Al*x Jones loses his shit
Al*x Jones Responds To Hillary's Attack
Poor innocent water filter salesman. He did nothing to deserve this ;_;
stop shilling your shit show you fat cuckold
>"The Texan? that's right slime"
>Muh Saruman
If he could stay on topic and have bullet point it would be fine but he rambles on for SO LONG.
>trusting the water filter jew
alex is in "ecstasy" over this to quote him, nice try shill
Alex enjoys the attention.
I think he spermed all over his pants. This is the most attention he'll get after the Bohemian Grove video.
> Sup Forums has seized the memes of production
The shit you autists have managed to get Hillary fucking Clinton, the 80 year old fucking Democratic President of the United States candidate to say on national fucking TV.
Holy fucking shit. Hillary sounded like an Alex Jones guest with all that shit. Just on and on and on with crazy fucking autistic shit for half an hour. Hillary fucking Clinton. By the end I was waiting for her to mention Chris Chan.
Jesus. Meme magic is real. You've driven that woman insane.
This screenshot is absolutely gold, thanks op
i don't even care -- this dude has done more to wake up large swaths of people than anyone.
this hillary speech was a victory for alt media and conservatives
>implying wasn't always insane
the multiverse is out of whack.
the altright is the new power and future of the right.
> innocent water filter salesman attacked viciously by failing presidential candidate.
She really did look like a loon I'm not going to lie.
why doesn't he publically sue her if she's lying about what he said?
Should we start a death pool for jones to end up on the Clinton body count list?
She literally said Putin is the defacto leader of the alt right.
can somebody tell me what's wrong with Alex Jones' voice?
he should get that checked by a doc.
look at all those dubs!
>not checking mine
you're such an ass. give credit where credit is due.
holy shit
7:40 to skip the damage control and get straight to the alex jones response.
well memed
>Ayo hol up
>*smacks lips*
>so you wuz sayin
>*takes breath*
>Donald Trump
>*prepares safe space*
>*double-checks trigger warnings*
>*eats watermelon and hides in the rind*
>a user
>*stocks up on fried chicken*
>named "WhiteGenocideTM"?
Why would he? This is going to gain him hundreds of thousands of new YT followers.
He feeds off of this stuff.
Too much super male vitality
12:00 to actually skip more stuff and actually see alex jones start bragging about beating hillary.
We make fun of Alex Jones a lot. He's clearly a bit of a blowhard and thinks he's way more important than he really is. He talks over all of his own co-hosts and barely lets them speak.
But he's pretty amusing.
He's a character, and he realizes he's a character. He's like Trump in that way.
The Left doesn't have anyone like that. No larger than life characters. The Left is full of people that are small.
Jones dominates the room he's in.
People like Ellen Degeneres, Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper, look like they're auditioning for the role.
I just skipped to the end for the good part.
>wasn't even selling water filters this time, he was selling shirts.
wtf I hate Alex Jones now
Based corn enthusiast at it again
finally. nice dubz you got here yourself.
Finally, I was giving it a couple of hours. Been waiting for this as soon as she said it. Was giving it another hour to hit his channel
Thank you based user
Guys, stop!
You're turning the fucking frogs gay!
it would make her look stupid and invalidate her whole speech even further than it already has been
18:00 alex jones gives a heartly loud laugh
Fuck off Ana
I just started watching. Dis gun b good. Time to pop some Super Male Vitality and Brainforce to get ready.
Jesus fuck, is he having a ball
That's pretty fucking special
jesus fuck idk what it is about this guy but he is hilarious to watch
Alex Jones may be crazy, but he's on fucking point pretty much all the time. Except for the water filters and super male vitality shit, if you ignore that he really seems to just get it
a big fat baby in grown up clothes
>the way he starts laughing maniacally when hillary speaks
top kek, I fucking love this man
He gets giddy for a minute then snaps out of it and rapid fires red pills
The more I think about it, calling out Nige and Alex, is glorious
Fucking glorious. This will cost her bigly, this is yuge
At this point I think she believes all American's are stupid
Daily reminder:
Hillary made a huge fucking mistake by naming several websites, etc etc.
She made both us and them (people like Alex) extremely more popular.
That was amazing
>but he's on fucking point pretty much all the time
>crisis actors
>9/11 was an inside job
>Russia attacking
>FEMA camps
>fluoride in the water
>nazi globalists
>everything is a false flag
>but he's on fucking point pretty much all the time
Perfect filename.
>We like cartoon people
Just buy my damn filters
I have to admit I know believe Hillary is getting extremely nervous because of Breitbart, Alex Jones and Sup Forums. Why otherwise speak against some water-filter salesman and chinese imageboard trolls? Seriously loving every minute of this whole election.
and the more I think about it, I think we will be pressing "F" for Alex in the next month
At this point it wouldn't even take a Clinton hitman. Her supporters are so brain washed one would probably do it for free
>dude went full blown John Cena
kys weeb
Is Alex Jones our boy?
You really think Timothy Mcveigh was working for the CIA?
>crisis actors
Real thing
Real thing
>9/11 was an inside job
It was
>Russia attacking
Real thing
>FEMA camps
Rex 84 real thing
>fluoride in the water
Real thing
>nazi globalists
Switch nazi with jew and it's correct
>everything is a false flag
Most of them are
Not going to lie, I think Piers is one of the few respectable shitlibs. While I vehemently disagree with his stance on gun control, I've seen a few tweets of him BTFOing various people calling for safe spaces and other leftist nonsense. He reminds me of Richard Dawkins: while I disagree with him on a lot (like militant atheism), I respect his positions on other leftist issues (like races, Islam, etc.)
Four Minutes, and Alex Jones hasn't said a damn thing.
He's a Huffin' Puffin' piece of Nuffin'.
He was an Irish! The Irish did this! Get rid of THEM!
I'm going to filter you like estrogen in tap water, globalist shill.
Also that damn Bill Clinton rape shirt ad at the end of the video.
He's a twat. Don't forget to judge correctly, the mainstream media are helping you too much I can see. Here's an accurate review of Piers:
>Piece of shit
Don't get caught up in the BS, it's affecting your thinking. He's a piece of shit. That's how you judge correctly
He left Britain not because he became big, because he's a piece of shit. No one cares about it his opinion. It had the opposite affect. He left because - he's an irrelevant piece of shit
Just let me help you one more time. Piers Morgan = Piece of shit
me on the left with the haircut
god dammit I would Armenian genocide that pussy
18:06 someone yells "INFOWARS.COM"
What a time to be alive
this is the best webm ever. whats the source?
____ N
(((alex jones))) is such a raging faggot
>The Arch-Criminal
I fucking love this man I swear
You might have misunderstood. I don't like Piers Morgan in any significant way. I simply have respect for him in much the same way one can respect their honorable, reasonable enemies. I feel the same way about a few cuckservatives like Rick Wilson: I've seen his twitter bantz, and I can respect him for not simply going "WOW JUST WOW". Instead, he is capable of having a certain sense of humor about things that I rarely see, and I can respect that. I definitely disagree with much of what they're saying, but that doesn't mean I have no respect for them as adversaries
Named by Roger Stone at 18:40, calls out Soros then CTR
A Domino effect.
not an argument
>t. abdul
You have to remember he used to be an editor of a sensationalist newspaper over here. So he knows how headlines work. Therefore he understands how to make tweets that stick
I'm not unsulting you Ameribro, I'm just trying to help you see him for what he is. He isn't a Trump. He's just an irrelevant piece of shit and a coward, that will do anything for the dollar.
There isn't one moral bone in his body. He would change his opinion if there was 1 more dollar in being the opposition
He's a snake, and a weasel
fuck off anime shitter
If anyone still lurking please see this (shameless selfie)
pol was right again
Is Alex Jones the ultimate red pill?
Alex Jones walked into the middle of a blm protest with a megaphone and in 30 seconds had already dropped the soros bomb.
The local police had to form a human shield around him and run him out of the crowd when people started pushing him.
I love Alex Jones.
No thanks.
I should have mentioned, he seems on point pretty much all the time to them who are off their meds
best response
Is actually an argument
>complaining about anime on Sup Forums
Why does anyone take this guy seriously? It's quite clear he's unhinged. I have no idea why Trump even bothered with this loser.
He might be into retarded shit but god is he entertaining
>Real thing
people actually don't think 9/11 was an inside job to some extent? come on, faggot, that's the most believable consptheo around.
you're right. it's because the left can't make fun of themselves. jones and trump and mcinnes can all be intentionally absurd while still making good points. with leftist talk show hosts, their mantra is "i'm always right and you're always wrong".
>complaining about anime on Sup Forums
more like on Sup Forums you pos