rotten teeth sexless puritans who were fucking reviled back home so had to go be shit elsewhere. No wonder america is so fucked when it's built by the most useless members of it's citizens countries of origin

>there is no pan-European culture
but there fucking is. England, Germany, France etc. weren't fucking isolated from each other for thousands of years and haven't developed overly unique cultures from each other. are they fucking retard?

Honestly this is at least thought provoking, but Sup Forums is too retarded to get it

>I only know rich fuckers like to say
>"our family can be traced back to the mayflower"
They're called WASPs

>vague post about how smart something is (and by extension you are) without being able to define it or defend it in any way

They did. Are you an American? French and German cultures are nothing alike.

>French and German cultures are nothing alike
fine, if they're so culturally distinct you should be able to tell me whether this is a French painting or a German painting without looking it up
and no i'm not american

>Posts an obviously Dutch painting

the canal probably gave it away

I've traced my family back to around 700-800, u jelly?